Another Lorena Bobbit-like story in POP area


Jul 10, 2004
Interesting to see the cops questioning her with tv camera's running and she is talking.
Guess there is no "you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one" Miranda rule in the DR.
I wanted to yell out shut up as she was blabbing to the cops.

In the DR it is guilty until you prove yourself innocent.
Makes one appreciate the US system of jurisprudence.

That is no longer correct.


May 1, 2005
i skimmed through the thread and didn't see "the picture". Someone just sent me a pic of "the evidence". A little too gruesome to post.


Nov 2, 2006
i skimmed through the thread and didn't see "the picture". Someone just sent me a pic of "the evidence". A little too gruesome to post.

The pic is going round on WhatsApp.  It aint pretty.  Most men squirm and cross their legs when they see it.


May 1, 2005
Ever since Lorena Bobbit, there have been many stories like this. For some reason, a lot of people think this is funny or even excusable. The day is going to come when a man will do the equivalent to a woman - then it will no longer be funny or excusable.

They do not just sew it back on?
Or did she put it into the garbage disposal?

Just finished chatting with a Dominicana and she thinks it is funny. She says the lady did a bad job because she should have tossed "it" to the dogs.


Enjoying Life
May 7, 2016
What’s your manhood worth in DR?

PUERTO PLATA.- The judges of the Collegiate Court of Puerto Plata at exactly noon on Tuesday issued a 10-year prison sentence against a woman who, in a fit of jealousy, cut off her partner's penis.
The sentence fell on top of the accused Johanny Diaz, who was found guilty of cutting off the virile member of her husband Samuel Ventura García, in a bloody incident occurred inside a cabin located in Cofresí.
During the course of the trial, the Public Ministry provided the specific evidence that incriminated Diaz in criminal intentions against her ex-husband, incurring the fragrant violation of several articles of the Dominican Penal Code.
It is recalled that the aforementioned lady was a separate time of Ventura García and after calling several times agreed to join him in a cabin to have a last intimate meeting on December 12, 2017.
Already in the cabin, Diaz gave his partner a juice containing a sleeping pill that left him asleep, then took a knife with which he proceeded to cut his penis in one stroke, supposedly because he mistreated her.
As soon as the sentencing device was read, the sentenced Johanny Díaz was transferred under the custody of agents of Prison Vigilance and Protection to the Rafey-Women Correctional Center in Santiago, where she must serve her sentence.

Clown Bin Moderator Note: As this is a News story - Moved to North Coast forum

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