DGCP finds irregularities in procurement for government Christmas program; no suspensions announced at Propeep


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

The Presidency has not responded to corruption in government revealed by investigative report aired by Alicia Ortega on procurement by the Strategic and Special Projects Agency of the Presidency (Propeep). After a first program with revelations on irregularities in contracting for waste, Alicia Ortega presented irregularities in the “Pinta tu Barrio” government welfare program by the same Propeep division of the Presidency. The report was the second investigative report Alicia Ortega aired on corruption in the Propeep office under Rafael (Neney) Cabrera. Ortega cited several irregularities in the urgent purchase of paint in time for revamping homes of the poor in time for last Christmas.

The director of the Procurement Agency (DGCP), Carlos Pimentel confirmed the irregularities. He said the preliminary findings were submitted to the Anti-Fraud Unit of the Office of the...

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