Cholera in Casa de Campo


Dec 11, 2003
but are they saying that the lobster was served as a ceviche? raw?

Fairly stupid to be eating ceviche now.. anywhere

I remember when Peru had an outbreak and the President said,, hey no worries. eat ceviche see I do.

and hundreds more people got sick.
Jul 4, 2010
Just want to add that Gustavo Cisneros is not an enemy of Hugo Chavez. Also, Gustavo Cisneros has denied that it was in his villa in CDC where guests got sick with colera.


Jan 1, 2002
Yes, the Cisneros Group has denied that they had anything at all to do with the wedding or the catering or the reception or anything.....Period.

The Public Health labs confirmed that it was cholera....



Jan 1, 2002
About an hour ago, the AP out of Venezuela said that 111 persons are or have been treated with the disease. All attended the wedding.

Let's see how effective the Venezuelan health authorities are at keeping it limited to these few. Be interesting.



Jun 3, 2004
Just heard the same on local news radio in California. "The Venezuelans had attended a wedding in the Dominican Republic in a town on the border with Haiti" I didn't know Casa De Campo had moved!


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Had lunch with my in-laws today, and my husband's brother said that he heard that much of the food served was flown in from Venezuela because they were concerned about cholera. Anyone else hear that?

Jul 4, 2010
Had lunch with my in-laws today, and my husband's brother said that he heard that much of the food served was flown in from Venezuela because they were concerned about cholera. Anyone else hear that?


This is just idle speculation, but considering the large proportion of guest who became ill, and knowing that not everyone at a party consumes the same food (not everyone likes lobster), it's possible that the cholera bacteria was in the ice used for drinks and water.


Feb 8, 2003
Had lunch with my in-laws today, and my husband's brother said that he heard that much of the food served was flown in from Venezuela because they were concerned about cholera. Anyone else hear that?


Most food and chef were from venezuela
over 500 invitados from Venezuela
The owner of the Villa from Venezuela.
Who is the owner of that villa that nobody wants to tell the name.
Casa de campo and the country has a lot of negative publicity around the world that could affect the tourism and a week after nobody want to reveal the name of the family.
It wasnt in Cisneros house, so who is the other billionarire who live here that can invite over 500 venezuelans and be in the anonymity.
where are the papparazzis, photographers, who was getting married?
Now, nobody was in the wedding. and the name of the family is a Top Secret
Most food and chef were from venezuela
over 500 invitados from Venezuela
The owner of the Villa from Venezuela.
Who is the owner of that villa that nobody wants to tell the name.
Casa de campo and the country has a lot of negative publicity around the world that could affect the tourism and a week after nobody want to reveal the name of the family.
It wasnt in Cisneros house, so who is the other billionarire who live here that can invite over 500 venezuelans and be in the anonymity.
where are the papparazzis, photographers, who was getting married?
Now, nobody was in the wedding. and the name of the family is a Top Secret

Im not sure in whose villa the wedding was. But in CDC there are over 1500 villas, and any villa owner can do a wedding at his home and also you can rent a villa to do a wedding, if that's the case should the owner be held responsable for what happens at the activity?. Also, after living in CDC for over a year i can assure you that there wasn't papparazis, photographers or any of the kind, whats the purpose of living in a private area if is not privacy and security.

Also i've heard that the wedding in question had outside catering so CDC should not be blamed for anything that happens regarding that. Bad luck they bought there products from an unreliable source.


Jan 12, 2010
Most food and chef were from venezuela
over 500 invitados from Venezuela
The owner of the Villa from Venezuela.
Who is the owner of that villa that nobody wants to tell the name.
Casa de campo and the country has a lot of negative publicity around the world that could affect the tourism and a week after nobody want to reveal the name of the family.
It wasnt in Cisneros house, so who is the other billionarire who live here that can invite over 500 venezuelans and be in the anonymity.
where are the papparazzis, photographers, who was getting married?
Now, nobody was in the wedding. and the name of the family is a Top Secret
Nothing is a secret ,,,the Mendoza family had the wedding and the food and catering was from a company outside Casa de Campo and the source of the infection is thought to have been lobster .The Mendoza family are disliked by Chauvez and he is broke the news of the disaster with some glee.


Dec 11, 2003
The Associated Press: Cholera cases climb to 111 in Venezuela

cases rising in Venezuela

which gives rise to a couple of questions....

first.. the idea that the contamination is from the lobsters from Pedernales.. yet the CDC had said that cooking to a core temp of 70 would kill the virus..

International Notes Update: Cholera Outbreak -- Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia

ok there may have been subsequent contamination by a food handler..

and also there were evidently 37 people who travelled BACK to Venezuela and they have now infected 111... What, no clorox? This seems like a very rapid transmission vector within an affluent community which supposedly has good plumbing and information, no?
Feb 7, 2007
Nothing is a secret ,,,the Mendoza family had the wedding and the food and catering was from a company outside Casa de Campo and the source of the infection is thought to have been lobster .The Mendoza family are disliked by Chauvez and he is broke the news of the disaster with some glee.

Maybe they brought the bacteria in their OWN food from their OWN catering company...who knows! (I am not saying they did it on purpose with some devil motive, but seeing their business is food processing, most likely they brought lots of their own food. Some outside devilish force could have infected that food, for some unknown devilish reason.)

Su fortuna se calcula en 4.500 millones de d?lares. Cuando era adolescente, descargaba camiones de la cervecer?a Polar o sacos en la f?brica de harinas para arepas (la paella venezolana) y aprend?a los engranajes de su negocio desde abajo. No en vano su padre se hab?a especializado en Psiquiatr?a por la Universidad de Madrid y sab?a lo dif?cil que era educar a un ni?o rico. Para evitar tonter?as le hizo posar los pies en la tierra bien pronto, lo que Lorenzo le agradecer?a enormemente, porque enseguida tuvo que poner en pr?ctica lo aprendido. Cuando ?l todav?a estaba estudiando la carrera en Nueva York, su padre, Lorenzo Alejandro Mendoza Quintero, muri? repentinamente a los 55 a?os, y es su madre, Leonor Gim?nez de Mendoza, Tita, la que se encargo por cinco a?os de la Fundaci?n Polar.

En la actualidad, Lorenzo Mendoza, con s?lo 39 a?os, lidera la presidencia ejecutiva de Empresas Polar, la empresa de bebidas y alimentos m?s grande de Venezuela. En su calidad de presidente ejecutivo, preside actualmente un imperio compuesto por m?s de 40 empresas con cerca de 17.000 empleados que producen una enorme lista de productos para la alimentaci?n (muchos de los cuales son l?deres en su ramo), como pasta, arroz, aceite de ma?z, helado, vino, agua mineral, gaseosas, golosinas y snacks de todo tipo. El conglomerado produce el 4 por ciento del producto interno bruto venezolano, excluyendo el petr?leo y su divisi?n cervecera es la d?cima cuarta cervecer?a a nivel mundial. Bajo su direcci?n Empresas Polar ha dado algunos pasos grandes por fuera de sus caminos tradicionales. El grupo ha invertido en banca, en hipermercados, en petroqu?mica y petr?leo. As? pues, seg?n este joven empresario, "La idea es invertir el exceso de efectivo en ?reas que representen las ventajas comparativas venezolanas".


Feb 8, 2003
Y uno de los principales opositores del r?gimen de Ch?vez, al igual que Cisneros, Carmona y un sin numero de invitados al meeting. perd?n a la boda.

Maybe they brought the bacteria in their OWN food from their OWN catering company...who knows! (I am not saying they did it on purpose with some devil motive, but seeing their business is food processing, most likely they brought lots of their own food. Some outside devilish force could have infected that food, for some unknown devilish reason.)

Su fortuna se calcula en 4.500 millones de d?lares. Cuando era adolescente, descargaba camiones de la cervecer?a Polar o sacos en la f?brica de harinas para arepas (la paella venezolana) y aprend?a los engranajes de su negocio desde abajo. No en vano su padre se hab?a especializado en Psiquiatr?a por la Universidad de Madrid y sab?a lo dif?cil que era educar a un ni?o rico. Para evitar tonter?as le hizo posar los pies en la tierra bien pronto, lo que Lorenzo le agradecer?a enormemente, porque enseguida tuvo que poner en pr?ctica lo aprendido. Cuando ?l todav?a estaba estudiando la carrera en Nueva York, su padre, Lorenzo Alejandro Mendoza Quintero, muri? repentinamente a los 55 a?os, y es su madre, Leonor Gim?nez de Mendoza, Tita, la que se encargo por cinco a?os de la Fundaci?n Polar.

En la actualidad, Lorenzo Mendoza, con s?lo 39 a?os, lidera la presidencia ejecutiva de Empresas Polar, la empresa de bebidas y alimentos m?s grande de Venezuela. En su calidad de presidente ejecutivo, preside actualmente un imperio compuesto por m?s de 40 empresas con cerca de 17.000 empleados que producen una enorme lista de productos para la alimentaci?n (muchos de los cuales son l?deres en su ramo), como pasta, arroz, aceite de ma?z, helado, vino, agua mineral, gaseosas, golosinas y snacks de todo tipo. El conglomerado produce el 4 por ciento del producto interno bruto venezolano, excluyendo el petr?leo y su divisi?n cervecera es la d?cima cuarta cervecer?a a nivel mundial. Bajo su direcci?n Empresas Polar ha dado algunos pasos grandes por fuera de sus caminos tradicionales. El grupo ha invertido en banca, en hipermercados, en petroqu?mica y petr?leo. As? pues, seg?n este joven empresario, "La idea es invertir el exceso de efectivo en ?reas que representen las ventajas comparativas venezolanas".

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
lando raves


Chavez will stop at nothing to smear Cisneros. Plus all other caribbean basin countries have been itching to snatch away whatever piece of DR's tourism business they can. We have the hotels, infrasctructure, location and human capital to continue as the leading spot for tourism in the Caribbeann.

are you suggesting that this is some conspiracy on the part of "caribbean basin countries" to sabotage the DR tourist industry? first of all, get over these media releases about the DR being the leading spot for tourism in the caribbean. the last reviews that came out recently had Jamaica as the top spot in the area, and not the DR. the DR leads in footfall, with some 4 million last year, to 3 million from Jamaica. but numbers do not tell the story. there are other things to consider, such as length of stay, how much each visitor spends, return rate, customer service, attractions, and all the other aspects which make up the composite picture. the DR is a newcomer to the game. other territories, such as the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands have fine tuned their offerings a long time ago. so, despite the potential that the DR obviously has, it is still in the process of learning the game, and scares no one to the point of sabotage.