A warning for ex pats with low budgets


RIP Lindsay
Sep 13, 2006
Cool, thanks. I've seen that. One question I have is, if I show up to an emergency room with the Humano insurance will I just be able to show them the card and get treated, or will there still be a copay or 'payment' that has to be paid first?

When I was shot I had full insurance. I, well not me but husband had to pay first hospital for emergency tracheotomy in cash. Had to pay for ambulance in cash, and had to pay ER in Plaza de la Salud a RD$30,000 deposit before they would treat me. Luckily they have a cash machine near the ER. The only person didn't have to pay was the motoconcho who took me to first clinic. Insurance kicked in after that but moral of story is you need instant access to cash if you go to private clinics.

Cool, thanks. I've seen that. One question I have is, if I show up to an emergency room with the Humano insurance will I just be able to show them the card and get treated, or will there still be a copay or 'payment' that has to be paid first?

When we have gone to Emerg in CMC and Union in Santiago we have gotten treated first but they want your cedula or passport and Insurance card before you go in. We have always paid after.
We left one time in Sosua to go get change bc they couldn't break a 1000 and at that time they had given us our cards back but they knew who we are so I don't think they were worried that we would skip out on a 137 pesos bill.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
They gave it to her before I arrived and it was an injection.
I knew that Diclofenac was bad for her, had told the mother that also before but she was more interested in praying at the hospital :ermm:
As soon as I saw just a little bubble under her eye I knew what was happening and called the doctor right away, first she didn't pay me any attention but when I asked what they gave her I explained her about my girl's condition.
This happened in Andres where we went to the clinic first.

yup, I thought so.... too fast for a pill.......

I am going into doctoring

hope its all under control now....


Jan 1, 2002
I know how much you love your daughter. I wish for her a speedy recovery. None of us like to see our children hurting.
Were there any costs for her visit to the hospital? Has this experience given you second thoughts about purchasing health insurance for her?
That place should pay people to go there! Lack of funds is no excuse for the condition of those rooms. They are littered with garbage. Anybody can pick up garbage and throw it in a plastic bag instead of throwing it all over the place. A broom, dust mop, water and a mop do not cost tons of money. That's BS!

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Ya know... I've been cooking my dinner and thinking..........

The exchange between CCCCologne and me has been deleted but essentially he slapped me for making a Cdn hospital reference about hospital errors and chastised me for not living In RD... which I do , 8 months a year.

I commented that medical errors happen in all countries.... mine were personal mistakes - twice in my very short hospital experiences..
the same happens in RD - or a myriad of other countries

Some people's agenda is to knock down RD in all aspects....I think RD stands up OK for its position in the world and agree that if it isn't good enough for you..... put up or shut up.

IMO, we are enjoying a well deserved respite from a few miscreants... the postings are civil and informative.

Superfluous comments have been few.... my fragrant friend excepted

again, IMO, the general purpose of this forum is to offer insight... not to incite

Most posters here try to support the general cause .....

others can be more obstreperous.

as we used to say....
lead, follow, or get out of the way

some just stand in the way...


Jan 1, 2002
Shall we start a DR1 fund to hire a cleaning lady for the hospitall and cover the supplies?

It doesn't cost money to put garbage in a bucket. There was a bucket next to a table. The other items I listed do not need to be purchased daily.
Hall, If I ended up there with a relative I would volunteer to pick that stuff up off the floor and sweep.
PS fish
I didn't ask you any question.


Sep 3, 2013
couldn't agree more ....cleanliness is not expensive
I think it shows a basic lack of training how any medical work could be done in those conditions...unless it was in a war situation etc=dulce;1424328]Frank,
I know how much you love your daughter. I wish for her a speedy recovery. None of us like to see our children hurting.
Were there any costs for her visit to the hospital? Has this experience given you second thoughts about purchasing health insurance for her?
That place should pay people to go there! Lack of funds is no excuse for the condition of those rooms. They are littered with garbage. Anybody can pick up garbage and throw it in a plastic bag instead of throwing it all over the place. A broom, dust mop, water and a mop do not cost tons of money. That's BS![/QUOTE]


Jul 29, 2013
In countries that have some form of FREE health care there are always issues even where the government can raise taxes higher to cover the costs. Nothing is free despite the users thinking it is free. There is no excuse for the disgusting conditions shown in the pictures or the terrible stories told on this forum. However free health care always deteriorates despite increased funding unless the costs are controlled. In Canada our free health care service has delisted some services and others are on long waiting lists. I would gladly pay for a non emergency MRI or CT scan the next day rather than wait for 1 - 2 months but that is illegal for all but a few. There are some things that are free but health care is not one of them.


Feb 15, 2013
Okay. I see everything is under control. Tell mom to relax and enjoy her special day tomorrow, and that the entire dr1 Nation is watching over her daughter. Best wishes.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I am starting to get incensed....

My deleted post dealt with a poorly administered epidural in pregnancy.... yes in Canada... but it can happen anywhere.
my wife could have died from this BUT I was there watching closely.

My post can save a life.... two lives counting the baby

deleted by whom?? don't know... why? don't know

If any of you have an epidural in any country.... watch closely...

If anybody w/ any authority can re-post it..........

why is this forum running amok ??

Sosua Sonny

New member
Dec 30, 2013
I am starting to get incensed....

My deleted post dealt with a poorly administered epidural in pregnancy.... yes in Canada... but it can happen anywhere.
my wife could have died from this BUT I was there watching closely.

My post can save a life.... two lives counting the baby

deleted by whom?? don't know... why? don't know

If any of you have an epidural in any country.... watch closely...

If anybody w/ any authority can re-post it..........

why is this forum running amok ??

Me too starting to get really irate. I think the proper course of action is to send a tersely worded email to the internet high council to demand an explanation about the deleted posts. We are after all talking about saving lives. Immediate, deliberate actions are required to explain this fiasco and systems have to be put in place so this circumstance is never repeated.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Me too starting to get really irate. I think the proper course of action is to send an tersely worded email to the internet high council to demand an explanation about the deleted posts. We are after all talking about saving lives. Immediate, deliberate actions are required to explain this fiasco and systems have to be put in place so this circumstance is never repeated.

It's bigger than that w/me SS..

My mother had 2 children... 8 yrs apart ... at risk every time

Eleven pregnancies..........

Ivisit graves of my siblings....
One girl before me , boy after and who can count after that

Two ectopics .... like 1M to one ...but to have 2 ??

The grave reads - for a baby -- 'And Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" from the nursery rhyme

For someone to erase a post in deference to another poster confuses me..

Sosua Sonny

New member
Dec 30, 2013
It's bigger than that w/me SS..

My mother had 2 children... 8 yrs apart ... at risk every time

Eleven pregnancies..........

Ivisit graves of my siblings....
One girl before me , boy after and who can count after that

Two ectopics .... like 1M to one ...but to have 2 ??

The grave reads - for a baby -- 'And Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" from the nursery rhyme

For someone to erase a post in deference to another poster confuses me..

I can see you are very passionate about this. Perhaps the best course of action would be to start a new thread dedicated to this topic. In this way education can be spread and the topic can be debated. You have to remember this thread is about the needy destitute people living in the D.R.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
THe problem is thatn the post was deleted ......

The needy need to know the problems facing them... they will get it between the eyes unless warned


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Passionate ?? yes

some worry more about 'appearances' than worthy posts.....

sad state of affairs

of course in involved the local 'Joker'.....so ..........

catch as catch can......

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
OK............ get this

the 2nd ectopic was a ta New Year's Eve ball....

she blew it..., collapsed on the dance floor in a pool of blood..

would have died had not the local "boys/men" got in thier cars to go to the hospital to give blood

can you imagine the scene??

she must have been drunk on that new blood... but ALIVE...

she was sort of famous in a certain group after that.
they all claimed credit for saving her.......... rightly so

No drunk stops in those days

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
don't think for a minuite that pregnancy is easy.... dv8 = not an emergency... try it

do it twice and they give you an award....

I consider my myself very lucky to have slipped the noose twice..

very tricky game..........