Are The Jobs of Females Sankies


New member
May 30, 2008
I searched the Females Snakiest Thread and I couldn?t find anything about the types of jobs they do? Do they work and kind of work do they do? Because to my understanding they have a more normal live than Prostitutes?

If anyone could direct me to the right thread please or knows more about females sankies.



Jun 2, 2006
female sankies from my experience work at the resorts just like the guys. they're opportunists waiting on a dumb old guy to hand over all his money. same M.O as a male sankie.
the way i handle female sankies is to get the sex first and tell them the money comes after i test the product :laugh:
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May 30, 2008
I'm Sorry I mean females sankies. I hear they look more like regular girls. One that has some type of education and usually works in better position like a bank for example. The reason why I ask if because I know a couples of friends that are dating more regular girls not prostitutes, but to me they are showing bad signs. One work at for a villa management company and the other is a college student. One asks for money all the time. The other one says she's in love and don't need a visa. But there’s no need to explain to the guys that this girls are not real...... because they don’t believe it.
I don't know much about the subject

What's a snakiest?


Jul 3, 2002
there are not that many female sankies working the resorts because they will not come across enough dumb male tourists in the hotel...they will be 'undercover' somewhere else whereas male sankies have no problem picking up easy pickings in the resorts where the women want sex only , to start, but then fall in love with these sheisters, thats what the male sankies count on...the female ones will be like semi pros with jobs outside who will have harder time duping the guy...

i got a funny story where this guy claimed he met a girl that was 'different' even after all the stories we told him....we warned him without seeing th e girl.....he introduces her to us after a week...its this chick who used was a pro who used to get girls for my was classic..the intro..all of us didnt know who was gonna be the one to tell him..after he set himself up for all these days..

there shoudl be a new word in websters that is like gringo-disease..or 'sankification'....its hard to explain but its powerful...i had a cousin here from germany he wanted to marry this her family...learn spanish..OMG...he cried when my dad didnt let her in the guest apartment......he was ready to get engaged despite '''she's a hooker'' warnings ..people just dont want to hear the truth ..

its actually a whole 'science'''...sankyology....many people dont pay attention in course 101
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New member
May 30, 2008
Thanks Conchman. It's difficult to tell with the girls. They do a good job on hiding it.

female sankies from my experience work at the resorts just like the guys. they're opportunists waiting on a dumb old guy to hand over all his money. same M.O as a male sankie.
the way i handle female sankies is to get the sex first and tell them the money comes after i test the product :laugh:

Always gotta take that new hot rod out for a few test laps, works all the time. Great advise


New member
Apr 27, 2009
I think the point is that men aren't typically quite as gullible as women ...

We are used to having to spend money on chicks anywhere we are - so i know for myself I'd rather meet a chick in town somewhere a bit more organically for vacation sex with. A hotel worker I'd gladly lay, but I think I'd know right away if she jumped into the sack with me in the same hotel she worked...i'd know she was 'working' me...

I'd probably let my guard down a bit if I were in town and met a girl away from the hotel.

example- I was in Colombia back end of last year. we were playing around all over the place with all the locals and generally have a grand old time.
Day before we left we were in the next town over (Cartagena) and had a scheduled right to take us back to our hotel (Barranquilla) in 20 minutes.

Saw a girl on the street walking buy as we drank a beer. Did the cat calling, etc...invited her to my table...bought her a beer.

within 10 minutes of her sitting there- asked if she wanted to come back to barranquilla with me and hang out all night, etc (her friend lived in BAQ. she of course said yes but she had to leave later than we were leaving. gave her the address and phone numbers of the hotel and she gave me cell phone. she asked for money for a taxi to come see me. i said i would when she showed up. i said- if you are not at my hotel by 8pm that I would fly the coup and not be waiting for her. Also told her i was leaving for the airport the next day at 5pm.

she did not show up that big deal.

next day i was in the hotel at 2pm and she and her friend showed up. we 'hung' out for a couple hours and as it was time to leave i give her a few pesos for her taxi ride...
she was asking all the questions:
how often do you come to Barranquilla?
do you own your own business?
would you be my boyfriend?
when are you coming back to see me again?
please stay in contact with me.

and as I had to checkout - I sent her on her way.

"Papi Yo te amo. yo quiero estar su novia. can you give me a little more money to take a taxi to my house?"

I saw thru it like a cheap suit...

"Claro que si mi amor- yo te quiero mucho...tu eres mi vida...tu eres muy linda...tu eres todo"

while looking directly into her eyes...

"yeah baby I'll call you back."

kinda a colombian female sankie ...

GEF girl

New member
Oct 20, 2010
I think the point is that men aren't typically quite as gullible as women ...

We are used to having to spend money on chicks anywhere we are - so i know for myself I'd rather meet a chick in town somewhere a bit more organically for vacation sex with. A hotel worker I'd gladly lay, but I think I'd know right away if she jumped into the sack with me in the same hotel she worked...i'd know she was 'working' me...

I'd probably let my guard down a bit if I were in town and met a girl away from the hotel.

example- I was in Colombia back end of last year. we were playing around all over the place with all the locals and generally have a grand old time.
Day before we left we were in the next town over (Cartagena) and had a scheduled right to take us back to our hotel (Barranquilla) in 20 minutes.

Saw a girl on the street walking buy as we drank a beer. Did the cat calling, etc...invited her to my table...bought her a beer.

within 10 minutes of her sitting there- asked if she wanted to come back to barranquilla with me and hang out all night, etc (her friend lived in BAQ. she of course said yes but she had to leave later than we were leaving. gave her the address and phone numbers of the hotel and she gave me cell phone. she asked for money for a taxi to come see me. i said i would when she showed up. i said- if you are not at my hotel by 8pm that I would fly the coup and not be waiting for her. Also told her i was leaving for the airport the next day at 5pm.

she did not show up that big deal.

next day i was in the hotel at 2pm and she and her friend showed up. we 'hung' out for a couple hours and as it was time to leave i give her a few pesos for her taxi ride...
she was asking all the questions:
how often do you come to Barranquilla?
do you own your own business?
would you be my boyfriend?
when are you coming back to see me again?
please stay in contact with me.

and as I had to checkout - I sent her on her way.

"Papi Yo te amo. yo quiero estar su novia. can you give me a little more money to take a taxi to my house?"

I saw thru it like a cheap suit...

"Claro que si mi amor- yo te quiero mucho...tu eres mi vida...tu eres muy linda...tu eres todo"

while looking directly into her eyes...

"yeah baby I'll call you back."

kinda a colombian female sankie ...

I live in Colombia.. this does NOT sound like a sanky.. just a low estrato girl that wants a gringo boyfriend (status, climbing up the economic ladder, live a nice life, travel, visa, a blonde baby).. Gringos are cargados de plata who does not want that :bunny:

Bernard Jean-Pierre

New member
Oct 31, 2010
The movie 'Sankie Pankie' in my opinion depicts more of a morally 'decent' Sankie (if you will), there are certainly some more renegade and reckless ones out there. But, I think it did accurately portray the overall mentality behind your average Sankie - getting out of poverty by any means necessary. So within that comes the justification, "que Dios mandame una gringa rubita y linda para sacarme de esa miseria!". In their minds deceiving and exploiting a Woman is not wrong, it is God's answer to their plight. (of course not ALL of them think as twisted, but some do with all sincerity) In reality of course it is just a twisted way of thinking.

As far as a Woman Sankie is concerned the dynamics are much different. As already mentioned, guys are not as gullible and emotionally vulnerable as Women are. So a Woman Sankie has a much smaller variety of 'prey'. Women often 'live in their minds', so they are easy to give in to their own fantasies and dreams etc. So even the most inexperto sankie can manipulate a Woman within the right circumstances. However, a women sankie has to find the right 'type' of guy, and play her cards very subtely and over a course of time. In other words, a woman sankie would be MUCH more skilled at what she does than your average sankie. And she would probably just 'convert' herself into a 'beeper chica' as that would be much easier anyway.
I personally don't think you can define a woman sankie as easily.

If you are worried about your friends dating a woman who may be after his money......well you will worry yourself to death, and that applies to MANY other places, not just in DR. But if she does any of the following, tell him to get away:
1) Falls in love with him IMMEDIATELY - goes from 'como tu ta mi amor' to 'mi cielo te amo! no me vayas' in one day.
2) Starts asking for money for a wide variety of things seemingly out of her control - rare sicknesses of a family member, funeral costs, someone dying who needs money, not able to buy food etc. Even when its something that should be expected she will explain it in a way that makes it seems like she cant do anything.
3) She has the tell-tale signs of someone who is 'working' guys over. She always seems to never have enough money, but has the latest Blackberry and always seems to have new clothes and accessories etc. That usually means she has other novios that are all contributing to her secret empire of deception.

The reality is the Dominican Republic is not a wealthy country, it is growing to some degree but there are still a LOT of people in poverty, so both Men and Women are put in hard economic contexts. Some of them, decide to go the way of the sankie for an easier way out. But to protect yourself (or any other person) you have to use common-sense and not get swept up in some crazy fantasy thinking that out of ALL the beautiful and interesting people in the Dominican Republic that somebody likes you because you are special. You might be special.....but you might also be a fool. Don't let an opportunistic sankie catch you as the latter.
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May 23, 2005
there are not that many female sankies working the resorts because they will not come across enough dumb male tourists in the hotel...they will be 'undercover' somewhere else whereas male sankies have no problem picking up easy pickings in the resorts where the women want sex only , to start, but then fall in love with these sheisters, thats what the male sankies count on...the female ones will be like semi pros with jobs outside who will have harder time duping the guy...

i got a funny story where this guy claimed he met a girl that was 'different' even after all the stories we told him....we warned him without seeing th e girl.....he introduces her to us after a week...its this chick who used was a pro who used to get girls for my was classic..the intro..all of us didnt know who was gonna be the one to tell him..after he set himself up for all these days..

there shoudl be a new word in websters that is like gringo-disease..or 'sankification'....its hard to explain but its powerful...i had a cousin here from germany he wanted to marry this her family...learn spanish..OMG...he cried when my dad didnt let her in the guest apartment......he was ready to get engaged despite '''she's a hooker'' warnings ..people just dont want to hear the truth ..

its actually a whole 'science'''...sankyology....many people dont pay attention in course 101

Rubbish, it is 50/50, the problem is women are more devious and sooooo much better at lying and seeming genuine and men are not as suspicious. Women very rarely get caught!

all is lost

New member
Nov 18, 2006

I am in a bar in LA, a cute chick shows up to have a drink and I start a conversation. She ask were I worked, I said Universal, she moved one stool closer. A few minutes later w/more conversation leading to what kind of car i drive....a 911 convert. She moves next to me. Unfortuneatly I have to go, I said I have a prior apointment but could I see her tomorrow night, sure, she gives me her #. on my way out she says , 'by the way, whats your name'. Sankette Americana.


Dec 11, 2003
next day i was in the hotel at 2pm and she and her friend showed up. we 'hung' out for a couple hours and as it was time to leave i give her a few pesos for her taxi ride...
she was asking all the questions:
how often do you come to Barranquilla?
do you own your own business?
would you be my boyfriend?
when are you coming back to see me again?
please stay in contact with me.

and as I had to checkout - I sent her on her way.

"Papi Yo te amo. yo quiero estar su novia. can you give me a little more money to take a taxi to my house?"

I saw thru it like a cheap suit...

"Claro que si mi amor- yo te quiero mucho...tu eres mi vida...tu eres muy linda...tu eres todo"

while looking directly into her eyes...

"yeah baby I'll call you back."

kinda a colombian female sankie ...

hey man... I do not know what you mean by 'hung out' for a couple of hours

but a decent man would have at least paid for her taxi back home.....

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