Border Fence


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I don't think I have met a single solitary Dominican here who is against a wall and stronger immagration enforcement.
Unchecked Haitian immigration makes it into the top 5 worries of Dominicans for the country. This is the case since the early 2000 at least. Look at the polls done by the Dominican media every few years.

Notice though how Dominicans choose Haitian immigration when that is the only choice regarding this problem. When among the choices are Haitian immigration in general and illegal Haitian immigration, Dominicans pick illegal Haitian immigration. What many people aren’t in agreement with is supporting illegal Haitian immigration, not Haitian immigration in general. People have no issues with legal immigrants from Haiti and no one protest that in every naturalization ceremony there are several Haitians becoming Dominican citizens.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Exactly, but many posters do not make it clear that they are personally opposed to illegal immigration.
And in their statements presenting anecdotal evidence in the minds of the Dominicans they personally know they do not make that clear either.

The Border Fence is being built to address address the several things.
POTDR "He said that the fencing would regulate migration flows by countering people smuggling mafias. It would also, he claimed, combat the trafficking of drugs and arms and protect farmers in the border region."


Jul 10, 2004
Exactly, but many posters do not make it clear that they are personally opposed to illegal immigration.
And in their statements presenting anecdotal evidence in the minds of the Dominicans they personally know they do not make that clear either.

The Border Fence is being built to address address the several things.
POTDR "He said that the fencing would regulate migration flows by countering people smuggling mafias. It would also, he claimed, combat the trafficking of drugs and arms and protect farmers in the border region."
A border fence is not needed to control legal immigration. That should be obvious to anyone.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
A border fence is not needed to control legal immigration. That should be obvious to anyone.

Individuals should write what they mean instead of leaving it open to interpretation.
Much of what is written he in DR1 about the border fence or many other topics is only obvious to the person doing the writing since they hold their opinions.

And since we are talking obvious...take a look a post #80.
And then tell me it is obvious that a million USD a mile fence is needed to control illegal immigration.


Jul 10, 2004
At this point with Haiti getting worse each day, enforcing the laws against illegals and a border fence or wall enforced with enough men is what I would like to see.

It is obvious the fence is about illegals. The DR government wants it so it is under construction. Debating its worth at this time is a waste of time.

How well it works remains to be seen. I cannot predict the future. I hope it works well and they have enough military to back up any potential issues.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
It is a good thing that I am not debating with anyone over the worth of the border fence at 1 million USD a mile.
If individuals do no like the fact that I am focused on the cost. Tough. I follow the money. 🤑

I have no dog in the fight.
It is not my money.

But I do believe it is interesting that it has been pointed out that illegal immigration to the 🇩🇴 could initially be impacted by enforcement of current laws.
Normal trouble shooting has you starting with the simplest stuff first.
The 1 million USD a mile board fence actually sound complicated to me.
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Jul 10, 2004
There is nothing simple about stopping Dominican businesses from employing illegals.
If it was simple, it would already be done.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
There is nothing simple about building a 1 million USD/mile border fence.
If it was that simple, it would already be done.
How long has illegal immigration been a problem in 🇩🇴 ❓
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Another recent change from Luis Abinader regarding the border fence. He doesn't want the flimsy metal top with barbewires. They are to be replaced with iron bars to ensure they will not be easily broken. He really wants to make sure Haiti's gangs don't make it into the DR and cause political/social/economic unrest on the eastern side of the island.

He doesn't want this.

Due to how easy it's to do this,

So now they will be replaced with this.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Do any of the Migra round ups that are done every day target businesses that employ illegal immigrants? Like farms or constructions sites.
When those are done they are greatly criticized in the media.



Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Why does the media in the DR criticize Haitian roundups?

Either you live under a rock or you are applying the Ostrich technique.......😉

On a more serious note, i have no idea what the DR media criticize or not.

However DR politicians and the big land owners --- and the Riccos as a whole---do not want rid of illegal haitians ......... they use them as cheap labour. Always have, always will.

Middle class dominicans are also happy to have cheap cheap maids and gardners and handymen that are willing to work hard and not complain.

The only ones complaining are the lower class dominicans, ie the poor. Granted they make up the majority of the population, but sadly nobody gives a 💩 what they want or think.
Rounding up a few haitians and pretending to secure the border is much like throwing around a few salamis and rum bottles a few days before elections.
Keeps the masses docile. The worst that could happen ---- in the eyes of the DR " Elite" --- is for the dominicans to wake up and see that the politicians and the wealthy are 💩💩ing on them day in and day out.


Jan 12, 2010
Yes Malko, notwithstanding you most original spelling ,you are spot on. The sugar companies use Haitian workers who are exempt from seeking a work visa and the rapid population growth of the East of DR and the need for construction of houses and malls has provided much work for the Haitians. There is no wish from the well off Dominicans to lose this cheap source of labour. The repairs after Fiona have, in the east at least, been carried out by the Haitian work force.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
as usual! It must be someone else's fault other than the illegals.