Constipation in DR



Just swallow ten or something in the morning, don't chew them they are bitter. The seeds will "disolve" any parasite exept the solitaria of course.


people don't drink much water. most drink sugery liquids (sodas or fake juices). many expats and dominicans are heavy beer / alcohol drinkers. I also suffered from constipation for many years and even got operated for anal fissure. I would not like to repeat this ever again.
cure: drink lots of water and water only. no beers and no sweets or juices. just water.
then take fresh ginger and chop it up in fine pieces. like 2 table spoon full of chopped ginger, one stick of cinnamon.
throw all that in boiling water and let it sit for a bit in water without fire. in simple words: take boiling water (2 cups full) and throw in cinnamon and fresh chopped ginger and cover the top. let it sit for 10 minutes. then drink it. problem solved. do this every morning.
I often throw in a spoon full of honey and some mint leaves as well.
this tea will solve your constipation problem.


Could you please expound on the "anal fissure" issue, sounds so interesting.


Now the most popular thread on DR1 is people talking about constipation. Did anyone have this in mind that this would be what they spent their days talking about when they moved to paradise?

chico bill

Could you please expound on the "anal fissure" issue, sounds so interesting.

That could be expounded on by those who have frequent anal sex - Not my cup of tea mind you.
I am sorry for all those who can't drink beer - it was a gift to us from the Gods...and I have no issues with "movement".

william webster

Frequent !!??

Once might be enough to do it !!
especially if unwilling !!

We need someone w/ experience to comment ---- don't be shy !


I don't know. I lived in Mississippi and had serious problems with constipation. I finally asked the doctor if I could come into his office every 4 or 5 days for an enema and he gave me a strong magnesium tablet to take daily to move stuff along. After two heart attacks and two mini strokes I take 15 pills every day. I assume there is something in one or more that causes the base problem, but no doctor will admit it.
Der Fish

The reason for not being regular is the lack of fiber rich veggies in your diet and staying away from greasy food.
Its not cheap, but works great! After two rectal surgeries, Metamucil is the answer for me. one glass of water with two teaspoon will have you running smooth and on a daily, sometimes twice daily schedule. You may have to adjust the amount based on your constitution as you could start sharding (#2 when trying to fart) when you sneeze or pass gas.


Could you please expound on the "anal fissure" issue, sounds so interesting.

I can tell you that constipation is what causes it. Trust me, you do not want to see it. Basically just a ruptured blood vessel from pushing too hard.


I have not researched it, but this might just be Castor oil. Aceite de Igereta one teaspoon and you will go, I promise. They sell in stores in DR. I remember mom giving me a spoon of that vile oil at least once a month.


I have not researched it, but this might just be Castor oil. Aceite de Igereta one teaspoon and you will go, I promise. They sell in stores in DR. I remember mom giving me a spoon of that vile oil at least once a month.

Got some Castor oil right here. Marked emulsion de aciete higado de bacaloa.

william webster

That's what they used to give before stomach/intestinal scans....

The flush out......... effortless....just count 3-4 hrs and stay home

As they say - Through a screen door....

william webster

just imagine

let's say this---
I thought I was finished the 'prep' and went to the movies... Is Paris Burning.... the film

I have no idea if it is or isn't

The second surge immobilized me.... in a public toilet no less