Crime in the DR - For us Who Live Here


Jun 28, 2003
Not implied?

Rocky said:
juancarlos' post made no such insinuation, direct or indirect.
I do understand how an American would get tired of listening to all the fanatics of the world, always blaming the US for everything & anything, but this was not the case in his post.
PS: Hmmm, unless you were refering to the article, juancarlos refered to.....
In which case, forget that I even opened my mouth.

Rocky--I'm not really interested in spending time on the definition of "implied"or how one parses his sentence. In fact I'm sorry I even responded to his post-truly sorry because I think it's a waste of my time.
Certainly, you did read the part about how the U.S. hardens the criminals and then they use their "acquired skills" back in the DR?(by this I THINK he means their education in Made in the USA - NOT in the DR of course) Implied, not implied I really don't care as I think I know where he's coming from.
(My last posting on this tread)


Apr 4, 2002
johne said:
Rocky--I'm not really interested in spending time on the definition of "implied"or how one parses his sentence.
I never used the word "implied, nor made any mention of "parsing".

johne said:
In fact I'm sorry I even responded to his post-truly sorry because I think it's a waste of my time.
juancarlos' post is not a waste of time.
It IS a DR topic, and very relative to the crime rate and type of crimes being commited in this country.
johne said:
Certainly, you did read the part about how the U.S. hardens the criminals and then they use their "acquired skills" back in the DR?
No, as a matter of fact I did not read that part, as he did not write that. juancarlos does not say the US hardens the criminals, nor did he even insinuate it.
johne said:
(by this I THINK he means their education in Made in the USA - NOT in the DR of course) Implied, not implied I really don't care as I think I know where he's coming from.
You certainly are entitled to think what you want, but re-arranging his words to suit your point of view is wrong, and jumping on his case because you might be hyper-sensitive about the issue, is also wrong.
As somebody said, just the other day, I think someone peed in your Wheaties.


Oct 21, 2002
Believe it or not, but there is an upside. The call center industry in the DR has discovered a great recruiting base in amongst the deportees. They are getting english speaking, US 'savvy' employees and they sure are happy about this. The deportees, if they want to behave, can step into a job and as such, get another opportunity to lead a straight life.

But I agree that the system is perhaps not optimum either for the DR, or for the US.


New member
May 20, 2005
I wasn't going to bother responding to this thread but, the more I read the latter part of it, the more confused I am becoming. So, for my own sanity and to know that I am not misinterpreting the things I am reading, please allow me to say this:

Marco, you are absolutely correct in stating that juancarlos has not implied anything, because he hasn't. The problem is that he has explicitly stated that " Seriouly, these people became hardened criminals here in the USA, most probably. Now they get to practice their acquired skills on Dominicans in the DR.. This I copied directly from his post. I was a bit flabbergasted to read this statement, but even more so to hear that you had a completely different understanding of its meaning.

I would most certainly argue that the opposite is, in fact, true. Most Dominicans who arrive in the US and who go on to commit crimes are not your hard-working, moralistic, upstanding Dominican citizens but, rather, the criminal who was engaged in crime long before he/she arrived in the US. I will admit that he/she may have learned to commit different types of crimes here as a result of there being greater opportunities. But, remember, opportunity doesn't go looking for crimes to commit. It is the criminal who goes looking for the opportunity with which to commit those crimes.


Sep 28, 2003
Wow! Suffice it to say that Rocky is right about what I said! I live in the USA, I have never been known to "blame America first", I am just describing a situation. Will say no more. And Johne if you think my post was "waste of time", I tell you as far as wasting time goes, I have seen far worse and numerous examples. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. True I do not live in the DR, but I do live in the USA from where those people are deported. So I have the right to state my opinion. You interpreted what I said as "a waste of time", well, in that case I am happy you don't waste yours.


Sep 28, 2003
what I mean is that it was here in the USA where they commited their worst crimes, it was here where they became gang members and dealt in drugs. Many of those arrived here as children. This happens a lot among the young of inmigrant communities. The same happened with the maras of El Salvador which originated in Los Angeles, those people were deported and turned El Salvador and now the neighboring countries into hell. Also, it is not only Dominicans who become victims of violent deported criminals, it is also Americans and other foreigners living there, even you, jacqontree, could fall victim to those very same people. I don't know why people become so defensive. I am an American citizen, respectful of the laws of this nation, have no criminal record whatsoever, vote in every election, work for a living and pay my taxes, don't like Castro and communist I am not, that's why I left Cuba, so I think I have the right to state my point of view. Why deny something which everyone sees?

In addition, I posted the Listin Diarion piece because it was subject related and was surprised to see the deportees complaining about discrimination in the DR.


Apr 4, 2002
To jackquontee

It is clear to me that the responsibity of becoming criminals, lies with the individuals, and not the country where they commit the crimes.
As the US is a fertile richer playground for Dominican criminals, they become worse than they were before.
I believe you are saying the same, as I believe juancarlos is saying the same, as I do as well, and my only problem was with Johne misinterpreting what juancarlos said.

PS: I replied to this before reading juancarlos' responses, and as you see, my understanding of his post, was spot on.
I think Johne was speed reading and being over sensitive.
Re-reading a post before replying to it, can go a long way to not finding yourself in error at a later time.


New member
May 20, 2005
I'll tell you that even if I don't agree with someone's opinion, I'll be the first to defend your right to possess and express your opinion. So my argument is not with the fact that someone has expressed their opinion, but that in their effort to express their opinion, they tend to substitue fiction as fact.

Case in point; Juan, you mentioned the Marasalvatrucha gang of El Salvador. They, in fact, did not originate in Los Angeles, California, USA, but in the very country from which they came--El Salvador. What they did do in this country was to re-establish themselves after emigrating to this country. But, trust me my friend, they were in existence in El Salvador well before they arrived here in the US. And, you're absolutely correct, I could fall victim to crime in the same way that anyone else can. And I try and keep that in mind every moment of every day. I grew up in that environment and I think I have a fairly good idea of what to expect. And, it is not the gangs themselves, who are obvious with their presence. But the people who try and pass themselves off as my friends (or potential friends) and who, instead, seek to do me harm because I've not allowed them to accomplish whatever it is they had hoped to accomplish.

In any event, Marco, just so you know, I have a tendency to not only re-read a posters post a few times, but my own response as well, before sending it out. I try not to interpret someone's comments but, rather, understand them as they've written them. If you state in a post that the sky is blue, how else am I to understand/interpret it other than to assume that you mean the sky is blue?

I still disagree that Dominicans become hardened criminals after spending time in the US. There are plenty of extremely violent crimes being committed in the DR (comparable to those being committed in the US) by Dominicans who have never stepped foot onto US soil. And, there are many hardened, Dominican criminals who, in fact, emigrate to the US as a way to avoid penal punishment back in the DR. To whom do we give this credit?


Apr 4, 2002
To Jacquontee

I was not refering to you, with regards to re-reading posts.
Johne misinterpreted what Juancarlos said, and had he read it carefully, this whole debacle would not have existed.


Jun 28, 2003
Put on your reading glasses

juancarlos said:
Wow! Suffice it to say that Rocky is right about what I said! I live in the USA, I have never been known to "blame America first", I am just describing a situation. Will say no more. And Johne if you think my post was "waste of time", I tell you as far as wasting time goes, I have seen far worse and numerous examples. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. True I do not live in the DR, but I do live in the USA from where those people are deported. So I have the right to state my opinion. You interpreted what I said as "a waste of time", well, in that case I am happy you don't waste yours.

In spite of the fact that I said I would not reply any further to this tread I am compelled to do so as both you and your brother need to READ.
I said it was a waste of MY time. Get it--MY time. One more time .MY time.
That being said carry on and READ instead of lashing

out at me and insulting me about pee in my cereal. Get it.
It would seem to me you could/should have better and more constructive things to do other than needing a course in Reading Comp 101.
Have a Great day!

BTW--I had a great golf game this morning in-spite of your posts. :>


Jun 28, 2003
I would like to tone this down

Rocky said:
It is clear to me that the responsibity of becoming criminals, lies with the individuals, and not the country where they commit the crimes.
As the US is a fertile richer playground for Dominican criminals, they become worse than they were before.
I believe you are saying the same, as I believe juancarlos is saying the same, as I do as well, and my only problem was with Johne misinterpreting what juancarlos said.

PS: I replied to this before reading juancarlos' responses, and as you see, my understanding of his post, was spot on.
I think Johne was speed reading and being over sensitive.
Re-reading a post before replying to it, can go a long way to not finding yourself in error at a later time.

Rocky and Company--
I for one would like to turn the volumne down a bit and get back on subject.
But that can only happen if you stop with " Johne is speed reading", "oversensistive" and the rest of the bait and mis quotes you are laying out there. So what would you like to do? Start a separate tread on "Where hardened Criminals are born" or would you prefer to stop mis interperting my quotes in your favor?
Your choice.Let me know and perhaps you would be more comfortable with a P.M. to me.
Your bosom U.S. friend JOHN


Apr 4, 2002
johne said:
Rocky and Company--
I for one would like to turn the volumne down a bit and get back on subject.
But that can only happen if you stop with " Johne is speed reading", "oversensistive" and the rest of the bait and mis quotes you are laying out there. So what would you like to do? Start a separate tread on "Where hardened Criminals are born" or would you prefer to stop mis interperting my quotes in your favor?
Your choice.Let me know and perhaps you would be more comfortable with a P.M. to me.
Your bosom U.S. friend JOHN
We certainly have taken it far enoguh and slipped off the track.
Sorry about that.
My self appointed role in life, of defender of the righteous, can get the better of me at times.
I felt that Juancarlos was saying one thing, and you felt differently.
So be it.
And the funny thing is, that we all agree that the US is NOT responsible for expatriated Dominicans becoming heavy criminals.
Time to give Chris her thread back, before we all get spanked.


Oct 21, 2002
What a funny thought on a boring afternoon ... Am I the spanker, or the spankee or can we alternate? ;) Will this activity count as crime?

Seriously, there was some misreading going on here ... but I'm glad you gentlemen are behaving perfectly gentlemanly in this case... :laugh::laugh:

What do you say, has this thread run its course?


Apr 4, 2002
Chris said:
Am I the spanker, or the spankee or can we alternate? ;) Will this activity count as crime?
Not if you post it in the Sankie forum

Chris said:
What do you say, has this thread run its course?
As long as there is crime, there will be interest.
This might be the eternal thread.


On Vacation!
Dec 8, 2003
No Fried Frog Legs Either

Rocky said:
... your fence....

In Germany I co-owned a herd of Galloway cattle where we used Gallagher fencing equipment. We measured some 10,000 V on the fence and the pulse current was nasty enough to give one a lame arm for the rest of the day.
The Gallagher equipment is one of the best on the market.

I now see that they also have security fences:

BTW, a lizard would not be fried unless it has both fence and earth contact.... thus no sparks.



New member
Aug 8, 2005
Hi everyone,
I have read through all your posts and have one question regarding Cabarete.
I am there every year towars the end of the year as we own a condo on the beach.
What type of increase in crime in that area are you speaking of?

Thank you for your reply.


New member
Jun 1, 2006

Well, I lived in the hood in the states for a few years. I know how to handle it. YOu can't show any fear, you have to be daring. Go ahead and walk around all hous of the night with no weapon on you, drive the car wit the doors unlocked and windows down through barrios malos. Look the ladrones in the eye like "you ain;t nothing what you gonna do" and they back down. I never was robbed and I act like this all the time. I take all the chances. I even flash jewelry and everything.