A-Rod insists he is Dominican.

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Didn't you read the text of the Dominican Constitution I translated and then posted regarding the Dominican nationality?

According to it, A-Rod's nationalities are American and Dominican.
Thanks for letting me know about Puerto Rican nationality.

sancochojoe said:
Nationality of Puerto Ricans is, Puerto Rican
who are Citizens of the United States


Nationality - American
Citizenship - US some are saying DR as well
Heritage - Dominican

I like this definition/quote: "Heritage consists of those things we want to keep that give us a sense of the past and of our cultural identity."
Mr.Mark said:
Didn't you read the text of the Dominican Constitution I translated and then posted regarding the Dominican nationality?

According to it, A-Rod's nationalities are American and Dominican.
Thanks for letting me know about Puerto Rican nationality.

Mr. Mark, Sir. Nationality is by definition "the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth". So was he born in DR and the US at the same time???

Your talking about Citizenship and the issue of dual citizenship.


sancochojoe said:
Mr. Mark, Sir. Nationality is by definition "the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth". So was he born in DR and the US at the same time???


The point is that the DR Constitution apparently doesn't define nationality in that way. To have a certain nationality you don't need to be born in the country in question, it's not an exclusive vehicle.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary:

n. pl. na?tion?al?i?ties
The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization.


Mr.Mark said:

The point is that the DR Constitution apparently doesn't define nationality in that way. To have a certain nationality you don't need to be born in the country in question, it's not an exclusive vehicle.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary:

n. pl. na?tion?al?i?ties
The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization.



ok. Semantics I guess. Its nice to have more than one dictionary.
At least there is an understanding.


Mar 8, 2004
Cleef said:
He's beating his grande because being Dominican in baseball is the "hot" thing right now. They (dominicans) presently rule the league and he wants to be in front, with everyone else. If he was originally from Haiti, his comments would be "I'm a New Yorker!!!".

It's his history - not being Dominican - but being a grandstander.

Sorry dude, Venezuelan ball players are the "hot" thing in baseball now. Johan Santana, Melvin Mora, Bobby Abreu, Miguel Cabrera, Carlos Zambrano, amongst others, are a deep, talented group, and so far, without the headache part of the equation.

Just once, can Dominicans give ARod some credit for trying to represent the DR? I mean, it should be a good thing, right? Nothing he does will ever be enough, as if he did something to deserve the bad treatment. I wonder if you feel the same about Manny Ramirez or Albert Pujols.


Feb 24, 2002
A loser, from the book of cleef:

sancochojoe said:
Is that how you define loser??? Very strange. Not getting a championship ring, disregards his financial gains in the sport, his batting career, his game period. No way is he a loser. A loser is someone who gets drummed out of the game in shame, or drugs drags them down into oblivion. but to achieve the status of one of the premier elite baseball players in the league. I would say he is a winner. Doesn't sound like you are a true lover of the game if that is how you define a loser with those accomplishments.

Nobody calls Sammy Sosa a loser. He doesn't have a ring, and he is suspect when it comes to steroids and corked bats.
"Disregards his financial gains" Am I supposed to make sense out of that? Or are you going to come back to a point, eventually? ;)

Let's review some recent history: Seattle was a loser with him, he went to the Rangers, they spiraled to the basement. He went to the Yankees and in his first year, he's (key) part of the greatest collapse in sports history.

That my dear friend, is the pattern of a loser. If it talks like a loser and loses like a loser, pardon the stretch here, we got ourselves a loser?clearly defined.

Sosa made a difference in Chicago, he carried the teams he was on to the playoffs (or very close), season after season. I consider him a loser as well, but for other reasons (mainly b/c he's "golo's" boy - golo, what happened to all your Sosa chirping?).

Arod's contract sucks every last nickel from the team he plays for. That greatly inhibits the team from achieving success. He's now in a place where money has no meaningful place in the equation. So as the song (kind of goes) "if he can't make it there, he can't make it anywhere."

Will he find success in NY? I'd sure expect him to. But we're on year 2 now, and they've (this is a TEAM sport) regressed at every mile marker since he donned the pinstripes.

Short of a crayon and a napkin, I'm not sure if this can be explained in a more fundamental manner.
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Feb 24, 2002
In the smaller circles yes.

toneloc24 said:
Sorry dude, Venezuelan ball players are the "hot" thing in baseball now. Johan Santana, Melvin Mora, Bobby Abreu, Miguel Cabrera, Carlos Zambrano, amongst others, are a deep, talented group, and so far, without the headache part of the equation.

Just once, can Dominicans give ARod some credit for trying to represent the DR? I mean, it should be a good thing, right? Nothing he does will ever be enough, as if he did something to deserve the bad treatment. I wonder if you feel the same about Manny Ramirez or Albert Pujols.
I agree, Venezuela is the hot thing, but not the mainstream just yet.

Tone, you have to admit that he's grandstanding, trying to be part of the 'in' club right now. You lofted a meatball with Ramirez and Pujols; these guys get it. They don't have to speak out on what country they play for or where their loyalty stands, it's obvious.

Arods' running around with his hair on fire screaming "I'm dominican, I'm dominican, everyone love me too!"

I just think it's childish, like that fairy-slap he threw onto Arroyo in the playoffs. Where I come from we call that 'bush-league' and he's as bush as they come.

Mark this down, the best thing to happen to his (modern) career is Tino Martinez coming back to the Yanks. Class act, close friends with Arod and everyone else. He's already made a huge difference in the clubhouse void between MeRod and the Yanks.

Lastly (sancochojoey), Manny and Pujols are winners, can we now see the difference?
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I don't get it. In the 2004 ALCS, were the Red Sox winners or the Yankees losers? Now I know that it's both things, but by the way some of you are talking here (maybe just Cleef) by saying basically something like "Oh, Alex is a loser and the Yankees gave us one of the biggest upsets of Baseball history in the 2004 ALCS" you're automatically turning down one of the greatest achievements in baseball history: the Red Sox coming back from an 0-3 deficit in a ALCS series.

What's up with the Red Sox credits? What happened happened because of how great the Red Sox were in 2004 and not because how bad the Yankees were.


Mar 8, 2004
Cleef said:
I agree, Venezuela is the hot thing, but not the mainstream just yet.

Tone, you have to admit that he's grandstanding, trying to be part of the 'in' club right now. You lofted a meatball with Ramirez and Pujols; these guys get it. They don't have to speak out on what country they play for or where their loyalty stands, it's obvious.

Arods' running around with his hair on fire screaming "I'm dominican, I'm dominican, everyone love me too!"

I just think it's childish, like that fairy-slap he threw onto Arroyo in the playoffs. Where I come from we call that 'bush-league' and he's as bush as they come.

Mark this down, the best thing to happen to his (modern) career is Tino Martinez coming back to the Yanks. Class act, close friends with Arod and everyone else. He's already made a huge difference in the clubhouse void between MeRod and the Yanks.

Lastly (sancochojoey), Manny and Pujols are winners, can we now see the difference?

People seem to have a lot of hate for ARod because he was fortunate and gifted enough to be offered $252 million. He's the best position player in the game. That's the bottom-line.

Dominicans are acting like they are related to him by blood, and he's entitled to give them 1/2 of his $252 million. Anything less, and he's the anti-Christ. What the hell did he ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? Crazily enough, I'm not even an ARod fan, but he deserves the same playing field as everybody else.

Now he's grand-standing??? When in the hell did he EVER previously say that he wasn't Dominican? So why is it a big deal that he's playing for the DR? How is it grand-standing?

During the All-Star break, MLB concocted this world baseball celebration thing. I'm sure when the media questions came around to ARod, he just answered as the article states. Is that grandstanding? You're acting like he called his own press conference to announce this. By the way, Venezuela went on to beat the DR in the "world" HR derby. What backwagon did ARod jump on?

Re: Pujols and Manny. Under your reasoning, they are both losers in their own right as well.

Pujols, although very talented and well-mannered, has won just as much as ARod, absolutely nothing. Also, he is definitely not a product of the Dominican system either. He is as Dominican as ARod.

Manny, also very talented but aloof, just won for the 1st time in his career, and you know it wouldn't have happened without David Ortiz. Keep it real. Remember he was in Cleveland and spent several years in Boston without a title.

On top of that, wasn't Manny being mentioned as a Dominican York as recent as last season? Do a site search where you'll see several Dominicans did not even consider him a "true" Dominican. Now that he's won a WS is he a full-blooded Dominican? My God, the hypocrisy.

Maybe ARod, Pujols, and Manny should just play for the USA, since their true "Dominican-ness" is so suspect. Now that would cause an uproar amongst American ballplayers, and would be the just slap in the face for those holier-than-thou "I'm more Dominican than the next guy" Dominicans.

You should be happy that multi-millionaire mega-stars would risk their career (remember that this crap is being played during spring training) to represent the DR (a small shared island) on a world stage.

I really could care less either way, since baseball lost its luster with me over the past few years.


Great post. "Listen" to this guy.

toneloc24 said:
People seem to have a lot of hate for ARod because he was fortunate and gifted enough to be offered $252 million. He's the best position player in the game. That's the bottom-line.

Dominicans are acting like they are related to him by blood, and he's entitled to give them 1/2 of his $252 million. Anything less, and he's the anti-Christ. What the hell did he ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? Crazily enough, I'm not even an ARod fan, but he deserves the same playing field as everybody else.

Now he's grand-standing??? When in the hell did he EVER previously say that he wasn't Dominican? So why is it a big deal that he's playing for the DR? How is it grand-standing?

During the All-Star break, MLB concocted this world baseball celebration thing. I'm sure when the media questions came around to ARod, he just answered as the article states. Is that grandstanding? You're acting like he called his own press conference to announce this. By the way, Venezuela went on to beat the DR in the "world" HR derby. What backwagon did ARod jump on?

Re: Pujols and Manny. Under your reasoning, they are both losers in their own right as well.

Pujols, although very talented and well-mannered, has won just as much as ARod, absolutely nothing. Also, he is definitely not a product of the Dominican system either. He is as Dominican as ARod.

Manny, also very talented but aloof, just won for the 1st time in his career, and you know it wouldn't have happened without David Ortiz. Keep it real. Remember he was in Cleveland and spent several years in Boston without a title.

On top of that, wasn't Manny being mentioned as a Dominican York as recent as last season? Do a site search where you'll see several Dominicans did not even consider him a "true" Dominican. Now that he's won a WS is he a full-blooded Dominican? My God, the hypocrisy.

Maybe ARod, Pujols, and Manny should just play for the USA, since their true "Dominican-ness" is so suspect. Now that would cause an uproar amongst American ballplayers, and would be the just slap in the face for those holier-than-thou "I'm more Dominican than the next guy" Dominicans.

You should be happy that multi-millionaire mega-stars would risk their career (remember that this crap is being played during spring training) to represent the DR (a small shared island) on a world stage.

I really could care less either way, since baseball lost its luster with me over the past few years.
Cleef said:
"Disregards his financial gains" Am I supposed to make sense out of that? Or are you going to come back to a point, eventually? ;)

Let's review some recent history: Seattle was a loser with him, he went to the Rangers, they spiraled to the basement. He went to the Yankees and in his first year, he's (key) part of the greatest collapse in sports history.

That my dear friend, is the pattern of a loser. If it talks like a loser and loses like a loser, pardon the stretch here, we got ourselves a loser?clearly defined.

Sosa made a difference in Chicago, he carried the teams he was on to the playoffs (or very close), season after season. I consider him a loser as well, but for other reasons (mainly b/c he's "golo's" boy - golo, what happened to all your Sosa chirping?).

Arod's contract sucks every last nickel from the team he plays for. That greatly inhibits the team from achieving success. He's now in a place where money has no meaningful place in the equation. So as the song (kind of goes) "if he can't make it there, he can't make it anywhere."

Last time I checked, 9 men came up to bat. Pitchers and closers for the most part determine the fate of teams and your telling me A-Rod is the blame for Seattle and Texas's failures. Maybe you should be a team owner.

If a team in baseball depends upon one player to turn a team around, they rarely do well. If you look at teams that make the playoffs, they generally have the highest payroll. The year florida won, they were the only time in that playoffs that was not the top paying teams, the other teams in that playoffs were the top payed teams in the league.

Putting all your eggs in one basket, you are dumed for failure. It was not A-Rods fault, Texas just wanted exposure. They are a low market team and so is Seattle. Don't hate him because his agents were able to negotiate the deal.


Apr 11, 2004
I was under the impression that this thread is about patriotism to the D.R.

I would like to share a story about baseball in the Dominican Republic with everyone. Last winter I had the pleasure of being at the deciding game of the Dominican Winter Leauge Championship in Santiago. I go to most of the games in Santiago, but this one was for all the marbles.

When the last out was recorded and Aquilas won, the fireworks went off and the fans stormed the field. Miguel Tejada ran off the field pumping his fist in the air like a teenager.

This is the same Miguel Tejada that has a $ 92,000,000 contract. To me there is no difference between $92,000,000 and$ 252,000,000. You cannot spend either in your lifetime. The only difference that I see is Miguel Tejada representing his local team every year, and the D.R. in the Caribbean World Series. Tell me when is the last time A-Rod showed up?


Feb 24, 2002
Can you read?

toneloc24 said:
Re: Pujols and Manny. Under your reasoning, they are both losers in their own right as well.

Pujols, although very talented and well-mannered, has won just as much as ARod, absolutely nothing. Also, he is definitely not a product of the Dominican system either. He is as Dominican as ARod.

Manny, also very talented but aloof, just won for the 1st time in his career, and you know it wouldn't have happened without David Ortiz. Keep it real. Remember he was in Cleveland and spent several years in Boston without a title.
Not at all. Since Pujols joined the MLB, he's been on a winning - and playoff bound - team every single year. In fact, he's had a division title in hand by Aug 1 (practically).

Manny? Cleveland was in the playoffs (or in contention) every year he was there. Sox? Same thing.

ARod? He finally got into the pennant race for the first time last year. Came up empty all around. And remember he didn't bring a championship to NY, NY brought a title to him. HUGE difference.

So he's the best paid baseball player, and - again - arguably the most outstanding player. By what comes out of his mouth and what he's accomplished in team sport (they judge you by your jewelry) he's a loser.

Planet Manny and Pujols = winners everywhere they've been.

Arod = teams won once they got rid of him. Seattle dumps him and wins more games than any modern team in the history of the game. Texas? Right in the mix in the West.

C'mon folks.


Feb 24, 2002
Great point.

SKY said:
When the last out was recorded and Aquilas won, the fireworks went off and the fans stormed the field. Miguel Tejada ran off the field pumping his fist in the air like a teenager.
He should be - and likely will be - the captain of the DR team.

Every team he goes to gets better.

For Tondeaf and Mrmik is the line of definition between 'winner' and 'loser' becoming any clearer to you neophytes? :cry:


Mar 8, 2004
Read the thread's title

....says absolutely nothing about patriotism to the DR. Just ARod's nationality.

I applaud Tejada and all the other stars who return to the DR to play winter ball. However, they were born into that, and bred into that, buscones and all. ARod wasn't. Does that make him less patriotic?

Listen, the dude commands $25+ million a year, $252 million over the life of the contract. There MUST be some life sacrifices, can you agree? He can't live like the rest of us. He can't take the chances that Tejada, Ortiz, etc. take. Does Manny, Sammy, or Pedro take the same chances in the off-season? Of course not. There is way too much at risk. Do you question their patriotism as well?

The difference between $252 million and $92 million is exactly $160 million. It's a big difference.

SKY said:
I was under the impression that this thread is about patriotism to the D.R.

I would like to share a story about baseball in the Dominican Republic with everyone. Last winter I had the pleasure of being at the deciding game of the Dominican Winter Leauge Championship in Santiago. I go to most of the games in Santiago, but this one was for all the marbles.

When the last out was recorded and Aquilas won, the fireworks went off and the fans stormed the field. Miguel Tejada ran off the field pumping his fist in the air like a teenager.

This is the same Miguel Tejada that has a $ 92,000,000 contract. To me there is no difference between $92,000,000 and$ 252,000,000. You cannot spend either in your lifetime. The only difference that I see is Miguel Tejada representing his local team every year, and the D.R. in the Caribbean World Series. Tell me when is the last time A-Rod showed up?
I just got through listening to a Sports radio channel on XMRadio, and people were talking about the all-Star game and everyone was voicing that they were frustrated when they watched the interview of Tejada after he won the MVP. Americans were pissed because they could not understand him and they were frustrated that Latin players are dominating the game and is baseball lossing its luster. They said that they these latin players should learn english if they are going to get up in front of the camera.

This was just on one of the sports radio channel.

You never can win in this country.


I will add that Tejada himself said he won't play anymore in the Dominican Winter League after the Aguilas conquered the last tournament. His decision has a lot to do with the contract he signed with the Orioles.

toneloc24 said:
....says absolutely nothing about patriotism to the DR. Just ARod's nationality.

I applaud Tejada and all the other stars who return to the DR to play winter ball. However, they were born into that, and bred into that, buscones and all. ARod wasn't. Does that make him less patriotic?

Listen, the dude commands $25+ million a year, $252 million over the life of the contract. There MUST be some life sacrifices, can you agree? He can't live like the rest of us. He can't take the chances that Tejada, Ortiz, etc. take. Does Manny, Sammy, or Pedro take the same chances in the off-season? Of course not. There is way too much at risk. Do you question their patriotism as well?

The difference between $252 million and $92 million is exactly $160 million. It's a big difference.


Mar 8, 2004
Cleef said:
He should be - and likely will be - the captain of the DR team.

Every team he goes to gets better.

For Tondeaf and Mrmik is the line of definition between 'winner' and 'loser' becoming any clearer to you neophytes? :cry:

Agreed on Tejada. I've always liked his game. He deserves the captaincy.

Winner/loser (completely off-thread) - In my lifetime alone (35 years), I've been a NY Yankees fan. And witness to 6 World Series victories. Making the playoffs doesn't count. It's all or nothing. That's what winning's about. Big difference from your version of winning.

The Buffalo Bills get no "credit" for losing 4 Super Bowls. The Red Sox get credit only for 1 WS title, but for 85 years???? No credit. The Atlanta Braves get no credit for making the playoffs 13+ yrs in a row. I wouldn't exactly call any of these teams losers. However, without the established goal at the end of the season, it's title or nothing. No one's playing for 2nd place.

ARod teams haven't won anything to date. Pujols haven't won anything to date. Manny and Pedro team just won for their 1st title in 86 years.

I'd ask you this question, since you're intent on blaming ARod for everything else, if you were to put Pujols or Manny on ARod's Seattle or Texas teams, would the respective team's results be any different? Those teams were not very good at all.

If you hate ARod, just say it. But stop blaming the dude for everything negative. Revoking his "Dominican-ness." He hasn't killed his ex-wife, raped any girls, quit on his team, been a clubhouse headache, attacked any fans with chairs, taken any steroids, or anything of the sort. What, living a clean uneventful life is not Dominican enough? Give the dude some credit.
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