Can You Help?


New member
Nov 27, 2003
I would like to help by paying for the shipping of one drum using PayPal, please message me
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Mr AE and I would like to sincerely thank those who’ve contributed towards the shipping of the baseball equipment, we are humbled by your generosity. IrishPaddy, JFK, Chuddy, lifeisgreat and several who messaged privately, GRACIAS!!
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Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Mr AE and I would like to sincerely thank those who’ve contributed towards the shipping of the baseball equipment, we are humbled by your generosity. IrishPaddy, JFK, Chuddy, lifeisgreat and several who messaged privately, GRACIAS!!
It is awesome that you and Mr AE are doing this for the kids. I am sure they are so appreciative receiving this equipment.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
And they’re off. 12 drums leaving today (2 are our personal stuff, 10 baseball equipment and baseball clothing.

Thanks so much to everyone who helped defray the shipping.


JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Woo Hoooo! And a new wachin machine too!

Nice looking drums.. lol..


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Woo Hoooo! And a new wachin machine too!

Nice looking drums.. lol..

It’s a propane dryer I bought off Facebook Marketplace for $50, I hope it works 😂

The drums were given to us for free from the manager of a local car wash, saved us many hundreds of dollars, they’re not pretty, but they work. The campo neighbors will be begging for them, they fill them with water mostly.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
How can I thank you enough???? The barrels will be painted and placed around Jamao by our leadership class. The sandals will be given out in the remote mountain communities. Will post pics as the work you started continues.

Thank you, Alter Ego, for being Strength for the Journey!

You’re very welcome, and many thanks to the DR1ers who donated towards the shipping!!

Our next baseball distribution will be in Azua. Photos to follow
Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
Just to continue to show how Alter Ego's donations are being used and helping others, our students in the Strength for the Journey Leadership Academy began their part of this project by sorting and inventorying all clothing, shoe, and other donations included in Alter Ego's barrels. This week, they will divide up the inventory, deciding which of our mountain communities would most benefit. After the barrels are emptied, they will begin painting them, writing to the ayuntamiento for permission to place them around Jamao for trash, and then actually taking them to these locations.

Thus, this donation provided two worthwhile service activities for our youth and are helping them to learn leadership skills.

Thanks, again, Alter Ego! YOU are Strength for the Journey!


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Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
On Friday, our leadership class delivered Alter Ego's donated clothing and shoes, etc. to the community of Los Moluces. This community is up a steep, rough and rocky dirt road high in the mountain near Jamao. Without 4 wheel drive you cannot go there. The community has no running water. Ever. Our school children must walk down a steep path to a stream to fetch water each day. Sometimes they make the trip with a burro. The electricity there is extremely poor, maybe if they are lucky, there is electricity one or two hours a day. Because the people there are poor, they have no back up batteries. If they need to see a doctor or go buy paint or something at the hardware store or purchase something other than beans and rice and sopita, they make the walk down the mountain to Jamao. We have one man who does labor at our house on occasion. He lives in Los Moluces, walks to my house, works 8 - 10 hours doing hard labor, then walks back up the mountain.

We sent word to the community that we were coming. Everyone showed up. They have no other means to buy shoes and clothes, so they were truly happy. They are extremely grateful to Strength for the Journey and WE are extremely grateful to Alter Ego for this donation that helped so many.

Although this did not happen on that same day, I must share my favorite photo from this community. We were teaching in the one room schoolhouse there. The children told me that they had a gift for me. They went outside and came back. My gift was a scrawny chicken!

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Lindsey, thanks so much for sharing this. It does my heart good to know it went to a deserving community.

We’re winding up our baseball equipment distribution, I’ll post an assortment of photos after it’s completed. I actually forgot to take photos before the boys dispersed at our biggest location, it was many hours long and we were exhausted. The good news is I’ve gotten pretty good at looking at bare feet and guessing cleat size 😂. In the last 50 or so boys, there was exactly ONE who was wearing a pair of canvas shoes. All the others were in flip flops. One was barefoot (we found him a great pair of Nike sneakers in addition to the cleats). The level of poverty in the campos is impossible to understand if you haven’t seen it firsthand.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Last week we contacted Lindsey Kauffman at Strength For The Journey to say we had 5 more empty 55-gallon tanks for her. Her students and staff paint them and distribute them around Jamao for garbage collection. (See photos above).

Mr AE was organizing them when he realized we had missed a drum more than halfway filled with baseball equipment at the back of the garage. Another quick conversation with Lindsey and we found out her neighbor coaches 70 boys. Today she and one of her teachers came to our house to pick up the drums and baseball stuff. I’m sure photos will follow.

Everything happens for a reason, that equipment was meant to go there!
Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
Thank you Alter Ego for thinking of us for the barrels and baseball equipment. We will now get to work painting them and placing them around Jamao for trash. I spoke to the local coach who has 70 kids on his teams. He is taking inventory at practice today to see who needs what and will bring those kids to the foundation to be fitted for shoes or mitts.

Will post pics where this all takes place. Together we can make positive change.