Bringing personal belongings musical instruments


New member
Oct 30, 2019
Good day
Im mivijg from another country to the DR
i intend to bring with me musical instruments from my current home in another country to my home in the DR

Am i even allowed to bring these things with me like guitars amplifiers mixers etc?

They have been owned by me for a few years
I dont have any receipts of purchase
I have Dom republic permanent residency

What is the best way to bring them
- fedex
- or with me via American airlines

Am I exposed to import is this decided upon by DR customs?

Am i even allowed to bring these things with me withput receipts?

Could they be confiscated?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
In my opinion, customs won't have an issue with these if you arrive with them at the airport. And if you're resident here and they're yours then there's why could they have a problem? They tend to be more interested in looking for people arriving with drugs, money, guns, computers and mobile phones (to sell). The issue would be the cost of bringing them with you on a flight, as I presume they weigh a fair amount, and you'd need to think about luggage charges.

If you ship using a company like Fedex or one of the shippers who are more specialist in DR, they will handle the customs for you. Those companies have good relationships with the customs guys and in my experience there is rarely an issue getting things through.

If you give the approximate weight / amount of stuff you're looking to ship, and from where, someone on here will be able to recommend a good shipping company for you.