Constipation in DR



Ive met many people here who have a "problem going to the bathroom" is constipation a common problem in DR? if so does anyone know why? before you say white rice. i been here sometime and i dont eat the "typical food" but i clearly eat food produced here and brought in the super markets i seem to be falling into the same situation and im not sure why. i eat fruit, veggies, salads, meat, fish, no rice, no pasta, no sugar, no street meat or food, not fried unless at home in olive oil. I am speculating here : i feel like all the so called fresh fruits and veggies are produced with pesticides of the worst kind. maybe some not even legal in the US. I seen them spraying all lands here to kill weeds so they can grow whatever. could that be it?

does anyone know what is the typical chemical they are spraying when you see the guys walk and spray with the container on thier back?

does anyone have any in sight into this issue? my girlfriend is the same. thanks.:eek:gre::eek:gre:

Roundup is the preferred killer here for farmlands and it’s used extensively for road maintenance, field clearance. I’ve witnessed workers applying chemicals on farmland in the DR using everything from hand held sprayers to tractor mounted sprayers. Rarely do I see them wearing proper PPE and I highly doubt application rates are being monitored or adhered to by the applicators. Roundup is now being linked to non-Hodgkins lymphoma and law firms are jumping on the class action lawsuit bandwagon to reap the financial rewards. Wash your fruit and vegetables well, and cook what needs to be cooked well.