Building in the dr

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I once was reading on here about people making comments before reading the whole post or all of the post in the conversation.If so they whould now what is what.I truely believe people should stand up for them selves and there beliefs.I am truely sorry if I annoyed anybody asking some question in quest for better knowledge.I really thought that is why we are here.NO I am not Dominican.But I have friends and family there My wife is Domincan we have a 5 year old and one in the oven.My future is the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC and that is why I am here.So i have no time for negative or disrespectful answers.If you have answers for me in the helpful requested direction I much appreciate it.I am a person that helps others does not matter who they are or where there from.When I make friends they are good friends always.I believe the same in Business I am friends with all my clients dinners,partys,kids functions.I have not had to advertise once and I am steady with work.I truely believe that is what works, be straight up and honest and good to all and everything will fall in place.That being said you also can not have people walk on you eathier or you will be stepped on in business and in life people become where they dont know where there line to not cross is.well Hillbilly lets talk about your issues with me what are they?You have yet to answer any of my questions?lots of comments though.Where do you live?what do you do?they are the only questions i have, from there maybe i can help sort this out.then you can stop answering for other people and making un helpful comments.

The cranky professor gets annoyed when people call the country " the Dominican " as this is not it's name, or perhaps when his arthritis is acting up. His advice though is ALMOST always bang on. Not knowing a persons background from either side of the equation makes it difficult to give or take specific advice. Advice given under these circumstances has to assume that the person asking knows nothing or next to nothing. I always listen and take in to account advice from whomever is dispensing it. That doesn't mean that I may not already know more about the subject than the person giving the advice. Read and learn, formulate your questions so you get the best return on your questions.
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ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011
Dominican republic

I am sorry for anyone i have offended I have nothing but respect for the people of the Dominican Republic.They know how to work hard for there money and enjoy life along the way.I am very thankful for any helpful information i recieve.


New member
Apr 21, 2007
Hi Ron,
And welcome to DR1.... sorry you had to go through that, follow Chips advise if he does not know, he will know someone that does.

Happy Days

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011

Thanks I noticed that he is very helpful with information and contacts all for free lol this site has made me nothing but wiser


The Way Life Should Be...
Jun 23, 2002
the funny thing with the internet is that unlike "in real life" walking into a social situation -- where you immediately can "size up" the room and see who is who (assuming you have those skills) -- online you just don't have that same advantage. at this particular social site it pays to sit back, search, explore and learn before getting defensive. that's all Ron. Welcome and good luck.

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011
Just a Question?

thanks for the advise.This all from asking a question.not a comment just a question.I believe in life you treat people with respect doesnt matter who you are.its like my employees yes they work for me but i treat them with respect in all situations right or wrong.In return I get the same back and I get there loyalty.So i do understand your loyalty.I am very clear in my life what is helpful knowledge and what is just a waste of time.I think i have met nothing but helpful and knowledgable people on here.It has been a blessing so much information.


New member
Oct 22, 2009

I sent a PM, sorry for the delay I was back in the UK on family business. For the record, I can agree the costs stated earlier in the 30,000 / m2. This will be sufficient to have a house constructed to a high standard and using industry grade materials (blocks & concrete for example), and include elec back up, a/c etc. The best advice anyone could give is to be present daily during the construction of your home and to shop around for the higher end purchases, kitchens, glazing and the like.

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011
building info

That seams quiet high to build iv been getting mixed prices.I would over see all construction.As that is what I do here.Im sure I will learn lots along the way as things are diffferent every where i go.Its been ranging from 17,000 to 30,000 .m2 I understand there is high end and low end and also extras like moldings railings and tall ceilings.type of would be nice to view any sites that should the methods of building in the Dominican Republic I have been to alot of sites and have seen many ways how things are done there.I feel I have learned lots but am still trying for very interested in second floor floor connection and slopped concrete roofs with clay tile.


Jul 25, 2007
The price range can be due to a number of factor but I would contribute a smaller part to difference in quality of materials and finish and a larger part to markup. Generally, if one hires an architect or contractor to administer the contruction and pay for the material and labor during the construction the costs will increase significantly. There are other ways to do it cheaper as I have explained before.

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011
Tech sites

yes thanks I have read them very helpful. watch all and pay for all yourself be very involved should help costs.very much enjoyed your write you know of any technical sites on procedures of building.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Yris had used different Maestro's for building her school, and doing house repairs. She hired the Architect that lives next door to do some alterations and add a third floor to the school, because she had grown up with her and knew the family well. She wanted to give her an opportunity and she knew she had talent as a Architect. She proved that she knew what she was doing and was on site making sure the workers were doing exactly what she wanted. Yris remember how much arguing and constant negotiating she had to do before and she had none of that with Lucia. I unfortunately can't be there for our first construction project but Yris will be there. For us the extra cost is worth it as we are confident in the quality we'll receive.


Mar 12, 2007
Does the 30,000 RD$ per SM include the cost of a pool and genrator? If not what would that add?




Aug 11, 2002
the buildings in question, there were three, are all identical, so i doubt that it was two developers who didn't know what each other was doing.......

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011
Thanks Bob that was great I need more feed me more lol...That helped me learn out side of the box also.A real eye opener, learning about alot of different things with the people working and whats going on.Not quiet what I was looking for but well worth reading it sure helped the thirst for knowledge.Thanks again

ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011

I see alot of people are looking this over but no comments or input.could everyone say what there interests are in looking this over.Tell us what it is that brought you here to look this over your thoughts and your plans would be an interest to see the different views and directions.


New member
May 13, 2007


I will give some input to your original post:

We (me and my RD wife) I am british finished building a 3 bedroom house in 2009, 500m2 plot and 240m2 construction

Land cost $RD 500,000

House construction $RD 3,000,000

This included perimiter block wall and metal railings,sliding gate for the driveway, All waste drainage, and water from a bore hole. This did not include kitchen and bathroom fixtures & fittings.

We used a local builder (San Pedro De Macoris) to do all the work, I looked at as many of his previous jobs as i could and to be fair he was good to his word and did a good job on time and on budget

Hope this helps


ron metzger

New member
Jan 4, 2011

Thats great stuff thanks for the input.Nice to see everything went well for you hope there are more stories like that.What area did you do that?