Dolarlization of DR !?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Tony C said:

Jeez dude. have you ever looked at a map?
The Part of Turkey that contains the capital(Istanbul) in IN EUROPE!!!!!!! Turkey is a European Country.
No explain to me again how the Natives of hawaii were better off before the U.S. Arrived and how that in any way is conected to the D.R.'s problems?

Actually Instanbul (once known as Constantinople) sits on both Europe and Asia, it's split in two by that strait that separates the Turkish Asian peninsula (where the bulk of the country is located) from the tiny piece of land that is in the balkan peninsula (part of Europe). But, what about the Caucuses? Well out there in Asia!

And to answer your question, yes I am extremely geographic literate. I'll say I know more about geography than most people do!

Why is a there a group of Hawaiians that want their kingdom back? Why did the U.S. government basically was forced to apologize for their way of stealing Hawaii? Umm, there is more than money to life people.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
MrMike said:
Um, newsflash.

The DR is never going to join the EU. At least not until the EU has roughly as many members as the UN.

Lets just invite the small group of people in charge of the EU to come to SDQ. Let's show them around the country, lets give them the statistics that show how much natural resources are probably untaped in the country, lets let them imagine their vacation homes in the DR while they can think that the DR is their country also. It doesn't take much. And if they are really that "moved" by American might and power, the fact that the U.S. is a virtual stone throw away makes it perfect for a military base. Euro. companies can then set up their factories in the DR for central shipment of their goods all over North and South America. European companies that have invested in this side of the globe could settle in SDQ. The central location in the hemisphere makes it easier for business men from North and South America to travel there for their business needs. And, oh yeah, the grand EU flag flying beside Royal palm trees on the island of Hispaniola which means the Spanish Island is Latin, a European possession under a European language!

Of course, we could always offer our selves as a dependecy of the EU or a commonwealth of the EU!

But enough negative talk about this! The same thing the british were saying when this former Colony named the United States seemed to threatened their power. It was unimaginable and the british came up with a lot of legit reasons for why the U.S. will eventually craw back to their door step asking for help. Unfortunately, that is not what quite happened and now the Brits are no longer a super power. The same thing is bound to happen with the U.S. since the same attitudes are appearing whenever the thought of EU taking global power is arise. Also, it's not written in stone that the US will remain a super power forever, if the USA wants to remain in such position, they must learn to recognize and learn from the past. Unfortunately, I'm seeing a repeat of what has happened whenever a super power is starting to be challenged by a newly born one.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Nal0whs said:
Actually Instanbul (once known as Constantinople).
Really? WOW! Tell me more Mr. Geography!
Nal0whs said:
sits on both Europe and Asia, it's split in two by that strait that separates the Turkish Asian peninsula (where the bulk of the country is located) from the tiny piece of land that is in the balkan peninsula (part of Europe)..
Nope Istanbul is on the European Side
Nal0whs said:
But, what about the Caucuses? Well out there in Asia! .
Or Eurasia as some people like to call it
Nal0whs said:
And to answer your question, yes I am extremely geographic literate. I'll say I know more about geography than most people do!.
Really? Then How come you didn't know that Turkey is in Europe?
Nal0whs said:
Why is a there a group of Hawaiians that want their kingdom back?.
So 3 out of touch with reality losers have a website! Give me a break. Some people just don't know when they are conquered.
Nal0whs said:
Why did the U.S. government basically was forced to apologize for their way of stealing Hawaii? Umm..
Forced to apologize? LOL A few Politically correct wimps more like it. And nobody apologized.
Nal0whs said:
there is more than money to life people.
Sure like being so anti-American that you would gladly sell out your country to the Euro-weenies!


Aug 6, 2003
I am Sorry

On behalf of my ancestry that is Native American I will say with my most humble heart I am sorry for not haveing a zero toloerance immigration policy in place in regards to europeans and preventing this debate today.


Apr 7, 2003
The same thing the british were saying when this former Colony named the United States seemed to threatened their power. It was unimaginable and the british came up with a lot of legit reasons for why the U.S. will eventually craw back to their door step asking for help. Unfortunately, that is not what quite happened and now the Brits are no longer a super power.

Whilst you may have a superb understanding of geography (!!!) you clearly have a 5 year olds knowledge of history and socio-economic politics.


Aug 6, 2003
The EU No super power

The EU in itself is no super power. The reason is pretty clear. Every EU country combined military is still smaller than the US. The EU does not feel the need to be as strong as the US because the feel some how more gentlemanly than the US. The feel the WTO and world court is their protector. With out the US as a true threat to them they will not feel the need to rise up and challenege the US. For 50 years during the Cold war when the threat was real all of Nato Combined still could only equal the US in total troops comitted and what can we say about naval power.
Fundamentally the EU countries like the fact that they can act snootie and allow the US clean up for them and take the political heat. "Balkins comes to mind" For the US having the EU is actually a good thing. Give us an economy maybe a few notches down from Chinas to trade with with one set of laws and regulations.
But in the end I will re-post my two words from a previous post.
Monroe Doctrin.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Tony C said:

Jeez dude. have you ever looked at a map?
The Part of Turkey that contains the capital(Istanbul) in IN EUROPE!!!!!!! Turkey is a European Country.
No explain to me again how the Natives of hawaii were better off before the U.S. Arrived and how that in any way is conected to the D.R.'s problems?


I hate to disallusion you, but the capitol of Turkey is NOT Istanbul, it's Ankara!

Texas Bill


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Aaah, insults!!

What a wonderful display of freedom, don't you think! A person shares his knowledge with the world and those that don't like his comments just resort to insults. The funny thing is that those people attempting to insult are the one's that talk about freedom and democracy all the time. Interesting how it doesn't show.

Instanbul IS on two Continents. Are you going to tell me that I'm wrong when my buddy is from Instanbul himself and I've seen it on a map as well?

99.9% of Turkey is in Asia (Unofficially known as Asia Minor or Middle East). The part of Turkey that is in Europe is a tiny peninsula, very very tiny peninsula. People, look at a map before talking, please!

gjsuk, read the text book "Histories of Western Societies". It's the Western History book being used at the University of Connecticut to teach their students about the history of the West. You'll learn that my so called 5th grade knowledge of History and socio-economics is nothing more than wishful thinking from your part. Read at least one chapter of that text book, then come a try to tell me how much my hard work and accomplishment in my college studies are worth. No wait, you don't even know me, so just keep your ideas to yourself!

Eurasia is not really where Turkey is located, Eurasia is in the Area of the Caucus Mountain range in Russia. It's the part where "Europe Russia" becomes "Asia Russia". That's why they call that area Eurasia.

So the History Channel lied when they showed the authentic documents stating the U.S. government recognition of wrong doing with Hawaii. The documents were sign by your last president Bill Clinton! Search it up, then do your talking because I hate seeing people swallowing their words after the fact has been presented.

Because of the so called "Euro-weenes" the Dominican Republic, The United States, and practically the entire global order is in place today. Don't underestimate the Europeans, after all, isn't your blood line connected to that continent and it's people!


Jan 1, 2002
Nal0whs said:
Instanbul IS on two Continents. Are you going to tell me that I'm wrong when my buddy is from Instanbul himself and I've seen it on a map as well?

99.9% of Turkey is in Asia (Unofficially known as Asia Minor or Middle East). The part of Turkey that is in Europe is a tiny peninsula, very very tiny peninsula. People, look at a map before talking, please!

Please don't confuse Tony with facts! He doesn't find them anything like as exciting as his distortions of the truth & therefore they will not apply to him!!

gjsuk, read the text book "Histories of Western Societies". It's the Western History book being used at the University of Connecticut to teach their students about the history of the West. You'll learn that my so called 5th grade knowledge of History and socio-economics is nothing more than wishful thinking from your part. Read at least one chapter of that text book, then come a try to tell me how much my hard work and accomplishment in my college studies are worth. No wait, you don't even know me, so just keep your ideas to yourself!

Eurasia is not really where Turkey is located, Eurasia is in the Area of the Caucus Mountain range in Russia. It's the part where "Europe Russia" becomes "Asia Russia". That's why they call that area Eurasia.

I am DELIGHTED to hear that some US of A colleges are teaching history & geography of areas OUTSIDE of their territorial waters now - something that can only bode well for the future as more "Americans" realise there are other countries in this world & SOME of them have a little more practice & experience in recognising how "Super Powers" are really a 'SELF DISTRUCT' regime for a short period in history! Roman, Ottoman, Greek, Russia, British, French & Spanish (to name but a few) have all had their chunks of the world to run in their histories & most (if not ALL) have hed to relinquish their hold as the individual countries fought from within for their own independence!! The discontent with the "BIG BROTHER" attitude of super powers, causes the minor countries to rebel & fight from within - usually winning by terrorist activities against "Big Brother"!! (one of the reasons for the Arab conflict at this moment I would suggest!).

Because of the so called "Euro-weenes" the Dominican Republic, The United States, and practically the entire global order is in place today. Don't underestimate the Europeans, after all, isn't your blood line connected to that continent and it's people![/I]

God, I hope not!!!! We Europeans would NEVER be allowed to live that one down!!!

To bring this back to topic, I think it MOST unlikely that the DR would ever be considered for the European Community just because of it's location. Nothing to do with it's ability, suitablity, culture - just basic location!! The DR should concentrate on aligning itself to the Caribbean & Central American countries as it's marketing force/stratergy. Certainly use Europe as a market for doing trade with (especially on organic fruits & woodworked crafts) but use the Central American unity as the base for securing protection of interests with! - Grahame.


Jan 14, 2002
Nal0whs said:
My point for the Hawaii history is to show that a bit of control is all that a more powerful country needs to take full control of that is what it wants, but it will only happen if the ones being taken over realize that they failed. If the Hawaiians would have fought for their freedom, who knows, the Kingdom of Hawaii might still have existed. Put that in perspective to the DR, by giving up on our Constitutional guaranteed Peso currency, we are one step closer at giving up our independence. That is one small step, from that a tidal wave of "lets let the Americans do this or that for us" will certainly follow.

Also, I'm not anti-American. I just express my views and when ever my views don't go according with the general publics then I'm branded a Communist, an anti-American, and a bunch of stuff that would unlegitimize my point of view. But all I'm doing is expressing my point view here, don't take it too personal. Also, I do appreciate that the U.S. allowed me to go to the states to finish off my studies, but I must point out that the US is not paying for my education. That is coming from my hard earn work in the Dominican Republic! In case nobody gets it, I only thank the US the opportunity, but I really have nothing else to thank them for since everything else came out of my will and hard work!
I don't like to brand people but for a guy with a advanced degree in ecomonics I notice you give out lots of bad info to people.

I also do not see where you compare Hawaii to the DR.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Escott said:
I don't like to brand people but for a guy with a advanced degree in ecomonics I notice you give out lots of bad info to people.

I also do not see where you compare Hawaii to the DR.

The info I'm expressing on this particular thread is just based on my opinion, unless I stated that it's back by facts as in the Instanbul case which is on two continents.

However, every person should always make an informed decision to whatever it is they decide to do, whether it's opening a business in the DR or simply moving there for retirement. My mentallity is of "selling" the idea of moving and investing in the Dominican Republic. I am very much aware that everyone counts when it comes to influencing the Dominican economy and since the Dominican economy is relatively small, every person is worth more to the country than in a country like Brazil or the U.S. where there are hundreds of millions of people. I would say that in the last two years there have been quite a lot of people being put off from investing in the DR, money that could simply had helped the country in more ways than one. There are risks in any investment, anyone asking for further advise on this board about investing in the DR is (I assume) ready to take the risk involve. Since they are ready, I don't like to destroy their motivation. I also understand that most busienesses fail in a good economy, let alone a bad one. But it's all a numbers game. If we turn away 10 people, and the average success for a business in the DR is 1 out of every 10, then we have prevented a possible successful business which only helps the Dominican economy on a small non the less important level. I understand many people here give advise on the bases of "friendship". You know, you tell so and so to not do this because the risks are very high and more negative stuff based on the facts. But those people were ready to take the plunge, we just helped them chicken out. I know most of you are not from the DR, but please put the country first and then personal satisfaction.

About the Hawaii, it's not meant to compare it to the DR on "face value" if you will. It's just meant to show how a small weak country can be swallow up into a much larger one against its will. It's something that is never too unrealistic for the Dominican Republic. This is something to keep in the back of everyone's head when ever you see stuff happening on a governmental or grand level. The example is the Dollarization, the U.S. is showing alot and I do mean alot of interest in Dollarizing the Dominican economy. Like most countries in the world, the U.S. only is interested in something if it will benefits them and if it does benefits the third party than well, but most important is U.S. beneficial (which is understandable, everycountry would do what is in their best interests or in the interest of those in power). But, this is something to really truly think over and not jump into conclusions as to accept the dollar. We have to make sure that the Dollar will be beneficial to the DR as much as it would be to the U.S. We know it will benefit the U.S. otherwise they Americans would not have offered to help the DR dollarize, we just don't know how benefitial its going to be to the DR. It's something that must be investigated and analyze to the fullest of its extent.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Nal0whs said:
Lets just invite the small group of people in charge of the EU to come to SDQ. Let's show them around the country, lets give them the statistics that show how much natural resources are probably untaped in the country, lets let them imagine their vacation homes in the DR while they can think that the DR is their country also. It doesn't take much. And if they are really that "moved" by American might and power, the fact that the U.S. is a virtual stone throw away makes it perfect for a military base. Euro. companies can then set up their factories in the DR for central shipment of their goods all over North and South America. European companies that have invested in this side of the globe could settle in SDQ. The central location in the hemisphere makes it easier for business men from North and South America to travel there for their business needs. And, oh yeah, the grand EU flag flying beside Royal palm trees on the island of Hispaniola which means the Spanish Island is Latin, a European possession under a European language!

Of course, we could always offer our selves as a dependecy of the EU or a commonwealth of the EU!

But enough negative talk about this! The same thing the british were saying when this former Colony named the United States seemed to threatened their power. It was unimaginable and the british came up with a lot of legit reasons for why the U.S. will eventually craw back to their door step asking for help. Unfortunately, that is not what quite happened and now the Brits are no longer a super power. The same thing is bound to happen with the U.S. since the same attitudes are appearing whenever the thought of EU taking global power is arise. Also, it's not written in stone that the US will remain a super power forever, if the USA wants to remain in such position, they must learn to recognize and learn from the past. Unfortunately, I'm seeing a repeat of what has happened whenever a super power is starting to be challenged by a newly born one.

Most of Europe has it's eyes on Russia with it's VAST deposits of iron, other heavy metals, oil and huge tracts of mismanaged acreage for the production of needed grains and vegatables. So why should/would they wish to re-locate factories to a country which can't even furnish reliable electrical service to it's existing manufacturing communities (Free Zones), much less take on multiple other electrical responsibilities??
In addition, the transportation infrastructe is in a very rundown condition except for the highway between Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata by way of Navarette. The remainder, for the most part is full of potholes, washouts, etc. so as to be hazardous to transit.
Then you have all the sheep, goats, cattle and pasola & motoconcho drivers who are a hazard in and of themselves, especially at night!
Have you ever asked yourself why so many tourists from Europe stay in their all inclusive compounds so much? It isn't that they are snooty--They're overwhelmed by culture shock after taking that initial "ride in the country" trip when they first arrive. They see, what to them, is abject squallor, poverty and substandard existance in the population and in the country. A few see through all this to the people themselves, but not many. Of the latter, many return year after year; of the former, they can't get out of the country fast enough.
I'm NOT trying to denigrate the DR, but to be realistic and see things the way many of the tourists from the EU will and do see the DR. That's but one of the reasons why I think the DR should NOT entertain such a merger, economically, with the EU. And I think it is a disservice to foster such a venture.

Texas Bill


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Hmm, interesting thought TB! Makes me wonder why did the U.S. still invested into Puerto Rico when they acquired that island instead of giving it up like they did to philipines! After all, Puerto Rico has no natural resources (no gold, silver, iron, or anything of much value), their infraestruture was to put it nicely a real hazard, they were the poorest peoples in the entire hemisphere living in shacks made of mud and grass and yet, the Americans invested heartly into this poor house and turned it into a show peace. If the Americans did that with an island that is otherwise worthless, why would the EU not do the same with the DR, an island with resources! Just makes me wonder!

Also interesting was you're reason for tourist staying in the AI all the time. Funny, I thought that it was because everything was already paid for and that took away much incentive to go out and explore. In the PC area it's just pure isolation and the same could be said of Juan Dolio. Playa Dorada has everything anyone needs for a vacation within walking distance! I always thought that was the reason they stay in the hotels all the time, because hotel guest at non-AI establishments seem to go out an explore even if it's the street in front of their hotel! Interesting, don't you think!


Mar 2, 2003
well let's see, if you could decide to have or not have a border with Haiti, what would you decide?

If you could chose between 3 million and 9 million welfare recipients putting their hands in your pockets what would you decide?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
MrMike said:
well let's see, if you could decide to have or not have a border with Haiti, what would you decide?

If you could chose between 3 million and 9 million welfare recipients putting their hands in your pockets what would you decide?

1. I would decide no existence of Haiti. That would have saved alot of lives lost during their barbaric invasions!

2. Well let's see! The DR pop is approx. 8 million. 50% are below the age of 18, so that leaves 4 million adults. About 500,000 are illegal Haitian Immigrants so that leaves 3,500,000 Dominican adults. From that 10% are rich (350,000), 30% are Middle Class (1,050,000), and 35% are poor with remittances (ie. Lower middle class) (1,225,000), and 25% are poor with no remittances (ie. really poor) (875,000). Gee, I prefer to pick up a mere 875,000 into a progressive welfare system and get the benefits of reaping in millions through mining operations, tourism, transportantion, manufacturing, and telecommunications in the DR!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I know what your point is! You are trying to say that no body is willing to pick up a poor country! No body wants poor people and nobody wants to take care of poor people, especially rich europeans. That is what you tried to say? Isn't?

However, you wrote it in a way that wanted a personal response. What would I prefer, so I told you what I would prefer. If you would have said something like "put your self in Europe's position" or think of your self as being a european country or America and think about the question you asked, then I would have responded the way you wanted me to respond. But, I don't like to assume too much, so I responded exactly what your questions asked.