There is no real storm in the make, but we will get wet on wide parts of DR for early weekend, Very Likely.
We have a Vaguada forming to influence most of DR Territory and the Disturbance moving from the SWern Caribbean Sea towards Haiti will push moisture over Western DR, too.
Both are steered by a Front reaching from the Central Bahamas Eastward, so some parts of DR will get good water amounts, the more W the more Water.
Our wettest time frame for the coming days/this weekend should be Friday Noon/Afternoon until Saturday Noon/Afternoon.
Again, no Stormy danger anywhere in the make, most part comes from the Vaguada, the Disturbance passing towards Haiti just extends/adds a bit more to the rainy scene.
The Vaguada will very likely bring danger to our flood-vulnerable areas, the amounts can be very hefty for a 24+hrs time period, which is here on our Island a very long raining period, specially when it pours down hard.
While I am the country boy doing the happy dance for the rain, i am pretty sure that many will not be that happy of campers for this weekend.
Saturday is my daughters 13th Birthday Party with BBQ, darn sure I have my preparations done to run everything under the roof of the Veranda as a back up plan.
Who ever lives in areas vulnerable for flooding, get ready or better plan on a couple days at home, don't drown your cars at the well known typical flood prone sections.
As for real storms, we should be done for this season, conditions with dry air, high wind shear and frontals blocking the usual directions for storms, are all up on full force and would not allow anything to become anything big, but at the same moment our wetter Caribbean late Fall/Winter Time has started.
This year there was/is no real Fall, weather wise, we went straight in just one step from full force Hurricane Summer Conditions to rainy Winter Conditions..
Despite any weather, I wish everyone a beautiful rests of the week and weekend.