Considering moving in

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Feb 22, 2010
People lose fortunes in the Republic by jumping into things. I would go as far as to say it is more normal for people to come invest fail and leave than the other way around. People are usually shocked at the higher than expected cost of living in general as much as anything else.
You need to have lived in the country and the area for a long time before any investment, renting is the way to go for a couple of years or set that as a minimum period, unless very very lucky anything less and you haven't seen the full picture or had time to venture into other areas possibly more attractive. A few months here a few months there is not enough. This place is only suitable to some. The majority find real life in the Republic a million miles away from the what is first perceived.
More people make mistakes and fail than you can possibly imagine until you live amongst it, long term.
By the time you buy you should not need any advice on the area, the law, the pitfalls and costs, know who to trust and who is full of it, you should be giving advice to others, and actually lived the proposed lifestyle for a long while. Once you've done that you will know yourself if it is worth the risk and commitment.
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Dec 11, 2003
People lose fortunes in the Republic by jumping into things. I would go as far as to say it is more normal for people to come invest fail and leave than the other way around. People are usually shocked at the higher than expected cost of living in general as much as anything else.
You need to have lived in the country and the area for a long time before any investment, renting is the way to go for a couple of years or set that as a minimum period, unless very very lucky anything less and you haven't seen the full picture or had time to venture into other areas possibly more attractive. A few months here a few months there is not enough. This place is only suitable to some. The majority find real life in the Republic a million miles away from the what is first perceived.
More people make mistakes and fail than you can possibly imagine until you live amongst it, long term.
By the time you buy you should not need any advice on the area, the law, the pitfalls and costs, know who to trust and who is full of it, you should be giving advice to others, and actually lived the proposed lifestyle for a long while. Once you've done that you will know yourself if it is worth the risk and commitment.

I second this...well said!


New member
Jan 19, 2008
The only issue I have with this is why pay rent for the next decade or so if you could've brought the house instead of giving your money to the landlord?
We ignored the "rent first" advice for the same reason and could not be happier with the small house we bought in Las Terrenas-- I also highly recommend our realtor, Dan Hussmann (809-498-5689)-


Feb 22, 2010
We ignored the "rent first" advice for the same reason and could not be happier with the small house we bought in Las Terrenas-- I also highly recommend our realtor, Dan Hussmann (809-498-5689)-

It is nice that people occasionally come up trumps on a gamble. How long have you been in your new home?


New member
Jan 19, 2008
I think this advice is rather extreme:
You need to have lived in the country and the area for a long time before any investment, renting is the way to go for a couple of years or set that as a minimum period, unless very very lucky anything less and you haven't seen the full picture or had time to venture into other areas possibly more attractive. A few months here a few months there is not enough. This place is only suitable to some

We bought our house 3 yrs ago after being in Las Terrenas a total of 5 days!! We live in the US, Annie, but I'm in LT about 3 mths/year and we rent it out the other 9 mths-- When hubby retires, we want to be there 5-6 mths because I HATE the cold!
We've had a boat-load of problems because it's an older house; but, we have a great Haitian property manager and Dominican guest manager who can handle anything!
My advice: do your due diligence, get a good lawyer and property title, don't spend more than you can afford and...LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!


New member
Jan 19, 2008
That was US on House Hunters International!!

Sorry HB!!! But have you ever watched those house hunter international programs? They make it all sound so Simple!! I about went ballistic when I was watching with my sister one night and heard the realtor tell these clients that the bars on the windows were just "decorative""

Actually...I believe you saw the episode about OUR house in Las Terrenas!! You went "ballisitic"? Jeez... We actually added some "decorative" bars after a couple break-ins last year-- Now, I sleep like a baby when I'm there alone...
It's all about attitude, don'tcha think?


Dec 11, 2003
I think this advice is rather extreme:

We bought our house 3 yrs ago after being in Las Terrenas a total of 5 days!! We live in the US, Annie, but I'm in LT about 3 mths/year and we rent it out the other 9 mths-- When hubby retires, we want to be there 5-6 mths because I HATE the cold!
We've had a boat-load of problems because it's an older house; but, we have a great Haitian property manager and Dominican guest manager who can handle anything!
My advice: do your due diligence, get a good lawyer and property title, don't spend more than you can afford and...LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!

Yes, I think that the problem in communicating is that many of here are full time residents.. and that is different from folks who want to come down here for only a few months or six months or whatever. We need perhaps to be more clear when we are talking to people. I did not really GET this until now. I think that for anyone who just wants a vacation home, a second home, and has the resources to buy a second place outright, the DR can be a great investment.. and Las Terrenas is certainly one of the places that I could recommend.

So we should start a thread or a forum or whatever we do here.. to make it clear what we are talking about.

When I have been talking about renting and traveling about to get to know the country and all that .. I am speaking of people who are planning to relocate here full time.

For instance, when I first came here, I lived in Las Terrenas for two years. I love it there and think it is very beautiful but I decided that it did not have enough of a cultural life for me.. it was too insular, too remote from the rest of the country, I wanted to dive in deeper to the culture and meet the people.So I moved to the capital and now just go back to LT when I want a vacation! (which is actually every couple of months!)

Thanks for helping me figure that one out!


Dec 11, 2003
Actually...I believe you saw the episode about OUR house in Las Terrenas!! You went "ballisitic"? Jeez... We actually added some "decorative" bars after a couple break-ins last year-- Now, I sleep like a baby when I'm there alone...
It's all about attitude, don'tcha think?

No, this place was in Mexico

When I lived in LT there were routine breakins.. daytime and night time.. with armed men.. guns held at tourists heads .,, at their children's heads!! while the thieves were stripping the parents of their luggage and passports.

Most of the folks that I know there.. who lived there five years ago, were robbed or held up... one was shot in the foot, one robbed at gunpoint

they have changed the police there and things are much calmer

but, no,

i don't think that it is all about attitude

that was going around there at the time as well "if you do not trouble them, they will not trouble you"

but that really does not fly when there are crack addicts about.


Jun 19, 2009
a couple break ins and boat load of problems because it is an older house........
Sounds like renting for a while still stand as a good advice (even for a vacation house).


Feb 22, 2010
I also was talking about a move with all your eggs in one basket. So with regards to that I do not feel my post was extreme. We were held up at gunpoint and a gun was put to my 16month old daughters head on my refusal to give them everything. Not an area I would have been happy to have jumped into buying in before living and experiencing such an event, which as mentioned has and does happen all to often.
A holiday home is an entirely different concept, you have an out should something like this happen, go home deal with it from a distance. Renting gives you this out also to a certain extent, no commitment other than a deposit, no ties as such. Buying and then this happens still leaves a considerable headache, ties and probable loss.


Jan 23, 2011
I don't know why you are so negative. DR is a great place to live and living costs are very low - approx $500 a month covers a very good lifestyle if you have purchased a house or apartment.
People naturally come and go from all places - the grass is always greener etc.
Many go with a good profit; they seek another adventure ; it's only natural.
Others do the round world trip once a year spending 4 or so months in 3 different countries.
Some household security is desirable in all countries. Also it is commonsense not to go alone in districts where people are very poor.
If someone buys a place and moves out they can always rent it out till it is the right time to sell; or continue renting as an investment.


Feb 22, 2010
If someone buys a place and moves out they can always rent it out till it is the right time to sell; or continue renting as an investment.

Well that is exactly the problem, and misleading to buyers, places sit empty losing money for years. If you don't know where you are buying, this is more likely.
The idea of buy, and just rent it out if need be is not the reality, some well thought out plans can, but more sit empty costing, rather than earning.
I can not discuss costs of living with you, experience has proven you are a cheap person and enjoy cheap wines, food and live with very few treats. I have done it at times when we have been poor, but your promotion of bottom line living is unreal to me and unrealistic to most people I know who live a happy life. So I disagree that life is very cheap, end of.


Jan 23, 2011
More nonsense: People who bought into the Alisei in Las Terrenas for example have done very well over the years. Renting is in high demand and good returns are achieved.
There is little property in many places including Las Terrenas, Boca Chica etc. that stands empty for years! Show me all this empty property.

I'm sure you get your chicken flown in especially from Europe; your special breed pork flown in from US and your truffles from France.
I love my local produce!
90% of people can't tell the difference between a good table wine e.g. Montepalacio here in the DR and much more expensive wines.
I can but sometimes I prefer the table wine.
Spare funds can be given to those in need.
By the way quail eggs can be bought in the DR - great!


Jan 23, 2011
By the way I'm not the only one one saying food is cheap in the DR: Here's a review from TripAdvisor on the new beautiful Balcones del Atlanico: property in this development is being snapped up rapidly after reviews in Conde Nast etc.
My husband and I spent a week in the 2-bedroom penthouse. The rooms are beautiful and well appointed. While they are not yet a full service hotel, the staff is wonderful and will get you anything you want. The restaurant burned down a month ago, but the hotel provides free transportation back and forth to town restaurants which should not be missed. Food is extremely cheap and the fish is fresh all the time. You cannot be fussy here, and you need to go with the flow because everything is leisurely here. The restaurant and front desk staff are great. There is not much to do, so if you are laid back and just want to enjoy the sun, get here before the prices go sky high. We will return again.
Great place for families - Review of Balcones del Atlantico, Las Terrenas, Dominican Republic - TripAdvisor


Feb 22, 2010
More nonsense: Show me all this empty property.


Are you serious? Pull your head out of your arse for one second. You are telling me there is not a problem with property sitting empty? Hahaha. Step out side of your pokey little one man world.
I can't even talk with you we live in such different realities.
The country is slightly larger than LT and Boca by the way, lol.
You only make me laugh now.

Sorry you seemed to react badly to me calling you cheap. I thought this was your intention, to show us all how cheap you are in comparison to the rest of us inexperienced mere mortals.
I use National supermarkets for the weekly shop, I didn't realise that was extravagant living.
Anyway like I said, I can't even exchange with you so I won't even try to.


Jan 23, 2011
Friends who let property here have little difficulty finding tenants.
Property in the DR is in high demand!
Yes, National have a good selection of fine wines. It's a pity the supermarkets in the DR do not always store their wine under the right conditions.
I try and support local vendors all I can; I don't want to give money to supermarket moguls or pay for all that lighting and air conditioning. Nor to encourage property developers to build more supermarket monstrosities!
To make sure all is fresh I buy every 2 days.
Some of the prices in supermarkets are OK others are crazy.



Feb 22, 2010
Since day one you have made silly claims and then desperately tried to back your claim by searching for examples, often unusual or limited scenarios or offers.
I don't think anyone doubts your claims exist or do occur, but you try to claim this world is the world, it is not. LT does not represent the Republic, buying your eggs from the farm next door, drinking 150pesos wine, taking the family out for a meal for 400 pesos, running you fans on car batteries, living in RD6000$ accommodation and all your other superseded tips do not represent the average settler. And as for going off trip advisor for reviews and short sighted opinions? Perfect, I can't even be bothered to read it.

You are still missing the point on the property. If you know where you are buying then yes, you can rent it out, I have stated that well thought out plans can work. The original discussion is about those not knowing where they are buying and so end up in a mess. There is no argument against a well thought out plan, hence my original post of taking your time.
This is impossible, you are having that mosquito effect on me again.
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Feb 22, 2010
I try and support local vendors all I can; I don't want to give money to supermarket moguls or pay for all that lighting and air conditioning. Nor to encourage property developers to build more supermarket monstrosities!
To make sure all is fresh I buy every 2 days.


well we are different animals entirely and this is obviously fundamentally where our differences are.
You spend your shopping day avoiding A/C, I want it quick and easy preferably with A/C. You want fewer supermarkets, I want more. More means more variety, less cost, easier life for me. More time to relax.
You buy every 2 days, I buy once a week.


Dec 11, 2003
More nonsense: People who bought into the Alisei in Las Terrenas for example have done very well over the years. Renting is in high demand and good returns are achieved.


Alisei is less than 7 years old... it was built by the people who built and developed Colibri.

"over the years"

is hardly applicable.

How long have you lived here?
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