Since I have started my contracting company and consulting for an orphanage I have taking a keen interest in developing a low cost model for low to middle income families. Currently, the least expensive systems in use now run around US25 per square feet and I would like to develop a system for around $18 per sf. I would like to do so first of all as I believe this is something that could really benefit the DR.
The least expensive homes generally have 6" concrete block walls with columns and beams and a corrugated roof with with wood structure. I known this topic has been discussed a year or so ago but with technological advances I thought it would be interesting to see what people come up with. For example, I saw in the news last night that Mexican waste collection company was now recycling plastic to create panels for small home construction. I think that is a fantastic idea. My own idea would be to create a structural floor, beam and column system with the traditional corrugated roof but use some type of inexpensive panels. As it is now the cost per square foot of a concrete wall system (block, plaster both sides, labor) runs around US2.50-3.00. With an self supporting structure and a cheap but durable interior and exterior siding I think this cost could be considerably reduced. There is a lightweight concrete panels sytem currently in use here but there is no economic advantage for small homes. Any input would be appreciated.
The least expensive homes generally have 6" concrete block walls with columns and beams and a corrugated roof with with wood structure. I known this topic has been discussed a year or so ago but with technological advances I thought it would be interesting to see what people come up with. For example, I saw in the news last night that Mexican waste collection company was now recycling plastic to create panels for small home construction. I think that is a fantastic idea. My own idea would be to create a structural floor, beam and column system with the traditional corrugated roof but use some type of inexpensive panels. As it is now the cost per square foot of a concrete wall system (block, plaster both sides, labor) runs around US2.50-3.00. With an self supporting structure and a cheap but durable interior and exterior siding I think this cost could be considerably reduced. There is a lightweight concrete panels sytem currently in use here but there is no economic advantage for small homes. Any input would be appreciated.