Does anyone besides me think DR1 posters cross the line into mysogyny?

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Jul 27, 2011
Knowing the game doesn't mean that one is part of it.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Wise words from a wise man, you could learn something. ;)

That?s the longest answer for "I don?t own a mirror" LOL
Wow those sound like wise words. Too bad you didn?t use your "wisdom" to buy condoms.


New member
Oct 15, 2012

.....who in their right mind would marry a prostitute???

Didnt Jesus???

People speak much differently when online than when they are in "reality" Plus it is mostly venting after they got their peckers checked. Its much easier to trash people or demonstrate extreme views from behind a keyboard.
Jun 18, 2007

.....who in their right mind would marry a prostitute???

Didnt Jesus???

People speak much differently when online than when they are in "reality" Plus it is mostly venting after they got their peckers checked. Its much easier to trash people or demonstrate extreme views from behind a keyboard.

You're gonna have Chippie go crazy now :bunny: :bunny:


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
The only thing I think when I read the comments is what happened to them to make them feel that way. Does it make me think less of them, NO. Am I offended, NO. Sometimes people's public persona is totally different then their personal persona. Maybe the person is not a monger, maybe just a wanna be monger. I can type any comment (within the rules) but does it make it true? A lot of the comments are more or less for attention sake rather than reality.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
The only thing I think when I read the comments is what happened to them to make them feel that way. Does it make me think less of them, NO. Am I offended, NO. Sometimes people's public persona is totally different then their personal persona. Maybe the person is not a monger, maybe just a wanna be monger. I can type any comment (within the rules) but does it make it true? A lot of the comments are more or less for attention sake rather than reality.

what qualifies one for monger status, anyway? the word has been hurled around, willy nilly, without so much as a definition. so, anyone care to elucidate? 1 chica per day? i per week? a few here and there?



Sep 27, 2006
i do not understand a contempt for mongers. in my book the mongers are better than putas. it is normal to lust after young and beautiful. it is not normal to suck on an old, dried up peen stick that coughs out clouds of powdered mothballs.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Annie says,..."Many of the guys here have HAD to marry the mother's of their children".

How are they FORCED to, HAVE to get married????

I would LOVE to see where you "Pulled THAT Out Of" ???????????
Must be the same place where you pulled your,..."Men here have been barred from polite, educated Dominican company"????

(Assuming such a group exists!!!)

Your comment about, "Raising little girs who are totally different than their mothers" is bizzare at least, and insane at best!
"Sorry About using the "I" word, knowing YOUR HISTORY!!!!

I AM doing just THAT.

There are MANY expat men on DR1 who are married to wonderful Dominican women.
From ALL social strata.
How can you universally group all expat men, and women for that matter, into your perceived, imaginary group of expats who only have long term relationships, or marriages, with "Cueros, and/or "Sankies"?????
We have come to EXPECT that kind of idiocy from the "Evil Twins", but you USED to be far above that!

"dv", I too, often wonder how ANY woman could be able to suck my smelly, shriveled up,tiny, appendage for a million pesos, let alone 500?????????
"Gotta Love The DR"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Sure DO!
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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
i do not understand a contempt for mongers. in my book the mongers are better than putas. it is normal to lust after young and beautiful. it is not normal to suck on an old, dried up peen stick that coughs out clouds of powdered mothballs.

man, oh man. talk about picturesque descriptions!!


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
what qualifies one for monger status, anyway? the word has been hurled around, willy nilly, without so much as a definition. so, anyone care to elucidate? 1 chica per day? i per week? a few here and there?

Someone who views the DR as primarily a place for inexpensive paid sex, views the world largely through that lens, takes advantage of that specific structure in choosing the DR as a permanent place to live or vacation, and is entrenched in the p4p "community" defending it against those who criticize the activity.

As well as those who aid & abet them.

It's not such a complex topic that requires "elucidation", Mikey, unless one feels a need to parse and argue in an effort to avoid being tainted by their behaviors.


New member
Feb 17, 2006
Keep in mind that for some of them, cueros are the only women who wouldn?t mind being seen hand in hand with them. This is the only type of woman they can have access to.

Actually, there are members who have had to leave their country to have their first girlfriend, because no one wants to date them. Go figure the "caliber" of men we?re talking about.

Any man who is at least fairly attractive, and has something going on for them, will find women who will genuinely want to be with him, ANYWHERE, but these men can ONLY get laid if they pay.

Notice how there is something wrong with the women in their countries, there is something wrong with Dominican women. It?s always the woman who?s at fault, but most of them don?t think there?s anything wrong with themselves.

I could not have explained it better myself. Great analysis Aguaita. I have met several good dominican women who respect themselves and have values... they are not the ones that would sleep with anyone for a few bucks or make themselves readily available. If you need to flash gold [money] to get into their skirts, a gold digger is what you will find time and time again.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
i do not understand a contempt for mongers. in my book the mongers are better than putas. it is normal to lust after young and beautiful. it is not normal to suck on an old, dried up peen stick that coughs out clouds of powdered mothballs.
Being better than putas is still a low standard, dv8.

It's not so much "contempt" as it is the laughable efforts mongers go to claim they reallyreallyreally ~aren't~ mongers.

I respect CCCCCCCC because he readily admits his motivations without trying to pretend to be something he isn't. That honesty is refreshing.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Someone who views the DR as primarily a place for inexpensive paid sex, views the world largely through that lens, takes advantage of that specific structure in choosing the DR as a permanent place to live or vacation, and is entrenched in the p4p "community" defending it against those who criticize the activity.

As well as those who aid & abet them.

It's not such a complex topic that requires "elucidation", Mikey, unless one feels a need to parse and argue in an effort to avoid being tainted by their behaviors.

that is your definition of it. now would you object strenuously if i wait to hear someone else's opinion? you do realize that not everyone on planet earth sees things the way you do, right? i know you think they should, but crap happens.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
keep in mind that for some of them, cueros are the only women who wouldn?t mind being seen hand in hand with them. This is the only type of woman they can have access to.

Actually, there are members who have had to leave their country to have their first girlfriend, because no one wants to date them. Go figure the "caliber" of men we?re talking about.

Any man who is at least fairly attractive, and has something going on for them, will find women who will genuinely want to be with him, anywhere, but these men can only get laid if they pay.

Notice how there is something wrong with the women in their countries, there is something wrong with dominican women. It?s always the woman who?s at fault, but most of them don?t think there?s anything wrong with themselves.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
that is your definition of it. now would you object strenuously if i wait to hear someone else's opinion? you do realize that not everyone on planet earth sees things the way you do, right? i know you think they should, but crap happens.
Just wow.

You asked for a definition. I gave you one, a fairly accurate definition at that.

And as I predicted Mikey goes into parse and defend mode.

Surrender noted.
Apr 13, 2011
I have noticed that the word "chica" is not usually used in a derogatory manner in the DR - many people use it as a common slang term for young woman as opposed to the more formal senorita... As with many things, it depends on the context and connotation the word is used within a conversation or between people...

And, even though there may be people who monger and participate on DR1 - DR1 is very much not a monger website. Though, I am not yet in the "off-topic" level, so I do not know if such topics are handled there... :ermm::D

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Just wow.

You asked for a definition. I gave you one, a fairly accurate definition at that.

And as I predicted Mikey goes into parse and defend mode.

Surrender noted.

actually, since i find your definition to have certain fundamental deficiencies, i choose to find it wanting. my first disagreement is the point where you refer to "inexpensive sex". well, expense is relative. so, is the sex inexpensive relative to what it would cost back in the homeland, when the associated costs like airfare and accomodation are factored into the equation? guys in NYC can go to Roosevelt Ave in Queens and get laid for 50 bucks..why pay 500 dollars in airfare, plus rent a villa, if all you want is some trim? and, yes, when contemplating the DR as a sex destination, there are gazillions of Dominican girls working in NYC in the trade.

my second objection is that there are guys who come here for expensive trim. the Casa de Campo high rollers who hang with the college grad crowd. not all girls are some waifs from Los Mina. are those guys mongers, or does the cost of the trim disqualify them for membership in the fraternity?


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Question if all these so called "mongers" became "model citizens" what would happen with the "girls". How would they survive? Many dominican women are raised to find a man to take care of them. Doesn't matter old, ugly, foreign, etc... Many of your so called upper class women have the same outlook just a different way in going about it. There are also many raised to be educated and provide for themselves. Keep in mind that many of these so called mongers have been married or rather "around the block a few times" so paying for it in their mind keeps it simple, no strings attached. As far as they way they speak about these women well maybe in their minds that is what they term the woman as being, who knows. Crossing the line, well are they crossing the line based on reality or fantasy.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
actually, since i find your definition to have certain fundamental deficiencies, i choose to find it wanting. my first disagreement is the point where you refer to "inexpensive sex". well, expense is relative. so, is the sex inexpensive relative to what it would cost back in the homeland, when the associated costs like airfare and accomodation are factored into the equation? guys in NYC can go to Roosevelt Ave in Queens and get laid for 50 bucks..why pay 500 dollars in airfare, plus rent a villa, if all you want is some trim? and, yes, when contemplating the DR as a sex destination, there are gazillions of Dominican girls working in NYC in the trade.

my secon objection is that there are guys who come here for expensive trim. the Casa de Campo high rollers who hang with the college grad crowd. not all girls are some waifs from Los Mina. are those guys mongers, or does the cost of the trim disqualify them for membership in the fraternity?

More parsing and anecdotes from an aider and abetter.

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