Well what happens is once the paquetico finishes, any credit remaining in the account is drained off as data usage continues unless your turn the SIM card off prior. A rep at Claro with a pre-paid SIM there changed a setting there for me so that when the paquetico runs out, the credit remaining in the account will not be automatically used. I imagine this is possible with Altice as well, so when your paquetico terminates the remaining pesos don't just disappear. Another annoying thing is that if you do a recharge and have your cell antenna on, it will immediately start draining your credit to the point that you can't buy the paquetico you want right away.
When you say sim-card, do you mean "data usage " ?
If so, it is on your phone that the problem is. You need to apply the settings " only on wifi" for all your apps, Otherwise the apps, and the smartphone itself, will always be communicating on the internet with all diffrent kinds of stuff ( gps position, updates, server checks, etc......).
Then your phone will do these micro-adjustments ( that add up very quickly) only when wifi is available, and not constantly even if your data usage is active.
Data usage = 4g.