Cop hit me

Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
So this happened today. I was driving down the mountain to Cabarete. In Los Brazos
Is a sharp curve. I slowed down, and then just on the curve a chicken ran out in front of me. I touched the brake not to hit it and a National Police in an old jalopy hit me from behind.

I stopped and got out of the car. My car had no damage, but his bumper was broken- it was the plastic kind and his hood had a dent.

He also got out and started yelling at me,
Saying it was my fault. I kept repeating
“But you hit me.” He continued to be angry and told me to get my papers.

I told him that he must talk to me kindly…..all in a very calm voice. Then I told him I wanted to make a phone call. He asked who I was calling and I told him the alcalde- who happens to be a very close friend.

No one answered his phone so I called
our maintenance man who is the Alcalde’s brother.

He came, asked what happened. Said it was the cop’s fault since he hit me from behind. Then he went to talk to the police.

He came back to my car and asked me what I want to do. I asked what the repairs would cost. He said between 4,000-8,000 pesos. I said the police should go get a quote from the man who does this kind of repairs in Jamao and I would pay half.

The cop must have agreed. He started up his car and was on his way.

It is times like this that I do not like this country. It seems that often when others make mistakes here, I have to pay the price and make them right.


Dec 5, 2013
As my dear father-in-law said to me a long time ago, stay away from the PN, they are the lowest of the lowest... Incompetency at it's purest... Had we had that vehicle even relatively close behind us, my wife would have ordered (yes, ordered) me to stop and let it pass...
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Dec 5, 2013
It is times like this that I do not like this country.
In the DR, if I see authorities in even a bit remote location, I shiver. Anytime I see the police in EU, I feel instantly safer... Last year in a traffic light in Germany, I was distracted for half-a-second as our younger was showing something to me and I rear-ended the vehicle in front of us (speed like 2 km/h, but still) as it had already turned to green but the line stopped again very quickly. Of course, it's it's mandated that by any accident, the police has to be called, so obviously the other vehicle called. I have never before had to deal with the German police but it was truly nice talking with them. I obviously admitted my mistake and paid the fine and they were simply awesome... Had we had to deal with the PN or DIGESETT in the DR, I would have not been that fine...
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Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
As my dear father-in-law said to me a long time ago, stay away from the PN, they are the lowest of the lowest... Incompetency at it's purest... Had we had that vehicle even relatively close behind us, my wife would have ordered (yes, ordered) me to stop and let it pass...
Yes. And my husband said he probably does not have insurance!


Sep 3, 2013
You offered to pay half ...for something that was not your fault ....why would he not grab it and go


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Ewww. Nasty Man. Kind of thing ruins your day, I feel for you.
Aug 21, 2007
Jamao al Norte
You offered to pay half ...for something that was not your fault ....why would he not grab it and go
Okay. To clarify. I agreed with my maintenance man who came to help me that I would pay half. But I was still in my car when he spoke to the cop. Maybe he said I would pay half or maybe he just said that they would go to the repair man and get a quote, leaving the police to think I would pay it all.

I will let you know then end of the story after it wraps up and what I actually had to pay.

I believe the cop is the police chief in Jamao. And if the police were involved at all in our community he would know me. And he would know that a few years back I bought the inverter and batteries for the police station. But police here just like to catch and deport Haitians, take speakers away at parties, and sometimes stop the motorcyclists and take their motors. Otherwise they hole up.

But if this guy pulls a fast one on me I will get the town behind me. The town is furious with the police here as it is because they shut down the town’s New Year’s party at 10:00 p.m.

chico bill

May 6, 2016
I can see 2 faults here, the cop for following too close and being in the gene pool of the worst drivers on the planet (2nd only to Chinese).
And two - you for breaking on a mountain curve unexpectedly.

Were it a noble dog or cat I would applaud that, but for a chicken that will be eaten soon - no I don't brake suddenly for them


Dec 5, 2013
So now he says I have to pay it all. Corruption at its best. And of course the police are involved.
I'm very sorry to hear this, but this only emphasizes my point above.

I've been giving this a bit of thought as I realize that you did not exactly move to the DR yesterday, and of course evaluating the circumstances, I'm not sure if I had even stopped or gotten out of the vehicle. I realize this is tricky as it was the police. Many times it has been said that if an expat is involved in an accident, they will be in trouble. This again proves that claim to be valid.

Ever since starting to drive in the DR (habits stick), I don't even apply the brakes without checking all the 3 mirrors. Same thing with turning or switching lanes. I really really hate confrontations and problems...