American dating a dominican woman 101

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May 29, 2006
Think of the big picture. Does she have a job in the DR? Would she be able to clear more than $10/hour in the US working? Does she know how to drive? Are there Dominicans where you live back home that can help her find work?

If she has relatives/friends in the US, they can prob do more to help her get a visa than you can. If she doesn't then she prob won't have the support she'll need to be happy or get a job. If she doesn't speak English and have connections, the odds of her making in the US are close to zero. Sitting around watching telenovelas is about the best that it would get for her and you'd have to support her 100% as she gets fat on American food and complains that there's "nothing to do." I haven't been there, but that's what I've heard from many folks who bring someone to the US without connections.


Jan 30, 2012
Three very important words. DON'T DO IT!
Seriously, PM me, I'll give you some valuable info offline


Nov 4, 2011
I recently started dating a Dominican girl and want to know what it take to bring her to America. What would be the over all cost of marrying her? Some people I heard from say it's thousands of dollars. Also, what is her earning potential in America if she's in college. Just want to know what I'm getting into bringing her here to America financially in the beginning stage. I seen post on here about this subject but it's pieces here and there and never saw enough info.

It would be EASIER if you tell us how much money you have toward this 1 in a million LOVE you found and we can tell you if it is enough or if you have to put in some overtime.

If you send JMB773 a PM telling how much money you have I can provide more info. I can even tell you the level of happiness your new love will have based on your income.

Better yet DO NOT tell me how much money you have just tell me HOW MUCH YOU ARE WILLING TO SPEND!!!!!

The price varies if you are old or young so be sure to tell your age. Your race is NOT important to Dominican women they do not discriminate some women in DR would marry or date an ESIKMO if his money was right and if he is willing to share a lot of it.


May 30, 2004


Jan 3, 2007
It doesn't mean you have to write off this girl you are interested in, just go slow, be cautious, and realistic. There are some gems ( girls worth your while) but finding a diamond amongst all the coal means you have to know how to mine diamonds.

...that's like the $440M Lottery Winner giving advice like "You just got to know how to pick the numbers".

I have no idea how long ago "recently" is but you should know the Woman for at least a year before even considering marriage. Give he a chance to pizz you off 1st. Find out how far she's willing to take an argument over some trivial matter. Watch how she spends her money. Find out what frightens her and what makes her feel secure. Get to be her friend, not "Hi, how are you" friend but "What can I do to help" friend.

Your 1st post led me to believe that she's in college now. If she is, let her graduate, Hell if you really care about her you can help her graduate and then she can come to the USA on a Masters program which is a whole hella' lot cheaper than immigration lawyers who will want a $5K retainer before you even start putting pen to paper and then require more, the deeper you get into the process. That $5K doesn't go to the application fees which have gone up drastically in the past decade. The deeper you get into the process, the more the attorneys will require from you, they're funny like that and at the end of the day after all that investment there's no guarrantee that she will be accepted whereas if she comes over on a Student Visa for a Masters program there's about a 99% chance that she will be accepted. That will give you an additional couple years to get to know one another and form the bond which will last your lifetime. or not.
Jun 18, 2007
Have an American buddy who has been travelling for many years in Latin America and speaks Spanish. A couple of months ago he got married to his Dominican girlfriend of 2 years who never asked for money. After the wedding he'd sent her monthly $500, this was never enough. She insisted he'd buy her a house and his answer was, he kicked her to the curb. The best decision he ever made in his life.
Good luck


New member
Aug 30, 2011
These types of long distance relationships never last and usually involves eventually sending them money and travel expenses that add up very quickly. Some people think just because you meet someone and send them money they will be waiting for you faithfully, this is far from the truth and that will not change anything. If I were you I would just enjoy the moment you spend with her in the DR and move on and never expect anything from her in return. If you do not plan on living here don't waste your valuable time and money thinking this one is different. SHE IS NOT!
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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
These types of long distance relationships never last and usually involves eventually sending them money and travel expenses that add up very quickly. Some people think just because you meet someone and send them money they will be waiting for you faithfully, this is far from the truth and that will not change anything. If I were you I would just enjoy the moment you spend with her in the DR and move on and never expect anything from her in return. If you do not plan on living here don't waste your valuable time and money thinking this one is different. SHE IS NOT!

who do you think takes them to Western Union on the back of a Yamaha Jog scooter? the guys they call their "primo".we all know who he is.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Have an American buddy who has been travelling for many years in Latin America and speaks Spanish. A couple of months ago he got married to his Dominican girlfriend of 2 years who never asked for money. After the wedding he'd sent her monthly $500, this was never enough. She insisted he'd buy her a house and his answer was, he kicked her to the curb. The best decision he ever made in his life.
Good luck

Do you not think it's a reasonable expectation for a wife to have a house? Of course if he was sending 500 a month she could have bought the house herself.


Jan 21, 2006
You got a good thing going on and you want to destroy it by bringing her to the real world? Have you noticed that no one thinks its a good idea? What you have in the DR only works in the DR. Good luck either way.


New member
Mar 3, 2014
...that's like the $440M Lottery Winner giving advice like "You just got to know how to pick the numbers".

I have no idea how long ago "recently" is but you should know the Woman for at least a year before even considering marriage. Give he a chance to pizz you off 1st. Find out how far she's willing to take an argument over some trivial matter. Watch how she spends her money. Find out what frightens her and what makes her feel secure. Get to be her friend, not "Hi, how are you" friend but "What can I do to help" friend.

Your 1st post led me to believe that she's in college now. If she is, let her graduate, Hell if you really care about her you can help her graduate and then she can come to the USA on a Masters program which is a whole hella' lot cheaper than immigration lawyers who will want a $5K retainer before you even start putting pen to paper and then require more, the deeper you get into the process. That $5K doesn't go to the application fees which have gone up drastically in the past decade. The deeper you get into the process, the more the attorneys will require from you, they're funny like that and at the end of the day after all that investment there's no guarrantee that she will be accepted whereas if she comes over on a Student Visa for a Masters program there's about a 99% chance that she will be accepted. That will give you an additional couple years to get to know one another and form the bond which will last your lifetime. or not.

This what I was talking about. This is the information I need. Student visa sounds interesting.


Dec 27, 2010
Do you have a photo of this Prized Chica? You'd be surprised some of us may have already spent a few hours with her. :smoke:
If you found a dominicana because she is so different and exotic from the ones in your homecountry, remember the second she has her new passport or permanent residensia she will dump you like a hot rock.

Never remove these women from this rock, you will regret it. 100% certain.


New member
Mar 3, 2014
I think a lot you have some good advice and some have been burned by these women. I'm not anywhere near marrying her. I just wanted to know if this is worth investing my time. (2-3years before proposing) Not that I am. I met girls in this country that just want you for your money but I feel their are some that just tired of the Dominican cheating man non romantic man. I just wanted to know what I'm facing in the long run. She does go to college and she speaks pretty good English. Better than the ones at the hotel I stayed. She will finish college first before anything but is it worth it. College degrees in America matter from this country?


Oct 26, 2011
Hey Joe15,
It may seem like we've come down like a ton of bricks on you, and that's true, we have. What hasn't been highlighted yet is that many of us, including me, have been through this before. The DR women are incredibly seductive, in a way old school guys like me melt over. But there is no white picket fence and happy home with most, not all, of them. Just you alone and broke. These gals should generally be viewed as sirens. The only way to enjoy them is with your ears plugged with wax or you lashed to the mast. Then they're great.
Probably the best source of a decent Dominicana is through friends. Legitimate friends, not taxi drivers.
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