D.R. bashing

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New member
Jul 21, 2013
I been on and off this site over the last few years and I noticed a trend. About once a month someone start a thread to put down the country. Why leave your native country only to complain about your adopted one?
The last thread was Colombian vs Dominican women. So much negativity in threads like those. Although its mainly 2 or 3 people. Others complain about the cost to live comfortably. I been here for 4 years and that never was a problem for me. Some complain about the infrastructure and others complain about the people.
Then they always use a bigger country in Latin America as a measuring stick. Comparing D.R. with Colombia, Mexico, or Brazil is foolish. Those countries are wealthier and do not face logistical hurdles like the island nations. Wouldn't a fairer comparison be of another island nation with a similar GDP?
Some people are just lightning rods for negativity. I'm not naive, but I rarely run into all the issues some posters talk about. My house and car are payed off and soon I will install solar panels to rid myself of the electric and gas bill. Its called planning ahead.
If you're struggling to get by then you should of planned better financially. If you can't stand the people then you gotta ask yourself what is it about you that attract the annoying, rude, and disrespectful people. As for the women; beauty is subjective. Everyone has their own opinion. You do not have to belittle a certain group because you chose the wrong ones. My lady never asked for a green card and have no interest in moving to the U.S.
I love the D.R. and have no intention of going back to the U.S.


Sep 27, 2006
what i have noticed is the tendency of the newbies to regularly start threads on how awful it is to complain about DR and how all of us bashers should go home if we do not like it here. what can i say, i dislike DR. i see bad things and call them out. occasionally i give credit when credit's due. understand that many folks here are not the kind to take the foolery and discomfort with their mouth shut. you have the right to sing praise about DR, i have the right to bring it down. i show genuine interest in this wretched country. i read newspapers daily. i espeak espany. i take interest in the politics and daily life. i eat dominican food. i bash DR. it comes neatly together. maybe you are the type who gives another cheek when hit. what i give is a kick in the nuts.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
what i have noticed is the tendency of the newbies to regularly start threads on how awful it is to complain about DR and how all of us bashers should go home if we do not like it here. what can i say, i dislike DR. i see bad things and call them out. occasionally i give credit when credit's due. understand that many folks here are not the kind to take the foolery and discomfort with their mouth shut. you have the right to sing praise about DR, i have the right to bring it down. i show genuine interest in this wretched country. i read newspapers daily. i espeak espany. i take interest in the politics and daily life. i eat dominican food. i bash DR. it comes neatly together. maybe you are the type who gives another cheek when hit. what i give is a kick in the nuts.

it never fails. most of these defenders of the faith are people who have had a few months here, are enjoying the beach and the fun times, but have never had a real life situation wherein they have to deal with the real crap. i pay good money to live in a nice apartment, but every time i go outdoors, and have to deal with the piles of garbage in the parking lot, i wonder what people like these are looking at.


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
i show genuine interest in this wretched country.

"this wretched country"? I'm no newby, but with a mind set like that, I, too, have to wonder why you hang around.


Aug 26, 2012
it never fails. most of these defenders of the faith are people who have had a few months here, are enjoying the beach and the fun times, but have never had a real life situation wherein they have to deal with the real crap. i pay good money to live in a nice apartment, but every time i go outdoors, and have to deal with the piles of garbage in the parking lot, i wonder what people like these are looking at.

Yeah but........You sure don't have to go all the way to the D.R. to experience that.
I also have some very anti-social neighbours who have no concept of how to live together in harmony in a community.
Garbage is deposited at the curb at whatever time is most convenient to them.....Even at times about 5 minutes after the weekly pick-up has occured.
Once the homeless, the kids and the animals have had their way with it and the bags have been ripped open and the innards strewn up and down the block....well, I don't have to tell you....do I?...
And that is in Canada....a very sophisticated and cosmopolitain city no less.
There are brutish neanderthals all around us and everywhere too. :eek:

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
it never fails. most of these defenders of the faith are people who have had a few months here, are enjoying the beach and the fun times, but have never had a real life situation wherein they have to deal with the real crap. i pay good money to live in a nice apartment, but every time i go outdoors, and have to deal with the piles of garbage in the parking lot, i wonder what people like these are looking at.

The OP doesn't sound like a Newbie. The problems one encounters here are frustrating at times, but then so is the stressful life in the fast lane of North American cities.....etc. The DR is not paradise, but if you have enough money it's pretty close.


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
it never fails. most of these defenders of the faith are people who have had a few months here, are enjoying the beach and the fun times, but have never had a real life situation wherein they have to deal with the real crap. i pay good money to live in a nice apartment, but every time i go outdoors, and have to deal with the piles of garbage in the parking lot, i wonder what people like these are looking at.

The OP is not a vacationer. He lives here, has been living here for at least 4 years.

I see nothing wrong with his post. He is happy here, doesn't expect perfection but seems to roll with the punches and finds enjoyment in life here. He stays because he really likes living here.

Why others stay, those who think this is a wretched country with nothing to offer but piles of garbage, that is not nearly as clear as the reason the OP does.


Sep 27, 2006
"this wretched country"? I'm no newby, but with a mind set like that, I, too, have to wonder why you hang around.

i said this millions of time: miesposo. there is no other reason for me to be here at all. should this relationship ever fail i'll be out of here and i will never come back.


Jul 10, 2004
My experiences and outlook are quite similar to yours smitty777. There is no "perfect place". You adapt or get out. Forums like this do emphasize the negatives. People don't complain when they are happy.


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
i said this millions of time: miesposo. there is no other reason for me to be here at all. should this relationship ever fail i'll be out of here and i will never come back.

I'm sorry that you are unable to enjoy a truly happy life.


Jun 19, 2009
I don't live in the DR but I bash all the countries where I have lived including my own :)
I am well traveled, I have lived out of my country since I am 18 and very happy.
No place is perfect, constructive criticism never hurts.:bunny:


Sep 2, 2008
I been on and off this site over the last few years and I noticed a trend. About once a month someone start a thread to put down the country. Why leave your native country only to complain about your adopted one?
The last thread was Colombian vs Dominican women. So much negativity in threads like those. Although its mainly 2 or 3 people. Others complain about the cost to live comfortably. I been here for 4 years and that never was a problem for me. Some complain about the infrastructure and others complain about the people.
Then they always use a bigger country in Latin America as a measuring stick. Comparing D.R. with Colombia, Mexico, or Brazil is foolish. Those countries are wealthier and do not face logistical hurdles like the island nations. Wouldn't a fairer comparison be of another island nation with a similar GDP?
Some people are just lightning rods for negativity. I'm not naive, but I rarely run into all the issues some posters talk about. My house and car are payed off and soon I will install solar panels to rid myself of the electric and gas bill. Its called planning ahead.
If you're struggling to get by then you should of planned better financially. If you can't stand the people then you gotta ask yourself what is it about you that attract the annoying, rude, and disrespectful people. As for the women; beauty is subjective. Everyone has their own opinion. You do not have to belittle a certain group because you chose the wrong ones. My lady never asked for a green card and have no interest in moving to the U.S.
I love the D.R. and have no intention of going back to the U.S.

Agree with your complaint about the injustice of comparing this peninsula with larger countries, but the impression I get is that the majority of those complaining are in a position in which they can't pack their bags and move out as easily as before. Of course, there is also a group of masochistic idiots here that still whine about the place despite having successfully escaped it, something which I find mind boggling, since sanity would dictate for people to avoid reliving bad experiences, no?


New member
Jun 5, 2010
Personally I like the women, and the nice weather....the women to me are very beautiful....and i enjoy there company

yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
Look life has it's ups and downs . People need to get shhit off there chest and why not it makes them feel batter .
I get pised off at thngs in the DR manley chikas but I get over it and come back . To just say get out if you are not happy is not
Rashinal thinking . If you get a flat tire do you get a new car? No. but you still well bash the something , blaming What ever that may be for making the tire flat.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Agree with your complaint about the injustice of comparing this peninsula with larger countries, but the impression I get is that the majority of those complaining are in a position in which they can't pack their bags and move out as easily as before. Of course, there is also a group of masochistic idiots here that still whine about the place despite having successfully escaped it, something which I find mind boggling, since sanity would dictate for people to avoid reliving bad experiences, no?

NS, i understand what you are saying, to a degree. i also understand how people from places like NA and Europe might find the way things are done here to be very distant from their expectations. i am an island man, so i have more tolerance for the idiosyncracies of the lifestyle. it must be hard to adjust when you come from highly ordered cultures.


Sep 1, 2012
What can I say? I can understand both sides. I enjoy the good things about life here, and I get really mad at the bad things. You could get desensitized so bad things don't bother you so much, but then you wouldn't enjoy the good things so much either.
We should all be aware that the fact that we don't like a place, a person, a situation, says much more about us than it says about that place, person or situation. It says what our priorities are, how we were raised and what we have (or not) learned. And it happens to all of us. That's diversity. If everybody liked DR, there would be hundreds of millions living in this tiny island. If nobody liked DR, well, there would be very few.
However, I've noticed there aren't a lot of people for whom DR is "meh". People either love it or hate it. I would say that's a good thing because it means some sort of impact is created.
I always say that people should live only where they want to live. Life must be very miserable when you live in a place you dislike. I know that no reason, person or situation will make live somewhere I don't like. For work reasons I've lived in places I didn't like before, but the moment I decided or realized I didn't like the place, I left. If I lose my job because of that, so be it. Jobs abound everywhere, life I only have one.
I'm happy here. I know I could live better in some other countries, maybe making more money, maybe feeling "safer", maybe closer to my family. But then I look at all those reasons and they certainly look like horrible things to wish. :classic:


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
Do agree but there are a lot of places that are a lot closer to being perfect than the DR. ;)

Maybe so. The test is whether after living there a few years you still think it is as great as it seemed when you vacationed there or first started living there.
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