Nothing felt in Santo Domingo.
Listin Diario reported:
Tsunami alert for 10 minutes after 7.7-magnitude earthquake between Jamaica and Cuba
Ramón Delanoy, director of the Seismological Institute of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, said a tsunami warning was issued for the country because the magnitude of the earthquake warranted it until the data was properly verified. Delanoy said the earthquake took place on the northern tectonic fault.
"We have had several tremors north of Puerto Plata, in the Atlantic, and we were very worried that this earthquake had run north of us, because it was between the Caribbean and the North American plate," Delanoy said.
The Seismological Institute records at least 20 earthquakes in the Dominican Republic, the largest being 4.3, the others ranging from 2.8 to 3.7.