Disappointed with British feedback...

canadian bob

Jan 16, 2002
Unsafe Tapwater!!!

chuckuindy said:
Having been to the DR several times hopefully I can give you some tips that will make your visit more enjoyable. Most of the AI hotels are crap and you would never want to venture out of them because the whole country is very dangerous for all tourists. Do not expect clean towels, showers that do not leak, working A/C, or clean sheets more than once a week. There is no way you should ever take children to the DR. There are so many bad influences, and there is nothing for them to do, it may take years of therapy to bring your kids back to normal.

Do not count on a good meal at your hotel. Yes I know it is included, but you would be better off to eat chicken from street vendors. Avoid local fruits at all costs. The tap water is safe to drink as it is a law that all drinking water in the DR be chlorinated.

If your hotel has a beach, try to purchase anything you need from these beach vendors. You will find it to be of the highest quality and reasonable in price.

Please try to spend some time with the male staff member at the hotel, especially those who are in the nightly show. They will teach you the latest?s dance steps and comfort you if you feel down. I would suggest that you tip them accordingly.

Have a wonderful trip.


For goodness sake... DO NOT TRINK TAPWATER ANYWHERE IN THE DR!!! Use bottled water, bottled soft drinks, otherwise you may well get some serious gastro problems. Canadian Bob (20 yrs in the DR)


Jan 1, 2002
Yesterday, one of my "guests' took my grandson and her daughter to Ocean World. It was a somewhat costly** but unforgetable experience for all three. A class operation, but I imagine that is the only way that they (a) make some money on what was obviously an huge investment and (b) maintain the fantastic facilities. So "costly" for me is relative.

I have to say that the boss guy was extremely nice to the little group from Santiago, for which I am forever grateful!! I owe him, big time!!

** Costly versus 'expensive' : I define 'costly' as something that takes a bit of money, perhaps more than I'd really like to pay, but certainly of value to me. I define 'expensive' as something costing more than it is worth in reality. Example: A degree from an Ivy League school is 'costly', a piece of paper from some Simpleton University is 'expensive'....A Rolex is costly, a Timex at $300 is way too expensive....

I will continue to recommend Ocean World to one and all. It is far and away the best tourist attraction in the DR from my perspective.

Also yesterday, Our little golf group welcomed RAYLEEDS for a round of golf here in Santiago. He also told us of the reps and the warnings, and seemed really enthralled with the little of Santiago that he got to see. Besides being a fair to middlin' golfer, the guy is really nice and a welcome addition to have around. He will be coming back here, withthe wife and daughter!!

So, get out and about! Take advantage of the people that are not at all connected to the tourist industry and don't have hatchets to grind or fingers in the pot.

HB , a bit windy today, huh?


New member
Jun 13, 2006
canadian bob said:
For goodness sake... DO NOT TRINK TAPWATER ANYWHERE IN THE DR!!! Use bottled water, bottled soft drinks, otherwise you may well get some serious gastro problems. Canadian Bob (20 yrs in the DR)

No worries - had no intention - me respect my bowel too much to attempt tap-water!! ;)

HB: Liking the "dolphin experience" at Ocean World - it's either going to be a "rip-off" or an "experience" so will take my chances given your advice! NO DOUBT my girls will love it either way! Dolphins?? UK??? - NOT any my girls have had the pleasure of meeting!:laugh: THOUGH hear of sightings of dolphins/porpoises/something that could be confused for such (sea otters otherwise???) off the West Wales coast as it stands...LOTS of sightings!! ALAS! My girls never got to meet "whatever it was"!! :-( ATB!! Emma ;-)

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Canadian bob,

Chuckuindy's post was a pure "in jest" post and was meant as amusement as he knows all that he posted in that post were and are false.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
skyblue said:
as a long time visiter of DR who has NEVER stayed in an AI, i'm starting to believe that the real danger in DR is INSIDE the AI's and not outside. DR is a beautiful country that is safe to explore. i think tourists are being brainwashed so all the euros and dollars can stay inside the resorts and the animation workers can corral their victims. just my .02 cents
Correction: They are being brainwashed so most of the euros and dollars stay inside Europe and North America!

DR beaches are simply the money machine, but the real money never leaves the continent where the vacations are purchased.

The bulk is paid before the tourist even steps foot in the country. :surprised



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
qgrande said:
I don't think it's like that. Most complains I see are from people who did take an organised excursion from the resort once or twice. The complaint is than often combined with a warning to others not to leave the resort if it is not on an organised excursion. Leaving the resort once or twice on an organised excursion does not ask for much 'spirit of adventure' . More adventurous travel would be not staying in AIs, travelling by public transport and exploring the interior away from the resort towns. There are many many people that travel like that in other countries, but unfortunately very few choose the DR for that. Back-packing in Peru, Australia, Thailand, etc. is big business. I do not think those are scared by the danger, I think they are scared by the image of cheap package deals and sun and sea tourism.
But I would still like to know whether there are differences between natonalities in the way they spend their vacation in the DR; are all as herd-like, cheap, and beach and booze focused as the British and Dutch?
That makes sense.

However, think of all the DR1ers who used to be AI'ers turned adventure seekers.

We must also think of how many of those people roaming the countryside on those open air trucks on their "safari" were scared into that ordeal by their tour rep. :ermm:

Could be a combination of what you and I are saying.


canadian bob

Jan 16, 2002
Rick Snyder said:
Canadian bob,

Chuckuindy's post was a pure "in jest" post and was meant as amusement as he knows all that he posted in that post were and are false.


I guess I screwed up on that one... Thanks Rick! Canadian Boob.

canadian bob

Jan 16, 2002
Rick Snyder said:
Canadian bob,

Chuckuindy's post was a pure "in jest" post and was meant as amusement as he knows all that he posted in that post were and are false.

I really screwed up on this one! Thanks... Canadian Boob.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Canadian Bob,

After putting more thought into the matter it is probably good that you posted what you did because there is the possibility that a new member, not knowing the warped sense of humor that Chuckuindy has, might have taken his words seriously. Hehehe



New member
Nov 19, 2005

I am 28, my girlfriend 19 and we have been to the DR 3 times this year alone. Due to costs we allways stay ( sleep ) in an All in - we stay in Playa Dorada - 20 mins away from Sousa - but do get out and explore.

Ocean World is a must especially with kids. The Swim i would guess would be too much for the younger one and I PERSONALLY thought that the time you get to spend with the dolphins is very limited and "controlled". As you would expect but its a little convyer belt line like. It is a great day out - they will LOVE the shark show and the sea lion show and is worth the money!

Outside - if you get adventrous get a taxi to Coloumbous Aqua Park. This is a 10 - 15 min taxi ride away. The locals go there as well and you can mix with real people who are not paid to be nice to you - but they are great people who are interested in talking with you. Kids are kids and im sure yours will make friends for the afternoon with the domincan kids.
Its a big water flume park and really is a great day out.

If you have an opportunity get a taxi to Caberetti - lovely place to eat on the beach and watch the sun go down.

In Sousa - There are a coulpe of brit places - Debbies Dominican Pantry. She has great food and a great price. This is just on the edge of the walk way to the beach.

There is also the Britiania Bar - not sure if its little one friendly.

I hopw you guys have a fantastic time - im REALLY jealous.

Looking forward to your report!

Dan & Jenni


The Way Life Should Be...
Jun 23, 2002
Hi Emma,

I like Sosua less and less as a destination. Now I am getting out and around the island more, and loving it. Reasons I am annoyed by Sosua: people assume they can rip me off, and I have to fight for a fair price and often walk away from salesmen who do not meet my standard. The beach is another place I can spend all day arguing. And cleaning up.

This past trip we went to Samana and Las Galeras. Truly magical and off the beaten path.

I did not want to pay for a guided tour since I use my eyes and ears well and speak fluent Spanish. We were able to find drivers, meals, etc for fair prices and enjoyed this portion of our trip immensely. I had a local gal wash our clothes, had the colmado guys fix our meals, had breakfast at our small lodge, and made the most of it. Hole in the wall town with few services BUT friendly faces and lovely scenery.

We also went to Playa Grande and we found that the services there were more expensive than Sosua BUT the vendors don't have much choice--the beach was not full of people and it is more remote than Sosua.

As far as going around off a resort, we walked through small towns and villages, got taxi rides, dickered well and in general played it safe (daylight hours is the time to explore with kids). Cabrera and Nagua were "real" towns with "real" people. I assimilated quickly and we did fine. I was warned by a good friend to play safe and be on guard. Since I am this sort of traveller anyway, we did fine.

People say don't drink water, don't eat fruit--I am not so worried about that myself--I have only been sick there once (eight trips), and it was at a resort in Cabarete. I love buying the plate of the day at small little joints and having it packaged up for a day at the beach.

On Sosua beach I really had to watch my kid and my stuff, and vendors everywhere trying to make a buck. We were sold goggles that were useless and after that my kid refused to buy anything on the beach.

However, Sosua is not a bad little walking town....

Anyway, YOU will make the MOST of your trip. We had a lot of freedom on our trip and we travelled accordingly and we did not stay in any resorts. We took public transportation.

Here is a little hint, too. When I went to the ATM, (I withdrew about a hundred dollars every couple of days), I had my girl keep it zipped in her cargo pants. We didn't carry purses, just a tote back with water and things. I knew if the bag was lost or what have you, I had my money.

We also did not travel with documents unless we had too--in other words, I left things in a safe place when out and about. For my ID in the city (to use credit card) I had a staff id from school with my picture on it.

People treated my daughter like a princess...

I did not ever anticipate losing my daughter but JUST IN CASE she carried Hillbilly's number on her person and I instructed her to call him, or find an ENglish speaker and ask to call the American embassy.

She gained so much confidence on this trip that when we returned everyone remarked on it.

You will have a good time, it is what YOU make it.

IF you are in Santiago you should go to Centro Leon, simply fantastic for kids and parents.

As HB said, OCean World is costly. We decided to " go cheap" but it is one of the places we will go to one day.

There are other things to see and do--Playa RIncon was simply wonderful for us, an adventure getting there but worth it. And Playa Grande was a highlight as well.

So, good luck and let us know! The DR is not just a "resort" island but a place to have genuine interaction with people and nature.



New member
Jun 17, 2006
MaineGirl said:
People say don't drink water, don't eat fruit--I am not so worried about that myself--I have only been sick there once (eight trips), and it was at a resort in Cabarete. I love buying the plate of the day at small little joints and having it packaged up for a day at the beach.

Although I agree with the rest of your post 100%. I would advice to not drink water there (only bottled water) since most locals dont even drink the 'normal' water. But I think that has been said before already.
I have never been sick in the DR either (I was there 7 months in the last year) and I wasnt too carefull, I ate all the fruits and I want bothered about ice cubes in my drinks. The only thing I did was drinking bottled water.

I dont remember if you said how old you're children were, but if they are a little bit older and can swim well, you should really go to the 27 waterfalls (in i think damajagua) But be carefull if it rained alot, because I also heard of a story where a small boy drowned because off the strong currents due to the rain.
Anyway you have 3 options here:
- 'climb' 7 waterfalls and then slide and jump of them (all very easy, because the guides will pull you more then you have to climb :cheeky: )
- walk all the way up and slide/jump 27 waterfalls down
- climb all 27 waterfalls (much more difficult)

I only did the first option, but I thought it was a lot of fun (and when I was there, there were no strong currents)

A friend of me was in Cabarete for 2 weeks and she just came back, they went to Ocean World too and they thought it was great! But expensive. They paid $150 each and that included the dolphin swim, they also bought pictures (them with the dolphins) $13 each! But it's a once in a lifetime thing (or anyway not something you do a regular basis) so they thought it was worth the money.
I saw the pictures and it looks great. Im going there too, after i safe some money :p

Have fun!!!


New member
Jan 18, 2006
Hi emma, we went to Playa dorada with my partner and 4 kids,my kids absolutly loved it, never once did i feel worried for them in any way in fact id worry more on a street here in the uk. we desperatly wanted to go back this christmas but i found out i was pregnant, concieved in dominicana and due in september but our little Ruby will be going back next year with the rest of my family to get married and i cant wait.Its the most gorgeous place iv ever visited you will love it x


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
susie787 said:
we desperatly wanted to go back this christmas but i found out i was pregnant, concieved in dominicana and due in september
That's quite a suvenir you got there! :D :classic:




New member
Jan 18, 2006
it definetly is one to remember, at least we can tell her she has already been to dominicana.


New member
Jun 13, 2006

Awww! You're all lovely so you are! :D There was me having a "hissy fit" as a result of brain-washed Brits and you have all come back with ideas on loads of places to add to my (growing!!! - lots!!) list on places to go and see. Thanks millions!! I AM staying AI this time (experience for me - not done that before!) but this is only the second time I've taken my children abroad with me and as a newbie to the DR seemed a "less hassle" option in booking... THIS I am yet to find out whether correct/otherwise!:paranoid:

Any-ho! Thanks again for your suggestions *scribbles away in notepad*,

ATB!! Emma ;)


Mar 4, 2004
Getting back to where you started this thread Emma, 'scientific' proof, if you need it after all this, that it is the Brit. holidaymakers who are at fault, not the DR. According to study carried out by Norwich Union in Jan 2004:-
A third of British holidaymakers travel abroad without knowing anything about the country they are visiting, a new study reveals today.
Seven out of ten tourists admit they regularly travel without the recommended medical jabs, any travel insurance or even the correct visas according to the ?Holiday Habits? study from Norwich Union. And it appears that thousands of clueless tourists are missing out on what should be the most enjoyable weeks of the year simply through a lack of planning. The study of the holiday habits of more than 2,000 adults shows that 89% of Brits have had a holiday spoilt, often by factors that could have been avoided with a bit more planning.

If you want to read the whole thing ( & gloat) http://www.aviva.com/index.asp?PageID=55&year=&newsid=1655&filter=corporate,csr,uklife,intlife,ukgeneral,intgeneral,morleyfm,intfm

So glad you'll be one of the 11%. Tell that to your hairdresser.......;)


New member
Jun 13, 2006
Lambada said:
Getting back to where you started this thread Emma, 'scientific' proof, if you need it after all this, that it is the Brit. holidaymakers who are at fault, not the DR. According to study carried out by Norwich Union in Jan 2004:-
A third of British holidaymakers travel abroad without knowing anything about the country they are visiting, a new study reveals today.
Seven out of ten tourists admit they regularly travel without the recommended medical jabs, any travel insurance or even the correct visas according to the ‘Holiday Habits’ study from Norwich Union. And it appears that thousands of clueless tourists are missing out on what should be the most enjoyable weeks of the year simply through a lack of planning. The study of the holiday habits of more than 2,000 adults shows that 89% of Brits have had a holiday spoilt, often by factors that could have been avoided with a bit more planning.

If you want to read the whole thing ( & gloat) http://www.aviva.com/index.asp?PageID=55&year=&newsid=1655&filter=corporate,csr,uklife,intlife,ukgeneral,intgeneral,morleyfm,intfm

So glad you'll be one of the 11%. Tell that to your hairdresser.......;)
I know...but I'd look a bit stupid to "tell her" prior to ever going to the DR so me "shut me trap"...no matter though - our paths will cross again! :D NEXT time I will have the ability to tell her having been (AND my mates too!!!)...As it stands "they know best" because they've BEEN!!! :( - I'm just "optimistic" and "naive"...I predict "tables" and "turn" in the near future!LOL!!! OH YES!!! - Not even so much a "LOL" but more a "pharrrr ha ha ha pharrrrrr!!!" to be more precise!!! ATB! Emma;)

Edit to add: With such a bunch of travelling "morons" I SEE the point why reps try their best to scare...I am embarrassed by the % that fit the category of "moron" from the UK reading that...:(
Last edited:


New member
Jun 16, 2006

so... im pure bred dominican. Never been to Sosua but i wouldnt wanna go near there anyways, full of drunken tourist who come to get drunk on the cheap. The country is soo much bigger than sosua and the resort areas. if you wanna see beatiful sites, go to la capital, santiago, nagua, puerto plata. besides sosua and the tourist areas are way too pricey.yes the dollar or pound can really be streched a lot over there but i rather not get ripped off. also about ur friends getting fruit poisoned? wth did they eat? i love the fruits , actually i missed them >.> cant really find fresh guayaba (guava) to make a batida in washington :( .

i bet you will have a great time since you are already doing your homework and not relying on your friends opinion to make your choice. the climate is great, the poeple os great, the food IS GREAT! i just warn you if you are going with teenage daughters just be watchfull of the "mueleros" that abound. unlike in the western cultures is not really shocking to see a 13 or 15 year old going out with a 25+ year old, so the guys will have no qualms to hit on them.

while your there have a frio frio for me or two, you will find them all over the streets over there. the pineapple one is my favorite. be a tourist, go to the museums in the capital, got o the mall. theres nothing better than to go to a country and migle with the natives to have a feel for their culture. your friends might have been on the resorts all the time so they all might have just been dealing with sankies and such. im never a tourist when i go home so i never have had the pleasure to deal with any of them in the way tourists have. i highly recommend "El malecon" and "La Zona Colonial" where you will see the oldest structures in america built by Colon and the settlers that came with him.

bah im ranting too much now. hope you have a great time and that you and your family can have a good time as well.


New member
Jun 13, 2006
TY Boletero - my girls are 9 & 5 so "mueleros" (I gather 'sankie types'???) can "hide where the sun don't shine"!!;)

I intend on a visit to Santiego as it stands along with other places (and AI = All Inclusive) :)

Nobody got "food poisoned" from what they told me - Hairdresser (not friend) just complained the food she'd paid for was *crap* and half-starved herself for fear of...WHO KNOWS???:surprised

What's a "frio" - sorry (as said) not been to the DR before, but if veggie-friendly will certainly try one!! :D

ATB!! Emma ;)