I've been spending some time looking at YouTube videos on places for locals to stay in the DR — think Jarabacoa to be a leading destination... And with good reason.
Okay, but my wife and I, oldies that we are (just turned 60), enjoy mountain biking (I raced them in my younger days and work on them for neighbors... I have a little garage bike workshop) and so I've been trying to find out more on mtbing in the DR. This led me to look for campsites that we could spend a weekend at.
Hmmm... Not finding much... Am I missing places?
Well, this got me thinking about another little business development idea that I came across here in the good ol' US of A... Building inexpensive camping trailers.
It wasn't until I began looking into what was necessary that I came across a few really innovative people who are building very inexpensive camping trailers.
Cool... But there's more to this potential business idea... If inexpensive camping trailers can be built in the DR... Then there need to be destinations for customers of these inexpensive trailers to visit... This means the possibility of developing these destinations.
What is the camping mindset in the DR... Would locals do it?
Know this... With the growth in the number of tourists visiting the DR... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a few, if not many, may just be interested in a short-term camping experience at the right price. And it's already being done way, way up in the highest mountains in the DR.
Here is just one of many YouTube videos of what is needed to build an inexpensive camping trailer...
Okay, but my wife and I, oldies that we are (just turned 60), enjoy mountain biking (I raced them in my younger days and work on them for neighbors... I have a little garage bike workshop) and so I've been trying to find out more on mtbing in the DR. This led me to look for campsites that we could spend a weekend at.
Hmmm... Not finding much... Am I missing places?
Well, this got me thinking about another little business development idea that I came across here in the good ol' US of A... Building inexpensive camping trailers.
It wasn't until I began looking into what was necessary that I came across a few really innovative people who are building very inexpensive camping trailers.
Cool... But there's more to this potential business idea... If inexpensive camping trailers can be built in the DR... Then there need to be destinations for customers of these inexpensive trailers to visit... This means the possibility of developing these destinations.
What is the camping mindset in the DR... Would locals do it?
Know this... With the growth in the number of tourists visiting the DR... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that a few, if not many, may just be interested in a short-term camping experience at the right price. And it's already being done way, way up in the highest mountains in the DR.
Here is just one of many YouTube videos of what is needed to build an inexpensive camping trailer...