does anyone here live in boca chica


Jan 3, 2007
Boca Chica gets a bad rap

I've met some very colorful characters from all over the World there and shared many interesting stories and a few good games of chess (apparently all tigres play). Among the locals I've met I have seen them go through various levels of personal successes and failures and I did meet a few ex-pats at a restaraunt (I think it's called the "Boat House") on the Hamaca side of the beach. One guy cooks there and another guy was in the real estate business, both there and in New Jersey. There are many others.

I'm the type of guy who won't give a dime to the shoeshine beggars but on many occassions I'll take them in groups of 5 or 6 to the Chinese Chicken shop on Duarte and buy them all a bucket with sides and drinks. I'll bring a tigre into my employ for a small consideration just to keep the rest of them and the vendors and the beggars and the beach chair guys away. They eat what I eat and they drink what I drink and if I want a real cigar or a bottle of Brugal without a 300% markup I send them. They save me more money than I give them.

I've met people in Boca Chica years ago who I've not seen more than 5 times in the same year and they not only remember me, they go down the list of my buddies and ask about them like they were their old friends as well. I've been all over the World and I've never seen another place like this. You can make friends (or enemies) for life on first impression very easily in the D.R. and I've noticed that it doesn't take much effort to make a positive difference in somebody's day there. A warm, genuine smile is one helluva reward.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Last fall we spent several weeks in DR, and for one week our daughter and her husband flew down with our grandson (who we kept in the capital with us). They spent the week at the Hamaca and except for being swindled in the casino they had few complaints. They enjoyed the beach, they were left alone most of the time when they were together [every time Tom took a walk by himself he had some guy offering him a girl - and he'd smile and tell them he brought his own]. They met some other young couples staying there and had a good time.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
wow....i was in boca chica last year with my 2 small sons and my wife. we had no problems. sure its dirty..but they have tried to clean it u. police presence is high...whether they are good or not ....well, who knows. the people there are super nice. there is lots of families that rent out their house to people. we live in Las caboas, los kids loved it!!! we have been there 2 years in a row for 6 weeks each time.


New member
Feb 20, 2007
Well, to listen to you all, you'd think the pros are only here, instead of in every city and town world-wide! We stayed at the DJ a few years back, and if the price was right, I would go back again. The people from Ottawa have been "there and back again". Let's wait to see what they have to say. And you horn dogs, I don't think it really matters to you where you find your "girls". Hope you wrap it tight!



Active member
Mar 18, 2006
We Survived Boca Chica

We are back from Boca Chica.
The travel was horrendous. Our Ottawa weather was sadly typical on 12/26 so we started the vacation with an 8 hour delay. I was shocked we got out at all to be honest but we did make it.

Would I go back? Absoloutely, but not to the Don Juan. I would only go back if staying at the Hamaca.

We were pleasantly surprised by many aspects of Boca Chica. We actually found it to be cleaner than Sosua. We noticed very little garbage in the streets and there were several municipal workers out sweeping the streets and sidewalks while we were there.
Perhaps just because it was high season, I am not sure?

There was also a very heavy police presence. Whether they were actually doing anything helpful is another topic. I suppose they are there for a reason but we did not witness any trouble.

During the day Boca Chica was a vibrant little town. All the restaurants and bars were really hopping, both on the beach and in the town itself.
All establishments were much more full than I have ever witnessed in Sosua but there are fewer establishments in Boca.

The park in town was always full of respectable local families enjoying themselves.
For some reason I had formed an opinion that we would not find respectable Dominicans in Boca Chica and that simply was not the case.

We didn't like the beach nearly as much as Sosua as it is quite narrow in places but heck, it was close to 30C and they brought cold Presidente to our chairs so Boca Chica beach was more then servicable for 5 days.

We were expecting to see the streets full of crack heads etc. and that just was not the case, though the situation clearly became more adult oriented as the hours progressed each day.

The worlds oldest profession is certainly alive and well in Boca Chica but we did not find it to be as "in your face" as Sosua. There really weren't any areas like Classico or Latino's in Sosua where you had to cross the street if you don't want to be accosted.

One large difference that we observed in our very limited 5 day sampling of Boca Chica was what appeared to be the quality of the ex-pat community.
It appeared to us that the Boca Chica ex-pat community was almost soley male, over 50 and looking for happy endings. I am sure there are many fine expats in Boca but this is just my opinion formed in a short period of time.
My apologies if you are a Boca Chica expat that does not fit this description.
You must have been out of town while we were there :ermm:

To wrap up, we prefer Sosua for sure for a variety of reasons such as the beach, better restaurants and more of them, the many quality couples that we have met in the ex-pat community etc...etc.

If the price was right we would go back to Boca Chica.


New member
Jan 12, 2007
we have been coming too boca chica for 4 yrs now this is our first winter here love it , be back next year, staying longer i love boca chica lots going on here ,a friend of our,s grew up in jaun dolio ,every year her familia vacation,d there, my wife and i went there 2 weeks ago for the first time , it has a big beach with one on it so if you want peace and quiet go there ,but if your not dead or yet come on over to boca chica, we are in our late 50,s and 60,s love this place people ,beach,always some thing going on, and not bad like most people post here, my friend that grew up vacationig in jaun dolio now comes here too boca chica, it has a life. but it was a nice quiet time in the big jaun
Jan 3, 2003
Those foreigners who find BC acceptable must be pirates themselves. I don't know who I would want to avoid more- you guys or the dominicans at BC.

BC is a LOW, LOW class beach area.

Those who find BC acceptable would also find a week-end get away at the Marriot in Kabul pleasant.



New member
Jan 24, 2010
I think what really makes a differance is if you see the glass half empty of full. I will be checking out BC, there supposed be a good gym there (PITBULL), get some good workouts in lime around town with the locals and just take it real easy man and enjoy the simple tings in life. If I don't like it I will just move on to somewere else.

Just for the record, I really enjoyed the diametrical perspectives regarding BC. At this point I don't know what to expect and I am glad because that just makes life more interesting....Thanks again for all the great post!!!