Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post. I am aware that both my wife and child are entitled to citizenship. We have filled out the appropriate forms, I have given my official consent, the relevant investigations with Interpol etc have been completed. We are merely waiting to have them sworn in, and in fact have had several appointments to do so.
Problem is, the relevant department is refusing to do so, because of the decision of the Secretary of Interior Y Policia to not allow nationalization of foreigners to proceed except in the cases as stated above. When informed that I actually am Dominican, I am told that as I am only a naturalized (as opposed to born) Dominican, they cannot be sworn in.
Does this make sense? No. Does the law distinguish between naturalized and born Dominicans for the purpose of obtaining citizenship for wives and children? Also no. Does this make a difference with the people in charge of getting them sworn in? Of course not.
That being said, I have been here long enough to realize that power is still relatively centralized and that most government functionaries would rather err on the side of caution (or not make a decision at all) rather than debate a point of logic. Aside from my initial frustration, I refuse to obsess about this sort of thing.
So unless anyone knows the Secretary of Interior y Policia, we're out of luck for now.
This is especially annoying as we are trying to make arrangements for my wife's mudanza (which will likely be another nightmare) and we need her sworn in to begin the paperwork on that mess as well.