Blue Mustang driven by crazy russian from cocotal.

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Feb 3, 2009
It appears some really do not conceive the options of 'not mentioning' beef with anyone who could be an issue, to anyone else. You are guaranteed that if an official is on one pocket then he is in everyone elses pocket also. Stupid game.


May 13, 2015
@OP, on the off chance you have been living on the EastCoast and not realized that the Russians have taken control then be warned. This is not a dispute with a neighbour, this is a dispute with someone who could have everyone he wants in his pocket (probably), ears all over the place etc etc etc. Even locals who would bitch about the Yanks and Europeans behind their backs will not say squat about the Russians, to anyone, anywhere, but will spill the beans to them on anyone to score brownie points.
If you are going to live in a lawless land then you need to keep your head down. And if you have beef with someone with the intention of retaliation then keep it to yourself and just do it. You know why no one else has done anything, or should do.

Gossip mongers are bad news in such small society living, especially with such dangerous people around to gossip about.

You've probably had more close shaves on the road than you are aware of in DR, especially if you are using conchos on a regular basis. You weren't hurt, no big deal. But I do find it funny that you are looking to approach him, lol, that I would like to see. Read you later!

Well my friend, I am not the only one who is looking out for him. That is what i am trying to say...Cocotal management has already been informed about this guy because he supposedly drives like he is on a race course when inside cocotal. Lots of kids play and people walk around in Cocotal.If he is reading these posts then he will understand that people are looking for him and a glance of his number plate.


May 13, 2015
I am reading this thread with some interest as a couple months ago I had a Dominican friend of mine who works in a casino on the island go off on an extended rant to me of his displeasure about Russian influence on the island. I mentioned where he works because his rant was related to the behavior of Russians in the casino. At the time I took it just as someone had done something to him recently and he was just venting but this thread makes me rethink that thought.

Would those of you in the know here help me understand why this guy driving the car is immune from the Local “Lynch em” mentality that I read about much here on the forum?

I believe in another recent thread their was an expat that just lost his life brutally due what seems like driving recklessly and getting into an accident with the locals. Why is this Russian guy immune from the same treatment?

Doesn't the tilt of justice always go to the Dominican here on the island?

Still learning my way around the local norms...

I guess so, as we were mentioning earlier, rich russian guy, maybe connected to mafia... Loads of money! Also there is a huge dominance of Russians in Real Estate Business here!
Talking about Russians, couple of months back, in local forums there were rumours of a crazy russian guy roaming in Cocotal with his gun to kill all dogs. I haven't seen myself but it was a strong the fear of dogs being killed here cos of that maniac!


May 13, 2015
Correct yet again. The OP has already done too much advertising of his displeasure. The Russians will F you up if they suspect its you. You have to use super covert measures to mess with the Russian and maintain your health. Do not go to the authorities and don't tell anyone of your anger, especially Dominicans.

Be creative like Michael Westen. (I used to be a spy. )

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

Totally Agree... i am wondering how the haitian motoconcho on whose bike i was travelling is going to react as he is from the Palma real motoconcho group.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
now dogs killed in cocotal is not that big news, that someone shoots them is new, tho.
i know the car you described, it's unique, hard to mistake it with any other car i know around here, i did not know who rides it til reading your post, nor did i know it's a russian or where he lives.
i see the car every once in a while, it did not look any different on driving style than any other car, but hey, i don't see it that often. i just remeber it 'cause of yoru description, as far as i know there is only one with those color/stripes combination in the 'hood.
as far as russians go in the area, thre been many more and thankfully their numbers reduced well since a good year ago, still many around, Tho.
i know both kinds, the few very well behaved and educated ones, and the numbers of streetdogs behaving ones, mobster kinds.
never liked 'em, so i stay away from them.
reported to Cocotal Management???
so what happened then?
i mean, there is no second car of that look in cocotal, so they know exactly who it is, without any "investigation necessary".
was he approached by management about the matter?
we have several bordmembers here living in Cocotal,
do you guys know about this guys and do you know about such driving behavior within cocotal?
did you do anything about it?
or do you feel you and your children are perfectly safe with that neighbour of yours?
i know the car, don't know the driver, never saw that car riding in any inappropriate way.
if you say that this paricular car/driver does such shyt regularly, that means you know other neighbours who observed such, right?
what did you guys really do about it?
Cocotal is a well situated "good 'hood", not affordable for everybody around,
i would expect that the complaints from "several" neighbours, renters/property owners theer would result in some kinda action by the "administration".



Feb 3, 2009
Well my friend, I am not the only one who is looking out for him. That is what i am trying to say...Cocotal management has already been informed about this guy because he supposedly drives like he is on a race course when inside cocotal. Lots of kids play and people walk around in Cocotal.If he is reading these posts then he will understand that people are looking for him and a glance of his number plate.

You seem to be missing the point, but besides that, I figure people are not looking for him THAT hard, otherwise he could be found in half an hour in this car, no?


May 13, 2015
now dogs killed in cocotal is not that big news, that someone shoots them is new, tho.
i know the car you described, it's unique, hard to mistake it with any other car i know around here, i did not know who rides it til reading your post, nor did i know it's a russian or where he lives.
i see the car every once in a while, it did not look any different on driving style than any other car, but hey, i don't see it that often. i just remeber it 'cause of yoru description, as far as i know there is only one with those color/stripes combination in the 'hood.
as far as russians go in the area, thre been many more and thankfully their numbers reduced well since a good year ago, still many around, Tho.
i know both kinds, the few very well behaved and educated ones, and the numbers of streetdogs behaving ones, mobster kinds.
never liked 'em, so i stay away from them.
reported to Cocotal Management???
so what happened then?
i mean, there is no second car of that look in cocotal, so they know exactly who it is, without any "investigation necessary".
was he approached by management about the matter?
we have several bordmembers here living in Cocotal,
do you guys know about this guys and do you know about such driving behavior within cocotal?
did you do anything about it?
or do you feel you and your children are perfectly safe with that neighbour of yours?
i know the car, don't know the driver, never saw that car riding in any inappropriate way.
if you say that this paricular car/driver does such shyt regularly, that means you know other neighbours who observed such, right?
what did you guys really do about it?
Cocotal is a well situated "good 'hood", not affordable for everybody around,
i would expect that the complaints from "several" neighbours, renters/property owners theer would result in some kinda action by the "administration".


Hi Mike,
How have you been doing?
After the incident i posted a notice on facebook and classificados bavaro concerning the incident. There have been few other comments of people who had similar experiences with him. One of them members told me as to who he is and where he lives and how he drives inside cocotal. Also in the conversation was a lady who works for cocotal.
We all know the very reason speed brakers exist in cocotal, The management built these because people got killed while walking inside cocotal due to reckless driving. I have seen kids hardly 12 years driving golf buggies without any adults.
Coming back to the topic of this blue mustang. I haven't complained yet because i personally would like to confirm before i wrongly accuse someone. There are a couple of other blue mustangs with white stripes in Bavaro. Two with the rental car companies and one apparently of this guy.


Sep 27, 2006
if i were to revenge every crazy driver who did me wrong here i'd have to nuke entire POP and then some. every day on the road here is a close call. you gotta learn the art of letting go. when you see this car again get out of the way or keep your distance. teaching people a "lesson" ain't your duty in life.
Apr 7, 2014
i have to side with ID here. the solution is to wash out the tank with either kerosine or diesel,and change the filters. good as new. sugar cannot dissolve in gasoline.
Lets start here

But...if it didnt did it gum up his OIL FILTER???? And how? Because the lubrication system isnt co-terminus with the fuel system anywhere. So thats crap.

Then there is this one

This is what I experienced, but this here is a BMW
Big crystal chunks that clogged the fuel sieve, pump and filter

And this is a Subaru Legacy

His Royal Majesty, Lord Belly Button Kidney Bean, House of Donkey Kong


Oct 4, 2013
I have to ask if anyone that has seen this blue mustang with two white stripes going down the middle knows if this car is a mustang gt350?


May 13, 2015
if i were to revenge every crazy driver who did me wrong here i'd have to nuke entire POP and then some. every day on the road here is a close call. you gotta learn the art of letting go. when you see this car again get out of the way or keep your distance. teaching people a "lesson" ain't your duty in life.

Well i am absolutely not talking about any revenge of any kind. ;-)


May 13, 2015
You seem to be missing the point, but besides that, I figure people are not looking for him THAT hard, otherwise he could be found in half an hour in this car, no?

I definitely do not know how hard others are looking for him but i did see a couple of them for sure looking for him. What have they done or what will they do if they see him, have no freaking clue either. What will i do if i meet up with him? i am asking that question myelf. as i wrote earlier, i do not believe in revenge or violence. I am a buddhist, atleast i claim to think myself as one.
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Apr 7, 2014
In addition to the First video about Non Polar versus Polar compounds, gasoline being combined with other solutions which are miscible with sugar. Principally water dispersants, octane stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, anti-gel additives, and whatever proprietary treatment they use to minimize emissions or "clean" the engine.

His Royal Majesty, Lord Belly Button Kidney Bean, House of Donkey Kong


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Hi Mike,
How have you been doing?
After the incident i posted a notice on facebook and classificados bavaro concerning the incident. There have been few other comments of people who had similar experiences with him. One of them members told me as to who he is and where he lives and how he drives inside cocotal. Also in the conversation was a lady who works for cocotal.
We all know the very reason speed brakers exist in cocotal, The management built these because people got killed while walking inside cocotal due to reckless driving. I have seen kids hardly 12 years driving golf buggies without any adults.
Coming back to the topic of this blue mustang. I haven't complained yet because i personally would like to confirm before i wrongly accuse someone. There are a couple of other blue mustangs with white stripes in Bavaro. Two with the rental car companies and one apparently of this guy.

that tell's me in short:
NOBODY ever really complained to anybody significnt/appropriate in Cocotal about the guy,
maybe 'cause just 2 or 3 people don't like him and talk about him but otherwise nothing "bad" ever happened???
come on,
you by coincedence found on a online bord right away a girl which "claims" to be one of the couple hndred employees there,
so due that, do you "think" you already filed a claim/una queja with them??
don't tell me "many other persons" complained about him to "cocotal administration",
when the only connection to such is talk on facebook or alikes by maybe administration of cocotal's room maid section and yourself did not file anything of a complaint either.
very likely, if i would call some administrative staff member there, that person would not know what the heck i am talking about, right?
12 years old driving a golf cart?
well, i am used to such driving customs at Cap Cana, 12 years old is "a very experienced child", if Daddy did it the right way, such child drive's better/safer than 90% of dominicans and expats on public roads.
sure, a responsible person does not let a small child drive around in anything Alone.
my 4 years old solely needs me to manage the pedals, she drive's my pick up truck thru town from the village's entrance to it's parking lot every schoolday since a while, i don't remember the last time i had to tocuh the steering wheel or stop the car to prevent anything to happen.
i learned it from my ole man that way from early age on, and i am sure not a unique exception from the rule, lol.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
In addition to the First video about Non Polar versus Polar compounds, gasoline being combined with other solutions which are miscible with sugar. Principally water dispersants, octane stabilizers, corrosion inhibitors, anti-gel additives, and whatever proprietary treatment they use to minimize emissions or "clean" the engine.

His Royal Majesty, Lord Belly Button Kidney Bean, House of Donkey Kong

why don't you guys open a new topic with your New Theme??
DR1 is not anything short on server space, there is really no trouble at all, to open a new topic and discuss a new theme.


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Bout time I learned you sumpin :cheeky:

remember i was an automobile adjuster and investigator for decades. i denied many a claim for sugar in the tank. when guys engines began to go south, they would claim that it was the victim of vandalism, sugar in the tank. we blew them off real soon.


May 4, 2015
Mike, the sugar debate was just getting to octane stabilizers and you're choosing to discourage them???? Just as my Saturday night is rapidly approaching????
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