Cultural Differences between the USA and the DR


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
You wanted that role right??? They gave you a family now your end of the deal is to provide and support "MONEY" that is.

Saying thank you and your "the GREATEST DAD EVER DERFISH" was not part of the deal. You enter into a contract in the Dominican Republic once you moved in or you allow them to move in. Love and honor thou father is NEVER part of the deal when a gringo assumes the role of provider and supporter in a household in DR.

BTW If this 20 yr old son was you flesh and blood what you being saying some of the things about him??? I do not think so because most parents DO NOT need a thank you from their kids because parents do not provide for their kids to receive a "thank you"

Right yeah...... if I didnt say thank u, my mother would have slapped me behind the head and taking whatever it was back.......

Cultural diffrences we were saying???


Nov 4, 2011
i do not know how you see things in this case, JMB, but i remember many occasions upon which i said "thanks dad", or "thanks mom". i have given numerous small gifts to kids here, and i cannot remember one of them ever saying "thank you". i do not ever remember a parent standing by who ever said "tell the man thanks".

I gave a little boy once in Los Mina a basketball signed by Derrick Rose and a D rose tee shirt. The moment I place both items in his hand he ran inside to show is mother and grandmother. The mother stood in the doorway and said thanks, but she DIDN'T have to because I did not give the gifts expecting anything in return. The little boy never said thank you nor did his mother make him but if you could see the look on his face thank you was written all over it.

Let me go back and tell you how the little boy and I became friends. He used to live right off San Isidro with his aunt and I was sitting at a park angry because of a fight I was in with my wife at the time and my face showed it. The boy was playing with a ball which came toward me and he picked his ball up and said words till this day I still remember " what's wrong" after that he could do or say no wrong.

His mother number is in my phone and when I arrive in Santo Domingo I always find time to hang out with him playing B-ball shopping or eating.

If you can film him and I you would NEVER think his an ungrateful little boy. Thank you is just a two words people put so much meaning behind. A person can say thank you without saying thank you.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I gave a little boy once in Los Mina a basketball signed by Derrick Rose and a D rose tee shirt. The moment I place both items in his hand he ran inside to show is mother and grandmother. The mother stood in the doorway and said thanks, but she DIDN'T have to because I did not give the gifts expecting anything in return. The little boy never said thank you nor did his mother make him but if you could see the look on his face thank you was written all over it.

Let me go back and tell you how the little boy and I became friends. He used to live right off San Isidro with his aunt and I was sitting at a park angry because of a fight I was in with my wife at the time and my face showed it. The boy was playing with a ball which came toward me and he picked his ball up and said words till this day I still remember " what's wrong" after that he could do or say no wrong.

His mother number is in my phone and when I arrive in Santo Domingo I always find time to hang out with him playing B-ball shopping or eating.

If you can film him and I you would NEVER think his an ungrateful little boy. Thank you is just a two words people put so much meaning behind. A person can say thank you without saying thank you.

what we are discussing here is the simple idea of an artifact of social interaction. if i step on your toe, by accident, i am sure you might be able to surmise from the look on my face that i did not mean to. that does not excuse me from having to say "i am sorry".


Nov 4, 2011
what we are discussing here is the simple idea of an artifact of social interaction. if i step on your toe, by accident, i am sure you might be able to surmise from the look on my face that i did not mean to. that does not excuse me from having to say "i am sorry".

When you give a gift is should be with no strings attached. If you give a gift and expect ANYTHING it is not really a gift.

Thank you and sorry are two different things. If you bump into the wrong person and do not apologize you might be FORCED to say sorry, but thank you is just a word that is suppose to show you are grateful.

gorgon what if a child in DR said thank you but really didn't mean it. Its just a two words.


Nov 4, 2011
I would like some opinions about the ways you've experienced the DR to be different from the USA -- in terms of culture and social customs, etc. For example, I realize that some behaviors, rituals, or clothing styles, which are appropriate or customary in the USA, may not necessarily be so in the DR -- and vice-versa. Thanks.

I want to state one big difference I see in the two cultures. I have a young teenage daughter here in the USA 13 to be exact and she is NEVER allowed to talk, walk or hangout with any male friends EVER!!!! All the events she attends are pretty much all of her female friends. Now in the DR I see many 12, 13 , 14 yr old young ladies spending too much time with boys.

What is the age limited where parents in DR allow their daughter's to date????? I can tell BOTH my daughters age to date is 21.

I remember when my oldest sister was 14 she was caught by my mom hanging out at the park with boys and she was in trouble for a month.

Dominicans and DR have little concern with their daughter's in the company of males off school grounds.
Long sleeves , In a light fabric, don't bother me. If your workplace has ac and your car too, it's not really that hard to go around wearing long sleeves anyway. If you go running errands to malls, the bank, phone company, etc, they have a.c. too.

And hey, I've seen a lot of posts about why we wear jeans, like it must be excruciating. Most women wear jeans that are a light fabric, it's like wearing other fabrics.

For me even t-shirts and shorts is excruciating here in the summer! As long as I don't move I am fine but most days I do have to move!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
When you give a gift is should be with no strings attached. If you give a gift and expect ANYTHING it is not really a gift.

Thank you and sorry are two different things. If you bump into the wrong person and do not apologize you might be FORCED to say sorry, but thank you is just a word that is suppose to show you are grateful.

gorgon what if a child in DR said thank you but really didn't mean it. Its just a two words.

nobody gives a gift with the expectation of being thanked. no civilized person accepts a gift without acknowledging gratitude. that is how the world in which i live has functioned from time immemorial. as to whether or not they really meant it, i cannot determine that one.


Nov 4, 2011
nobody gives a gift with the expectation of being thanked. no civilized person accepts a gift without acknowledging gratitude. that is how the world in which i live has functioned from time immemorial. as to whether or not they really meant it, i cannot determine that one.

IMO Dominicans do a lot of things I feel would be rude in the USA but is accepted in DR. Example every man know about the infamous " man card". I once told a Dominican man something about my wife and told him NOT to tell her or his wife and not a week, month or a year went by before he told her it only took a day. After that I was DONE!!!! with Dominicans in DR now the ones in NYC and Chicago are cool and will always be cool, but the ones on the island are like women.

If a man told another man's wife something he should not have that is a reason to remove a "man card" for life. Now when I have a secret I do not tell anyone in DR.


BTW The funny part is after he told her he still tried to be my friend!!! Get the F*CK outta here.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
IMO Dominicans do a lot of things I feel would be rude in the USA but is accepted in DR. Example every man know about the infamous " man card". I once told a Dominican man something about my wife and told him NOT to tell her or his wife and not a week, month or a year went by before he told her it only took a day. After that I was DONE!!!! with Dominicans in DR now the ones in NYC and Chicago are cool and will always be cool, but the ones on the island are like women.

If a man told another man's wife something he should not have that is a reason to remove a "man card" for life. Now when I have a secret I do not tell anyone in DR.


BTW The funny part is after he told her he still tried to be my friend!!! Get the F*CK outta here.

at least you learned that one. as a man, you do not tell a DR man a secret that you believe should remain between men. he is going to tell the first guy he sees. if he stops at a traffic light, the AMET guy will know every detail. so, keep stuff to yourself, is all.


Nov 4, 2011
Another culture difference is Dominicans are like human "video cameras" the record and play back everything they see. I can't tell how many times a Dominican told my wife something I did or said.

Once my wife had a house full of her friends as I started to walk up and I decide to turn around and go back down the street and call a cab to head to the Colonial Zone. Half way to the CZ my wife call and ask me was I just outside.

If you do not mind Dominicans watching your every move DR is a great country.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I agree with JMB NEVER tell a Dominican what you don't want the whole world to know! I guess they have nothing else to do sitting at the side of the road all day but to gossip!

this is going to sound sexist, and i might get flagellated for saying it, but here goes;

i expect a little gossip from women, from time to time. what bugs me is when men are even worse.


Jul 27, 2011
I want to state one big difference I see in the two cultures. I have a young teenage daughter here in the USA 13 to be exact and she is NEVER allowed to talk, walk or hangout with any male friends EVER!!!! All the events she attends are pretty much all of her female friends. Now in the DR I see many 12, 13 , 14 yr old young ladies spending too much time with boys.

What is the age limited where parents in DR allow their daughter's to date????? I can tell BOTH my daughters age to date is 21.

I remember when my oldest sister was 14 she was caught by my mom hanging out at the park with boys and she was in trouble for a month.

Dominicans and DR have little concern with their daughter's in the company of males off school grounds.

Things used to be like that. I was a teen in the 90's and I couldn't hang out with boys either. I was a college student and I couldn't have a bf till I graduated. I did try! LOL One of my neighbors had the same conditions for his daughters.

If you let your daughters wait that long to have a bf, what will happen is that once they're out there, they'll believe everything the first tiguere who comes along tells them. They won't have enough experience to deal with players, and as they're breaking the rules, they won't ask you for advice.


Jun 26, 2012
American burp while eating, and to us Dominicans, that's like farting.

So, in a nutshell, Americans are fart-knockers; Dominicans are the real mandingos of the Americas.

Yes, JMB, this is "the Americas." STICK to watching re-runs of Jordan-led Bulls' games. Old news, but it makes you happy.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
My son here in the US feels the same way, one of his biggest pet peeves!

That's not a cultural thing, fishy, some folks are just rude.

Can't tell you how many times I've held doors open for ladies and the elderly, and they just glare at me (or worse, act as though I don't exist) and keep it moving.

But I'll keep doing it, because the fact I was raised to be a gentleman doesn't require someone else to be a lady.



Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
That's not a cultural thing, fishy, some folks are just rude.

Can't tell you how many times I've held doors open for ladies and the elderly, and they just glare at me (or worse, act as though I don't exist) and keep it moving.

But I'll keep doing it, because the fact I was raised to be a gentleman doesn't require someone else to be a lady.


It works fine for me...... the ladies look me up and down and flash me a smile.......


Jul 27, 2011
THe first lady I knew here in the DR gave me that shyt about men always wear long pants and never T-Shirts. So I dragged her to a street corner and we counted. over 50% of men had either shorts or a T-Shirt. So don't believe anything you read here.I never wear T-Shirts, but hardly ever wear long pants.
Der Fish
Bermuda shorts length is considered normal. What's considered weird is men in really short shorts, even worse: Richard Simmons shorts.