Ride through Paradise...
The ride is still super beautiful with a ton of places to pull off and get into the tropical scene.
Riding into town to the end of the road is way different from last time I was here. A lot of new (old) buildings ending at a guarded parking area. I ask the guard permission to go in just to take a few photos. No problem but a tip would be appreciated later he tells me.
This is the same spot Heidi and I took a photo of us with our motorcycle back in 1995. So cool, I remember us talking about wanting to move to this small island offshore.
This area has really developed for tourism, restaurants, coffee shops and bars. Tourists are preparing to load onto the boats some with scuba gear. Years ago, there was just one palapa bar here at the end of the road and less boats, mainly boats for local fishermen.
A woman notices me and asks if I would like some food or beer or pina colada. I say "coffee?" Si! Great DR coffee!
On my way out I slip the guard a 50. I get a much appreciated "gracias" in reply. "de nada"
On this ride I have seen several people riding horseback every day. Finally, I get a photo of one on a mule. Often, I take a photo just to remind myself to write about it. It is interesting and is way part of the local culture here. In Samana while looking for a room in the rain with motos racing all around I pass two guys riding horseback a few times riding through town looking like they are having a ball. So cool...
Los Galeras is not calling me to stay the night so I double back through Samana then head inland to continue this big ride of the island.
Samana, away from the tourist area is way more interesting to me.
This looks like the town's main guagua station, right where the towns outside market is. Mucha actividad (Much activity here).
Exiting Samana there is a lot of crazy moto traffic, like most tourist areas I have experienced here. Every day I witness things I cannot believe and today takes the cake! At one point I have a moto pass me and the car Infront of me while riding a wheelie the whole way AND the moto has three people onboard AND the driver has a bottle of booze in his hand! I catch up with them at a stop and witness the driver take a swig from the bottle. AHH! I blast in front of them and stay in front, they cannot keep up with me having three people onboard, but I think they were trying!
The fun Continues -->