On Friday, our leadership class delivered Alter Ego's donated clothing and shoes, etc. to the community of Los Moluces. This community is up a steep, rough and rocky dirt road high in the mountain near Jamao. Without 4 wheel drive you cannot go there. The community has no running water. Ever. Our school children must walk down a steep path to a stream to fetch water each day. Sometimes they make the trip with a burro. The electricity there is extremely poor, maybe if they are lucky, there is electricity one or two hours a day. Because the people there are poor, they have no back up batteries. If they need to see a doctor or go buy paint or something at the hardware store or purchase something other than beans and rice and sopita, they make the walk down the mountain to Jamao. We have one man who does labor at our house on occasion. He lives in Los Moluces, walks to my house, works 8 - 10 hours doing hard labor, then walks back up the mountain.
We sent word to the community that we were coming. Everyone showed up. They have no other means to buy shoes and clothes, so they were truly happy. They are extremely grateful to Strength for the Journey and WE are extremely grateful to Alter Ego for this donation that helped so many.
Although this did not happen on that same day, I must share my favorite photo from this community. We were teaching in the one room schoolhouse there. The children told me that they had a gift for me. They went outside and came back. My gift was a scrawny chicken!