Wasn't the whole idea supposed to be that if you generate excess energy they would pay for it? Maybe this is a move to not pay for electricity provided by end consumers?
Yes, and that's what they do.
The fraudulent tricky part:
The pay for your solar panel collected energy, injected into their CEPM system a super low price per KW,
While You have to pay Them for Your own used powers a ridiculous 18 pesos per KW.
I don't know that actual exact price they pay in Bavaro per KW injected to their system, but "heard" it is just a 1/3 of what you pay for the energy you use/pay to them per KW.
If thats the case, well, then you need fotovoltaik cells producing 3 times the energy amount of what you can use in your house, to not get a bill to pay to CEP at the end of the day.
But investing in a fotovoltaik system 3 times bigger than what you really need/consume at your place, is a way too high investment to make it worth to even think about solar power at such place then.
yes, that's what i so far do, no connection to the CEP power grid, what i produce is a good chunk more than what i consume, i have always 21.6KW stored in my batteries for cloudy times/night time etc, what my solar panels would produce on top of that goes unused puff in the air, but nobody can charge me for that, YET.
When i started to build the lil Ranch here, it was meant to be our weekend hangout place with some animals around and by that time (still the case, but changing as we speak) anyways CEPM had no power lines up here at our campo, so solar power was the only way to get electricity, hence you find solar panels all around the area.
NOW, since earlier this year 2023, CEPM is coming around and questions neighbours if they would be willing to connect to their power grid, if they would bring up a power line out here.
Due that sh.it show going on in Bavaro(same CEPM Company as the power provider),I will so far completely refuse to get not even a basic power connection with them on my property, nor will i allow them to cross my property with their future/planned power lines.
But who knows what new regulations will come out in the future for that thing, we shall see.
As my girls decided they want to def move on the Finca and give up the Condo in Bavaro, electricity here is more important to me, as we live full time here.
Hence I just recently did some upgrades, including more batteries for elec storage and just in case it would be needed, a new bigger power generator that allows me to recharge my batteries and run the pump of the well by generator, too.
So far it was not necessary to use the generator, but you never know what could happen in the future, no system is bullet prooved to failures/damages, so i try to prepare as good as possible.
But to do a contract with the soon (CEPM words, could mean in 3 months or in 20 years, lol)to come power grid to our valley, is for me at this point completely out of question, and they need to use the other side of the road for their electricity poles, as i will not allow them along my long street front. (it is stretchy, they can not put them on the public ground of the street without making the tiny dirt road a super tiny one lane track then).
Time will show what will come up there.
If this country/government wants people to go to "green" energies, to assist the country wide overrun power grids, then they need to make such assistance lucrative.
Btw, the lady on the video/interview, Suzanne, I know here in person since somewhere 15 or even more years, maybe 20 already.
I did never speak to her about this theme, as we did not meet since before the pandemic, so when i opened the video i was surprised to see a familiar face.