It's always related to prostitution or otherwise sexual relationship gone bad.
Now in the American News also
This is the same one.And another one.
Found dead and gagged.
Cause of death "head trauma" and "manual compression of the neck"
Robbery gone wrong? Retaliation? We'll never know.
L.A. Nightclub Owner Found Dead and Beaten in Dominican Republic
The 71-year-old was reportedly choked to death by intruders who stole several valuables, including a safe-deposit box and Rolex
Yes I always noticed that, most foreigner in DR get involved in relationships with Dominicans of baja calaña.It's always related to prostitution or otherwise sexual relationship gone bad.
Yes I always noticed that, most foreigner in DR get involved in relationships with Dominicans of baja calaña.
Little to no impact.Breaking the news to Americans just in time for the holidays season. Will be interesting to see how this impacts DR tourism this year.
Imagine being killed for a bulky status symbol watch. I have a friend that is a watch collector.
I don't get it - my cell phone gives me perfect time.
I'm too ugly for a fancy watch to distract from that
You missed the two black guys pistol whipped in Batey by a group of Dominicans for their gold chains. And one of the perps was an off duty cop?Everytime I stay in Sosua I see bunch guys wearing expensive jewelry, never heard of any one been robbed or killed.
As long you stay in safe area you are ok but I don't see the need of romper ojos in Sosua, all you need is Dollars in your pockets.
My two cents! 😊
This guy was a player on the big stage - LA, top night clubs in town and a huge playboy.
Not his first rodeo but he didn't seem to do too well.....did he ?
Yes I forgot about that.You missed the two black guys pistol whipped in Batey by a group of Dominicans for their gold chains. And one of the perps was an off duty cop?
Wasn't a Swiss tourist found dead, stuffed under his bed in a hotel in Sosua not too long ago? I think his safe deposit box was robbed of a lot of money.Everytime I stay in Sosua I see bunch guys wearing expensive jewelry, never heard of any one been robbed or killed.
As long you stay in safe area you are ok but I don't see the need of romper ojos in Sosua, all you need is Dollars in your pockets.
My two cents! 😊
s safe deposit box was robbed, too.
Sad news from Las Terranas about the murder of Mario Oliver well known Californian restauranteur.
El mismo residía en el sector de Las Ballenas del municipio de Las Terrenas en esta provincia de Samaná, según información de lugar los causantes de la muerte sustrajeron varios relojes de la marca Rolex, así como una caja fuerte que se encontraba en la residencia.
Al lugar del hecho se presentaron miembros de la Policía Preventiva y del DICRIM acompañados del Magistrado Reinaldo Quevedo y la médico legista Dra. Caren, quienes certificaron que la muerte se produjo por trauma craneal y comprensión manual en el cuello (ahorcado).
El cadaver fue enviado al instituto de ciencia forense INACIF de San Francisco de Macoris para fines de investigación.
Navegación de entradas
Dos personas muertas en avenida Ecológica tras ser atropelladas
I am pretty sure some of the jewelry will go missing after a long night of fun with the Chicas.Wasn't a Swiss tourist found dead, stuffed under his bed in a hotel in Sosua not too long ago? I think his safe deposit box was robbed of a lot of money.
I'd be willing to bet that some of these guys with the fancy jewelry wake up to find it missing.
There are probably a lot of people in LT that knew he had Rolex watches. That's not to say the police didn't take them though.come to think of it, how did the police know his Rolex watches were stolen? He was dead in the room. No witness.
So how did they know unless they stole the watches themselves?
I think it was like 2 years ago at casa marinaWasn't a Swiss tourist found dead, stuffed under his bed in a hotel in Sosua not too long ago? I think his safe deposit box was robbed of a lot of money.
I'd be willing to bet that some of these guys with the fancy jewelry wake up to find it missing.