

New member
Aug 6, 2011
i have been coming and going from the DR for years .... but there was one thing i never held much interest for and that was dancing (bachata / meringue)
I went dancing on my last visit and loved it.....

So can anone recommend any places to go in the caberete area/sosua/east of cabarete. The more dominican (in terms of patrons) the better. I loved dancing with those women....!!!



Feb 25, 2011
As oppossed to the tourist joints in Sosua, for dancing "dominican style" I like a place called "la Parada". It's on the main highway close to the intersection thats the turn off for the road to Moca. Coming from Cabarete, it's on the right. And my favorite time to go is late afternoon/early evenings on Sundays. Always crowded with locals then.

Another decent place (when it's open) is Rancho Jubilette. It's further down the highway past Sabaneta, but before Gasper Hernandez. Coming from Cabarete, it's on the left.

And in Puerto Plata there are two places I like, (but only when they have live music). Both are also on the main highway, and coming from Cabarete they are on the left.
First is "New York Ranch" (old name: el Campito). It's before you enter the city, almost opposte the Playa Dorado entrance.
The second spot is "Rancho Tipico". It's past the city, almost opposite the La Rocca cabanna.



New member
Aug 6, 2011
As oppossed to the tourist joints in Sosua, for dancing "dominican style" I like a place called "la Parada". It's on the main highway close to the intersection thats the turn off for the road to Moca. Coming from Cabarete, it's on the right. And my favorite time to go is late afternoon/early evenings on Sundays. Always crowded with locals then.

Another decent place (when it's open) is Rancho Jubilette. It's further down the highway past Sabaneta, but before Gasper Hernandez. Coming from Cabarete, it's on the left.

And in Puerto Plata there are two places I like, (but only when they have live music). Both are also on the main highway, and coming from Cabarete they are on the left.
First is "New York Ranch" (old name: el Campito). It's before you enter the city, almost opposte the Playa Dorado entrance.
The second spot is "Rancho Tipico". It's past the city, almost opposite the La Rocca cabanna.


thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I know the area reasonalby well and will be able to locate these places. Up until now i had no interest in dance and never investigated where i could go.
Infact i went to a place on my last visit and two dominicanas dragged me in to dance with them (no they didnt ask for money and 3 hours later they walked out the door) and i swear to god it was the greatest night of my life. Anyways. many thanks


Apr 29, 2005
The info from Tim is a little off, the place you want to go to in Sabaneta is La Bomba, or the gas station just across the bridge, and Rancho Jubilette has been closed for over a year now.....Sunday is the best day at la bomba......