How about plugging supermarket isles. Of course this also occurs with elderly who are unaware of their surroundings.
But young, and often ample in girth, Dominicans stand and block supermarket isles or sidewalks or door entrances.
They always find the point that creates the most congestion to stop and talk to a friend or uncle and are never in a hurry to uplug the blockage. They could care less about others inconvenience.
Yesterday I was a couple cars behind a dump truck who stopped in front of Sosua Beach to shoot the crap with another dump truck driver coming the other way while leaning out their driver's windows.
Despite horns honking and traffic piling up they decided it was a great time to discuss chicken and rice or their newest speaker install or whatever 'important' issue they wanted to jaw about.
Meanwhile everyone backed up did a slow burn.
IMO, the culture of the 'derecho ajeno' is not widely applied in the DR.
What is the 'derecho ajeno'? Loosely, it's the acknowledgement that others have rights you should respect. YES, EVEN if that person is not your socio and EVEN if that means you might have to modify your behaviour.
This flies in the face of many hot and spicy, ego- and emotion-driven cultures (sorry).
The 'derecho ajeno' is a concept that is drummed into Canadians from birth. For example, the other day at the supermarket there was a young dad with his young kids, and although the kids were in no way impeding my progress I overheard him say 'watch out, watch out' and the little guys scooted out of the way of my cart.
Canadians generally have their head on a swivel so they don't inconvenience others - differing views on personal space ALSO impact this IMO. For example, if you get up close and personal to a Dominican blocking your way and squeeze on through, that is NO PROBLEM for them.
Now it must be said that some Canadians are soulless automatons who are reflexively polite but not really nice AT ALL. While some Dominicans might irritate the crap out of you but also take the time to help you out of a jam. There are pros and cons to all cultures.