Dominican legislators reject US Embassy migratory alert


Active member
Jun 3, 2021
Santa Clarita
For US credibility remember all the warnings about crime in the DR that they posted from time to time. This from a Country with over 600 Mass Shootings this year alone……………
Our enablers here..DR Always compares with what is happening in other countries. How interesting whenever unpleasant (and so many in DR) incidents occur in DR and DR then condemned by institutions like UN etc you have the arrogance to then condemn these same institutions claiming DR now a victim. Interesting that DR is known as a country which is unwilling to ever admit its policies are based on elitism and blatant racism. DR motto Never Admit..Always deny. It is what it is at the moment.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
It is not unsubstantiated. I did mention this a few months ago. My kid's older brother, Jeffly, was arrested in a sweep and held overnight. He has a legit (bought and paid for) cedula from about 15 years back. So I can tell you with first hand experience, it has happened. I also can say that I saw the tictok vid about the black American dude in cuffs. As previously stated, he got out but he did have to be cuffed and taken to wherever they take them. He was not deported.
And it is unfortunate that happened.
It should not have gone down like that.
But I gave the like for quality of the post and providing hard evidence.

I stand corrected.
And so do all the other deniers that skin color profiling is being conducted.
Easy to reject something that is not happening to you while sitting in air conditioned comfort.

I guess some people posting up in here color blind.
Except not in a good way. :rolleyes:

DR fan1990

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2020
I think the Dominican Governemnt and it's citizens are afraid that if left unchecked Haitians would come here in huge numbers and would destabilize the country , put tremendous preassure on the schools and health care system , and eventually gain political power as is what happened in Guyana or Rwanda. Maybe it's just me but everytime I see a Haitian woman she is always pregnant.

I'm confused. What's that got to do with Rwanda? Where exactly is the similarity here?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Our enablers here..DR Always compares with what is happening in other countries. How interesting whenever unpleasant (and so many in DR) incidents occur in DR and DR then condemned by institutions like UN etc you have the arrogance to then condemn these same institutions claiming DR now a victim. Interesting that DR is known as a country which is unwilling to ever admit its policies are based on elitism and blatant racism. DR motto Never Admit..Always deny. It is what it is at the moment.
Because their polices aren't based on racism or elitism. One wonders why you stay or visit such a horrible country.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
And it is unfortunate that happened.
It should not have gone down like that.
But I gave the like for quality of the post and providing hard evidence.

I stand corrected.
And so do all the other deniers that skin color profiling is being conducted.
Easy to reject something that is not happening to you while sitting in air conditioned comfort.

I guess some people posting up in here color blind.
Except not in a good way. :rolleyes:
So, if his cedula was bought 15 years ago, was it renewed?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I don't know. I have seen it but I never asked that question. It must be legit at least in their database, as they let him go the following morning of his detainment.
There you go, he is Haitian, he was detained then released after confirmation of legality to be in the DR. The question would be how he qualified for a cedula in the first place.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
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Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
I'm curious, I wonder if the Dominican government is spending a equal amount of time going after migrants from other countries such as let's say Canada and European nations, it's interesting I never hear of roundups of people from these nations. I don't even hear of roundups of Venezuelans, that's interesting?
Your question have been answered many times in different threads.
Just use the search, type Venezuelan for example.



Aprendiz de todo profesional de nada
Aug 18, 2007
Doesn't compromiso mean committment?

Also, this could take him out of the running for both the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of the universe.
He clearly started, he is committed to comply and his challenge is his commitment with the Dominican peoples and nobody else


DR fan1990

Well-known member
Sep 22, 2020
It is not unsubstantiated. I did mention this a few months ago. My kid's older brother, Jeffly, was arrested in a sweep and held overnight. He has a legit (bought and paid for) cedula from about 15 years back. So I can tell you with first hand experience, it has happened. I also can say that I saw the tictok vid about the black American dude in cuffs. As previously stated, he got out but he did have to be cuffed and taken to wherever they take them. He was not deported.

I need to see that vid.
Sounds like racial profiling. This an extremely serious matter and if true, the DR government needs to revamp its entire set of immigration policies ASAP and actually stop conflating black skin color with illegal immigrant status.

This is extremely embarrassing for the nation because the DR is already perceived by AA's to be a super colorist country, and now that has been confirmed on video. Caught on tape for the whole world to see.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I need to see that vid.
Sounds like racial profiling. This an extremely serious matter and if true, the DR government needs to revamp its entire set of immigration policies ASAP and actually stop conflating black skin color with illegal immigrant status.

This is extremely embarrassing for the nation because the DR is already perceived by AA's to be a super colorist country, and now that has been confirmed on video. Caught on tape for the whole world to see.
I made a comment on the vid and it got a lot of likes. Every once in a while I get additional likes. When the next comes comes, assuming there will be another one, then I will copy the name of the user and let you know.

But at the same time, how else are they going to ID illegals but by racial profiling. I don't see the alternative.
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Sounds like a very, very isolated incident, given the amount of persons of all colors who visit the island.

Some folks drown in a glass of water.
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I made a comment on the vid and it got a lot of likes. Every once in a while I get additional likes. When the next comes comes, assuming there will be another one, then I will copy the name of the user and let you know.

But at the same time, how else are they going to ID illegals but by racial profiling. I don't see the alternative.
Considering most Haitians are dark skinned and also look somewhat different than the average dark skinned Dominican it is doubtful that immigration targets African American, who speak differently, dress differently, and often look differently as well. I am sure are rare.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016


Apr 11, 2004
What are they supposed to do lock up everyone they see? Of course they are targeting. Every Country in the World does the same.............
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Oct 29, 2010
There you go, he is Haitian, he was detained then released after confirmation of legality to be in the DR. The question would be how he qualified for a cedula in the first place.
You continue to imply that it's quite acceptable to lock people up who are legally going about their business on the basis of their appearance. I will say again that being locked up in a Dominican jail, crammed in with twenty or so other people for even five minutes is something that neither you nor I would find acceptable.

I can only guess how the person in question obtained his cedula but who is to say he didn't go through the legal process to get it as you and I have done? If the person was released eventually, it would seem to me that the cedula is certainly legal.