This subject hits close to him, even though I have never denied being Dominican, I am a very harsh critic of Dominican society. Through out my young life I have been called anti-Dominican, in matter of fact most people do not believe I am Dominican, I believe I look Dominican but I guess it is the way I carry myself.
The way Dominicans are viewed throughout NYC (matter of fact North East US) is not positive, I like to emphasize this point to non-New Yorkers, we are seen as drug-dealers, welfare abusing, loud, music blaring, uncultured, unruly tenants/immigrants. I like to think I am a positive person but I have studied many Dominican communities and I do not like what I see (look at all my past posts on Washington Heights), our culture is very unethical (do not confuse with unmoral but the line is thin), due to the fact many Dominican immigrants are not educated and do not emphasize education and social customs to their children this creates a very bad social stigma [sic] in the States. To basically put it most Dominicans, at least a large portion, are bad citizens by society standards.
I am in a constant struggle over my opinion on DR & its people. Should I rejoice over such a country that produces such citizens? Should I be/feel nationalistic pride to a society that does not care about its own people and is a me attitude first? Should I rejoice over trivial things like Felix Sanchez Olympic victory or Sammy Sosa, Alex Rodriguez athletic feats when it will not solve bigger issues?
I can understand a person denying the fact they are Dominican but I will never deny my Dominicaness, but, I do not like these other "Dominicans" or should I say First generation by products of American ghettos stating they are Dominicans when they are not. They only know of DR as a cheap vacation (which some cannot afford) yet they do not care about DRs political strife (or US political strife but that is another topic) or true struggles, they only know DR is a place where you can drink, have cheap sluts, and have all the fun you can without the cops "harassing" them. I bring this topic up because I find it strange how more educated Dominicans or those from well to do families
sometimes deny their heritage yet the uneducated have this foolish pride. They carry themselves like if being Dominican is such a great thing and take pride in being the first colony of Spain, etc. I find this quite amusing and wonder if future second and third generation Americans of Dominican descent still acknowledge their Dominicaness or will they just assimilate into other cultures?
Hasta Luego y Paz,
BTW if anybody wants to read how messed up Dominicans are in NYC public schools, please read this blog, you have to go back and search the teachers prior class which was filled with Dominicans. It is great and mind opening, he is a English Second Language teacher and really cares about the kids.