You were around the area (Piedra Blanca) we pass through going to my in-laws and SIL homes in the campo. We have been to Presa de Hatillo many times. Great pictures.
Sounds good thanks. Local knowledge is the best.Maybe you have already been to Las Galeras, but you missed an opportunity to ride on a lot of interesting roads there. If you come back this winter, let me know and I can show you around if you haven’t already toured some of these back roads.
Super cool truck indeed, and very interesting history, This would be perfect to run the NORRA Mexican 1000 in.Those Series II were the defacto cargo trucks for many companies in the 60s in the DR.
Tropigas had these "Green Trucks" as their main cargo service for gas refills door to door back in the day. They were mainstream before the japanese trucks (Nissan, Toyota, Daihatsu, etc) took over the market in the mid 70s.
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Yes it still hurts like the dickens to open my mouth but chewing is getting much better. I'm hoping a few days to recoup will get me back to eating my favorite DR delicacy empanadas. Thanks for the concern amigo.So how are you feeling now? Hopefully better. I noticed that you noted you had to get something you could eat, so it appears there's still some sensitivity. Get better fast! However us ancianos heal slowly.
Awesome! I hope you don't mind but I plan on using your quote "The DR is much more than the beach." Perfect.Fantastic thread and amazing images. The DR is much more than the beach.
Ooh I have no problems with that, be my guest. I used to ride motorbikes myself all over Europe years ago, BMW touring bikes. I have done some of your DR road trips in a 4 WD.Awesome! I hope you don't mind but I plan on using your quote "The DR is much more than the beach." Perfect.
Most awesome perfect thank youI changed the title for you. If it’s not exactly what you wanted, message me.
Take a ride out to Rincon. When you get close to Rincon, you’ll need to make a right hand turn to go to the beach. Since you are on a motorcycle continue straight it will be a paved road for about another mile or two then it will turn into dirt, keep going going going going going and eventually you will end up on top of the mountain overlooking El Valle. The views are incredible. if you get lost or don’t find it contact me when you return this winter.
The rain slows so everyone takes off. Then this guy rides in and strikes up a conversation. Sex alcohol and partying is all he wants to talk about. Then he tells me he is policia! Next, he walks off to get beer. My gut says pack up and fly. Off into the rain, away I go...
It continues raining sometimes less then sometimes more. I pull into Samana late and start looking for a hotel. I find several right away but none have secure parking or any parking at all. Someone on the street in the rain tells me there is a hotel with parking three minutes up the road. Perfect! I pull into a covered and gated parking garage under a nice hotel. A little spendy but breakfast is included and the place is super nice...
My hotel room has three menus on the table, one for drinks one for food and one for the free breakfast choices. Great I thought I can get food right here without going anywhere. While spreading out my gear in the room to dry I notice three women in funky dress parading past my window followed by a dude. One pass they stop and pause right in front of my window. I'm getting the feeling this may be a dual-purpose hotel...
Soon it is dark and I am hungry. But ha ha no food available until breakfast. I am a little bit out of town on top of a big hill. I start marching. It is a heck of a hike to find food. On the way back I pass this cantina blasting music with a group playing dominos. I pause to take in the DR scene, something I love to do here.
There is a small store next to the cantina advertising beer. I order a beer and take a seat with a view of the action next door. Soon a woman comes in and sits next to me to introduces herself. The way she is looking at me having turned her chair facing me I have the feeling she is waiting for me to buy her a beer. Not wanting to offend I quickly finish my beer and ask if I can take a photo of her and the woman behind the counter "?permiso sacar una photo bonita personas de Republica Dominicana?" That works. After, I say adiós and march off leaving smiles all around.
When it is this wet outside having an air conditioner in the room is the only way to dry out wet moto gear. By morning everything is dry. It feels good to go through all my stuff at the hotel to see what I got and repack it so I know where everything is.
Even after a great breakfast at the hotel I cannot pass up a popular empanada stand in town. More fuel for the days ride...
This stand is a buzz of activity. And my jaw is now functional for empanadas! Not perfect but working.
I ask the mother permission for the photo. All good Great shot.
Heading out of Samana the goal today is still Las Garelas. It has been years and I want to see if it is still a place I want to return with Heidi.
Bridge to nowhere...
The population on this stretch of road seems to have increased times 5 at least. I do not recall all these little villages between Samana and Los Galeras in the past. Their so large now they even have painted signs!
We are still rolling hang on!