I had a problem with a transfer a few days ago. On the BHD website I went to transfer to a local guy's account on BanReserva.
Got a copy of BanReserva receipt I was sent to for info, Name, Cuenta: xxxxxx on it, was told is "Cuenta de Ahorra", cédula photo was given to me.
So selected Banco de Reserva...., selected Nacional option , selected Cuenta de Ahorra", entered the account number in "Número de productos" (was that corrrect? ).
Then entered name exactly as on receipt given, then cédula number. Then it immediately said cedula number not valid. Checked many times, then noticed on cedula it says cedula expired May 2024. So I thought that's why, but I'm amazed bank checks cedula expiration...!
So here I did a stupid thing, I selected passport, instead of cédula, and left the number on the box (cedula number). It allow me to procede, then selected a country, no idea what, DR was not available because I selected passport as ID, I thought I will just get a refusal, and I just sent a 500p to see what happens...
To my surprise, no error at all, money went through, and so far has not returned. I ask the recipient and he has not received it either...!!? It was my mistake but who they delivered the money to...? After all the account number was right, or "Número de Productos" means something else...?
Anyway don't they check the name with account number...? In other countries nowadays they always check account number and name before any transfer... 🤔
Got a copy of BanReserva receipt I was sent to for info, Name, Cuenta: xxxxxx on it, was told is "Cuenta de Ahorra", cédula photo was given to me.
So selected Banco de Reserva...., selected Nacional option , selected Cuenta de Ahorra", entered the account number in "Número de productos" (was that corrrect? ).
Then entered name exactly as on receipt given, then cédula number. Then it immediately said cedula number not valid. Checked many times, then noticed on cedula it says cedula expired May 2024. So I thought that's why, but I'm amazed bank checks cedula expiration...!
So here I did a stupid thing, I selected passport, instead of cédula, and left the number on the box (cedula number). It allow me to procede, then selected a country, no idea what, DR was not available because I selected passport as ID, I thought I will just get a refusal, and I just sent a 500p to see what happens...
To my surprise, no error at all, money went through, and so far has not returned. I ask the recipient and he has not received it either...!!? It was my mistake but who they delivered the money to...? After all the account number was right, or "Número de Productos" means something else...?
Anyway don't they check the name with account number...? In other countries nowadays they always check account number and name before any transfer... 🤔