Thanks Marianopolita. I've had cerca de for a lot of time and they just introduced junto a today. So I don't have an example for cerca de.Are any examples given by Fluencia?
This is what the words mean:
1) junto a= next to - in my experience in the spoken language junto a is not is not as common as its equivalent which is al lado de
2) cerca de= near/ close to
Thanks Marianopolita. I've had cerca de for a lot of time and they just introduced junto a today. So I don't have an example for cerca de.
Now since you have learned something new take note how often you notice junto a in the spoken language.
Many people recommend Duolingo for Spanish learning. Do you have any experience with that app for Spanish?
No I don't have any experience with it. I will check it out.
I known someone that was using it and it is okay for basic intro Spanish but in general I do think these methods can compliment formal or personalized instruction. I got questions from him everyday which I don’t mind but I saw the gaps in using these online apps. However, some people can’t study and learn using a text book or with more formal instruction.
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I'm older (65), so I would prefer an in class learning. I screwed up when I was in Arizona not taking advantage of the community college there. I should have done that. Plus, we had so many Mexicans there it was almost like living in a classroom.