Can You Help?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
A couple of weeks ago, I posted that the township where we live was collecting used baseball equipment to be shipped to DR.  The response was overwhelming, and several overloaded pickup trucks arrived here yesterday afternoon.

We have, in many sizes, bats, catchers gear, helmets, coaches bags, baseballs, cleats and gloves, for small boys to full grown teens.

The township is paying for two boxes to be shipped, we’re paying for three, but that leaves us woefully short.  To ship each box is $65, and we will have about ten more to fill, plus one large drum (some of the bats are much longer and will not fit in the standard 24” box).  The drum costs $35, plus $115 to ship, $150 total.

If you can contribute to ship a box, it would be gratefully appreciated. You can use PayPal or mail me a check, made out to the shipping company or me, whichever you prefer.    Here are some photos of what we have to pack:









Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
So far, DR1ers have offered to pay for 4 boxes and the drum, I'm very grateful [and the kids in DR will be even more!]. We were contacted yesterday by another team who is coming to donate all their bats and some other equipment.

It's a lot of equipment, and we only know of several locations in San Cristobal province with organized young teams. One will be the large field on the road between Nigua and Najayo, and there are teams in the Miracielo area outside of San Cristobal.

If you know of other teams/fields/etc., please get me contact information so we can make arrangements with the coaches for us to come with equipment and meet their teams. Anyone who is interested in accompanying us [likely late January or February] is welcome!


May 14, 2014
So far, DR1ers have offered to pay for 4 boxes and the drum, I'm very grateful [and the kids in DR will be even more!]. We were contacted yesterday by another team who is coming to donate all their bats and some other equipment.

It's a lot of equipment, and we only know of several locations in San Cristobal province with organized young teams. One will be the large field on the road between Nigua and Najayo, and there are teams in the Miracielo area outside of San Cristobal.

If you know of other teams/fields/etc., please get me contact information so we can make arrangements with the coaches for us to come with equipment and meet their teams. Anyone who is interested in accompanying us [likely late January or February] is welcome!

Here in cotui (villa la mata area) there's a big baseball field (el play) that tons of kids and older people play at. I've seen they have very organized leagues and even a local baseball play (Francis Martes) who is with the world series winning astros is from here. I've seen him donate some equipment and uniforms, but there is a lot i have seen these kids need. I'll see if there's someone I can get it contact with if possible, I live very close to the field and I'll see if there's a need for anything at this time.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Here in cotui (villa la mata area) there's a big baseball field (el play) that tons of kids and older people play at. I've seen they have very organized leagues and even a local baseball play (Francis Martes) who is with the world series winning astros is from here. I've seen him donate some equipment and uniforms, but there is a lot i have seen these kids need. I'll see if there's someone I can get it contact with if possible, I live very close to the field and I'll see if there's a need for anything at this time.

Let me know the contact info when you get it.  

We still need sponsors for 6 more boxes, $65 a box.  I know Christmas is a bad time to ask, but if you can help it would be greatly appreciated.  I’d hate to see so much left behind when there is such a need there.  

Maybe some of you want to sponsor a box with a partner, $32.50 each?  


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
One more photo, this one was packed today.  You can see that the boxes are large, and how many bats fit in there!



Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
I think what you are doing is great and I applaud your efforts.  About 5 years ago I brought down about 17 gloves and some bats and balls.  We went to the local elementary school to distribute them.   I told everyone that these were for kids who did not have any glove at all.  So when we asked which kids do not have gloves, they all raised there hands.  So I repeated, only the kids without a glove.  All their hands remained in the air. NONE of those kids owned a baseball glove in El Frances.
So I decided to start with the smallest kid.  Looking directly at the smallest one, I made 4-5 motions toward him with the glove to show him that I was going to toss it to him.  Finally I tossed it and it lobbed through the air, bounced off his head and landed on the floor without him moving or even blinking.  Something tells me that he will not be playing for the Yankees in 10 years!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
I think what you are doing is great and I applaud your efforts.  About 5 years ago I brought down about 17 gloves and some bats and balls.  We went to the local elementary school to distribute them.   I told everyone that these were for kids who did not have any glove at all.  So when we asked which kids do not have gloves, they all raised there hands.  So I repeated, only the kids without a glove.  All their hands remained in the air. NONE of those kids owned a baseball glove in El Frances.
So I decided to start with the smallest kid.  Looking directly at the smallest one, I made 4-5 motions toward him with the glove to show him that I was going to toss it to him.  Finally I tossed it and it lobbed through the air, bounced off his head and landed on the floor without him moving or even blinking.  Something tells me that he will not be playing for the Yankees in 10 years!

I’m not surprised at all.  Last week someone posted a video of Mariano Rivera demonstrating how he made a glove out of cardboard when he was a kid.  When Mr AE saw it, he said he made his out of carpet or canvas scraps (he was a pitcher) as a boy.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  

I wish i had $1,000 laying around to ship it all.  Whatever we can’t ship will be offered to groups collecting for Haiti and Puerto Rico.  I hope it doesn’t come to that.  



Sep 3, 2013

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
I’m not surprised at all.  Last week someone posted a video of Mariano Rivera demonstrating how he made a glove out of cardboard when he was a kid.  When Mr AE saw it, he said he made his out of carpet or canvas scraps (he was a pitcher) as a boy.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  

I wish i had $1,000 laying around to ship it all.  Whatever we can’t ship will be offered to groups collecting for Haiti and Puerto Rico.  I hope it doesn’t come to that.  


When I was a tourist in Cuba, I saw kids playing baseball (for lack of a better term) with their bare hands.

They'd use their hand and arm to hit the ball (a rolled up ball of cord) and catch it with their bare hands too.

Bases were whatever they could find.

If you want to play, you'll play.

AE, I'll cover two, how do you want me to pay you? (send me a pm)


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
When I was a tourist in Cuba, I saw kids playing baseball (for lack of a better term) with their bare hands.

They'd use their hand and arm to hit the ball (a rolled up ball of cord) and catch it with their bare hands too.

Bases were whatever they could find.

If you want to play, you'll play.

AE, I'll cover two, how do you want me to pay you? (send me a pm)

Thank you so much JD, pm has been sent.  


May 14, 2014
Let me know the contact info when you get it.  

We still need sponsors for 6 more boxes, $65 a box.  I know Christmas is a bad time to ask, but if you can help it would be greatly appreciated.  I’d hate to see so much left behind when there is such a need there.  

Maybe some of you want to sponsor a box with a partner, $32.50 each?  
Alright, I'll get in contact with some coaches soon, I was a little busy this weekend getting married lol so I'll send a pm once I get some info. Also, since I'm sure you've done this awhile I'm sure you're wise to know to be wary when donating all equipment at once. Some of these coaches unfortunately sell the equipment for profit. Of course in my case I would see it that kids are directly given this equipment. I just don't want to see kids get robbed of some opportunity because of some greedy coach or rep.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Alright, I'll get in contact with some coaches soon, I was a little busy this weekend getting married lol so I'll send a pm once I get some info. Also, since I'm sure you've done this awhile I'm sure you're wise to know to be wary when donating all equipment at once. Some of these coaches unfortunately sell the equipment for profit. Of course in my case I would see it that kids are directly given this equipment. I just don't want to see kids get robbed of some opportunity because of some greedy coach or rep.

For sure no coach will be given anything except an equipment bag, we have several of them.  We plan to make appointments and only the boys who are present will be given a bat, helmet, cleats, gloves, etc. Each team will also get catcher’s gear.  


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Just an update.

10 boxes packed

1 drum packed

DR1ers have paid for 4 boxes, and another has pledged $280 for the drum and two boxes.  Two boxes will be paid for by our town.  We’re paying for three.  

We still have at least 3, probably 4 boxes to pack.  Hard to see in the photo, but catchers gear, bats and a couple of overflowing coaches bags still unpacked. 

If you can sponsor a box, please let me know.

Many thanks

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Just an update.

10 boxes packed
   View attachment 2751

1 drum packed
View attachment 2752

DR1ers have paid for 4 boxes, and another has pledged $280 for the drum and two boxes.  Two boxes will be paid for by our town.  We’re paying for three.  

We still have at least 3, probably 4 boxes to pack.  Hard to see in the photo, but catchers gear, bats and a couple of overflowing coaches bags still unpacked. 
View attachment 2753

If you can sponsor a box, please let me know.

Many thanks

Hey, I have a left hander's glove if you find a left hander.....


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Hey, I have a left hander's glove if you find a left hander.....

Just this afternoon I said I was afraid a left handed kid might be disappointed if we don’t have a glove for him.  What a coincidence.

The first place we will distribute is just outside of Nigua, we’ll stop by your office to get the glove, just in case.  


JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Just this afternoon I said I was afraid a left handed kid might be disappointed if we don’t have a glove for him.  What a coincidence.

The first place we will distribute is just outside of Nigua, we’ll stop by your office to get the glove, just in case.  


Oh oh... does this mean you're going to rescue your bag I've been holding hostage?

The ransom you'll have to pay will be a picture of the happy recipient.

It even comes with a softball!!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Oh oh... does this mean you're going to rescue your bag I've been holding hostage?

The ransom you'll have to pay will be a picture of the happy recipient.

It even comes with a softball!!

Haha, I forgot about that bag!  

There will definitely be photos, as our town, who sponsored the collection and paid for shipping two boxes, wants pics for local press. My brother-in-law has a column in Listin Diario, so they may show up at one of the baseball fields too.