Hi, I am new to posting on this site, but I've been checking here for a couple of years. I was wondering if there is a thread or active classifieds for people selling their cars or if any of you have anything. I am looking for an reasonably-priced car from someone trustworthy.
Brief background if it matters:
I'm married to a Dominican woman, and I am not yet a resident. However, we do come here at least 4-6 months out of the year. We live in the San Cristobal area. I've been driving here for about 3 years, so I'm pretty seasoned to how the roads are.
Any help would be appreciated.
Brief background if it matters:
I'm married to a Dominican woman, and I am not yet a resident. However, we do come here at least 4-6 months out of the year. We live in the San Cristobal area. I've been driving here for about 3 years, so I'm pretty seasoned to how the roads are.
Any help would be appreciated.