DR building University Campus in Haiti - Updates


New member
Nov 29, 2009
UASD is looking very nice, much better than I remember, but how's the strike deal, that's the main reason why I chose PUCMM vs UASD.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
UASD is looking very nice, much better than I remember, but how's the strike deal, that's the main reason why I chose PUCMM vs UASD.

Until they don't clean out the radicals with expulsions, those politically backed and funded strikes will not stop...

The UASD is in the process of installing face recognition high definition cameras for all the areas, so that they can monitor who's NOT supposed to be in the Campus' ground and facilities.

The first place that got this installed and in tests underway is in the new parking facility.

It's programmed to be fully enable for the whole Campus as soon as all the work is done in the new compounds and the ground. A big chunk of the campus's roads will be made for walking only.

Once this is done in the UASD campus, it will be repeated in all the extensions in the country.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
we're going to identify them, isolate them and then eliminate them from the Campus 100%...




Mar 19, 2005

Haiti - Education : Upcoming inauguration of the University Roi Henri Christophe

The Dominican President Leonel Fern?ndez will travel to Haiti on Thursday, January 12, 2012, for the inauguration of the University Roi Henri Christophe [built in Limonade] offered by the government and the business sector of Dominican Republic, at a cost of $50 million.

Leonel Fern?ndez will be accompanied for the occasion by Carlos Morales Troncoso the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Temistocles Montas, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development and other government officials and entrepreneurs of Campus.

Upon arrival, the Dominican President will be welcomed by his Haitian counterpart, Michel Martelly, among other authorities. According to our sources, the inauguration of the university campus, should be held at 11am. The last time the President Fernandez came to Haiti was in May 2011, at the inauguration ceremony of the current President of Haiti, Michel Martelly.

Haiti - Education : The University of Limonade coveted by the private sector

At 10 days of the inauguration of the University Roi Henri Christophe (built in Limonade) offered by the government and the business sector of Dominican Republic, a petition circulating in Haiti, since last month, in which teachers and leaders of private university centers claim that the University Roi Henri Christophe be "independent of the State University of Haiti (UEH), autonomous, and with its own management bodies"

A petition that the rectorate of the UEH considers ridiculous, who criticizes members of private universities that defend above all, their private financial interests. According to Fritz Deshommes, Vice-Rector for research to the UEH "There are civil servants and private sector leaders who are still trying to divert all that is given to the UEH. These are people who do nothing, but that still want to take advantage of opportunities," pointing the finger on, without naming it, famous private university in Port-au-Prince, who will be at the origin of this petition.

The Vice-Rector recalls that a workshop under the auspices of President Michel Martelly and Leonel Fern?ndez (Dominican Republic), is scheduled the day after the inauguration (scheduled January 12, 2012) on the initiative of the Secretary of State for higher Education, to discuss the future of this new University, issues, organizational structure and its management.

"The mission to provide knowledge in higher education across the country, belongs first to the UEH" strongly advised Jean Vernet Henry, Rector of the UEH, for whom the only problem of the State University, currently resides in a lack of funding.

S/ HaitiLibre Haiti - Education : The University of Limonade coveted by the private sector - HaitiLibre.com, Haiti News, The haitian people's voice

President to travel to Haiti, responds to foreign editorials on Haitian migration

President Leonel Fernandez is due to visit Haiti next week for the second anniversary of the 12 January 2010 earthquake. Fernandez was decisive and first in sending massive relief to Haiti from the Dominican Republic as soon as news of the disaster broke.

During his visit, he will inaugurate a university built with local funds in Limonade. The university is a US$50 million investment and will cover an area of 300,000 square meters. Fernandez is traveling to Haiti with Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso, and Minister of Economy and Planning Temistocles Montas. President Fernandez's last visit to Haiti was to attend President Michel Martelly's inaugural ceremony.

Now breaking from its usual silence and laissez-faire attitude, the Dominican government is responding to allegations in the international press criticizing the authorities' recent token efforts to organize the civil registry and status of mass Haitian immigration.

For years the government has allowed the entry of hundreds of thousands of impoverished Haitians, hundreds of thousands of which have irregularly obtained Dominican ID cards. Now, coinciding with new efforts to organize the country's civil registry n as evidenced by forged MLB ball player identification, ease of drug traffickers acquiring multiple identities - the irregularities affecting Haitian migration have become more apparent.

Recently, government spokespersons have been taking a proactive stance. Foreign Relations Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso recently responded to an op-ed piece in Canada's Globe & Mail. Globe & Mail readers also responded with several comments to correct statements in the piece. Morales Troncoso said that the DR and Haiti maintain harmonious and close relationships, and makes the point that investigation and possible future annulment of civil registry documents in no way violates international human rights commitments assumed by the Dominican Republic if children born to Haitians in the DR have the right to a different nationality.

Morales Troncoso said that the Dominican Republic cannot be asked to bear the burden of the human and economic costs of the serious situation that affects the Haitian people, who have seen as the best solution their migration to the Dominican Republic, which cannot be expected to assume the consequences of the serious deficiencies that plague Haiti's civil registry either. He said that the Dominican Republic as a sovereign nation could determine who its citizens are and the rules for migration within the limits established by international law.

He said it is incorrect to say that the country has recently changed its citizenship policy to discriminate retroactively against Haitians.

He added that on several occasions the Supreme Court of Justice has ruled on the issue of the children of illegal immigrants, regardless of their origin, which confirms that if the children are born to parents who are legally in transit, they are automatically excluded from obtaining Dominican nationality, and the children of anyone who cannot justify their legal entry or stay in the country cannot benefit from the greater right of citizenship, he explained.

He stressed this is not an issue of leaving the immigrants without a country, as Art. 11 of the Haitian Constitution establishes that everyone born to a Haitian father or mother will have Haitian nationality at birth.

Stripping Dominicans of Haitian descent of their citizenship is unjust - The Globe and Mail

Canciller?a respondi? a medio canadiense que cuestiona relaci?n entre RD y Hait? | Noticias SIN

The Dominican Ambassador in Washington, Anibal de Castro has also replied to an article in The Economist that stated the Dominican Republic had changed its laws.

Dominican-Haitian relations: Stateless in Santo Domingo | The Economist

Anibal de Castro's response: Economist - A response from the embassy of the Dominican Republic in the United States

And at the same time, Leonel is closing universities in his own country : Samana, Nagua and another city.......


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros


President Martelly is presented with the full blue prints and plans to the Campus and signed over to the Haitian State to be used for the Campus of the University of the State of Haiti in Port au Prince, as well as other departments of the country.













Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
They couldn't wait a week...

It is visible in some of the photos Pichardo posted, some are before the inauguration with the auditorium named in honor of Juan Bosch, while the others are of the day of the inauguration, before which a Haitian senator ordered Juan Bosch's name and photographed to be removed.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vAQ3xWB8ZS0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The excuse being used is that Juan Bosch did nothing for Haiti, so they're thinking of naming it Jos? Francisco Pe?a G?mez or Sonia Pierre.

And I ask, what exactly did Jos? Francisco Pe?a G?mez or Solainge Pie (Sonia Pierre) did for Haiti?

I'll answer, nothing.

Either they erased Juan Bosch for being Dominican or white, who knows, maybe both.

La Rubia

Jan 1, 2010
Now that the building has been built, what next? Who runs it, where do the teachers come from, who will the students be, will there be financial assistance so the needy can go. Logisitics please, as what happens with it will be the mark of its success, not the physical beauty and construction of it.

This is a great thing! I think the DR gets little credit for anything it does for Haiti beyond it's borders. We're hearing about how much hasn't been done. It's great when that something gets completed, and kudos for the DR to be the country doing it.


Feb 8, 2003
Now that the building has been built, what next? Who runs it, where do the teachers come from, who will the students be, will there be financial assistance so the needy can go. Logisitics please, as what happens with it will be the mark of its success, not the physical beauty and construction of it.

This is a great thing! I think the DR gets little credit for anything it does for Haiti beyond it's borders. We're hearing about how much hasn't been done. It's great when that something gets completed, and kudos for the DR to be the country doing it.

They need to build a road to access the universitiy.
They need to build a town


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
We have to invest first in our education and let other rich countries to help Haiti.

Fernandez inaugurates school campus in Cotu?

January 13, 2012
Cotu? .- President Leonel Fernandez with the Minister of Education, Josefina Pimentel inaugurated the school Professor Juan Bosch, built with an investment of 41 million pesos
The president cut the symbolic ribbon alongside the Lic. Pimentel , which started the operating in the middle school compound. Also present were the civil governor, Jos? de la Cruz Pichardo and Senator for Sanchez Ramirez province, Felix Vasquez among other officials.

The event was held at school facilities located in Duarte Rosa Street Extension in the La Altagracia in this municipality head of the province of Sanchez Ramirez.

The school has 20 classrooms with capacity for over 50 students for a total of 1,120 students per shift and also has an administrative area with waiting room, offices for sfaff and director of the facility.Similarly, two laboratories, one for computers IT and other sciences, a multipurpose room, library and sports field with stadium seating.

La ministra de Educaci?n inform? que en la provincia S?nchez Ram?rez el gobierno construye actualmente los planteles El Jibe, en el Cruce de Maguaca; el liceo Los Limoncitos, en Fantino; el liceo Hernando Alonso, en Los Corozos, Sabana del Pozo; el liceo Ram?n Mar?a Dom?nguez, en Batero; el liceo Tevecentro Juan Tom?s D?az, en el Cruce de V?zquez, y los centros educativos Los Mineros, en el municipio de Cotu?, y Enmanuel Espinal, en La Carcoma, Villa Progreso.
El centro educativo Profesor Juan Bosch es la segunda escuela que inaugura el ministerio de Educaci?n en lo que va de a?o. La primera fue la escuala El Roblito, en la comunidad del mismo nombre en Padre Las Casas, Azua, el pasado martes 10 de enero, con una inversi?n de dos millones 988 mil 024 pesos.
Pimentel dijo que con esos dos centros educativos suman 59 los que han sido entregados por la actual gesti?n del MINERD, desde el 10 de junio del pasado a?o a la fecha, con inversi?n superior a los 1,900 millones de pesos y con las cuales, en ese per?odo, se han sumado m?s de 600 nuevas aulas al sistema educativo nacional.

He also announced that by the end of the current governance, "we intend to deliver another 100 new schools, which will be a milestone that already demonstrates the undeniable interest of President Leonel Fernandez in education."

La ministra de Educaci?n observ? que la puesta en funcionamiento del nuevo plantel escolar en Cotu?, inaugurado en ocasi?n del D?a Nacional de la Alfabetizaci?n, tendr? un impacto positivo en la comunidad educativa de la provincia S?nchez Ram?rez.
Agreg? que se siente honrada de que la escuela lleve el nombre del Profesor Juan Bosch, a quien calific? como una figura insigne de las letras de Am?rica y un maestro de la pol?tica, que sirve de ejemplo de honradez y constituye un paradigma ?tico y de servicio para las presentes y futuras generaciones.
?El gobierno y el Ministerio de Educaci?n seguir?n trabajando mancomunadamente para elevar los niveles de la ense?anza, y en ese sentido, en la pr?xima semana estaremos inaugurando la Escuela de Directores, un centro que contribuir? a ser mucho m?s eficiente la gesti?n de las escuelas en todo los planos e incrementar? la formaci?n de la directora y directores de nuestros planteles?, dijo la licenciada Pimentel.
La funcionaria exhort? a la comunidad de Cotu?, a los padres, madres y estudiantes a poner empe?o en el orden, la limpieza y la armon?a del ambiente del centro educativo inaugurado del que sentenci? debe ser? un templo para la ense?anza, alma y coraz?n de este valioso conglomerado?.
La obra se construy? con fondos del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el gobierno central y el terreno fue donado por Consejo Provincial para la Administraci?n de los Fondos Mineros de S?nchez Ram?rez.
En la mesa de honor acompa?aron al presidente Fern?ndez y a la ministra de Educaci?n, el gobernador civil, Jos? de la Cruz Pichardo; el senador de la provincia S?nchez Ram?rez, F?lix V?squez; el viceministro de edificaciones y construcci?n de Educaci?n, William Sifres; el director de la Regional 16, S?nchez Ram?rez, Franqueli Silverio; el presidente del Consejo de Fondos Mineros, Conc?sar Hern?ndez; el director matutino del plantel, Wilfredo Peralta y el padre Juan Gabriel Bel?n.
Igualmente el s?ndico municipal Rafael Molina Lluberes, el diputado Alejandro J?rez as? como otros funcionarios del Ministerio de Educaci?n.
La invocaci?n religiosa estuvo a cargo del padre Juan Gabriel Bel?n y las palabras de bienvenida por el gobernador Pichardo, quien destac? la visi?n del jefe de Estado y las ejecutorias de obras en esta provincia que benefician a la poblaci?n.
Cit? entre las obras construidas por el presidente Fern?ndez en la zona, escuelas; carreteras, puentes, caminos vecinales, asfaltado de calles y la distribuci?n de 26 mil tarjetas de solidaridad.
En la actividad, tambi?n habl? el presidente del Consejo Provincial de los Fondos Mineros, Conc?sar Hern?ndez, y las gracias a nombre de los estudiantes de la provincia, estuvieron a cargo del alumno de cuarto grado de nivel medio, Eric Antonio S?nchez Mej?a.
Direcci?n de Informaci?n, Prensa y Publicidad de la Presidencia

Noticias Relacionadas:
- Fern?ndez inaugurar? en Cotu? el Centro Educativo Profesor Juan Bosch







Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Leonel" should have built the university here,we need it more!
Wonder if they got a multi story parking garage???CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros

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Dec 11, 2003
Thanks for posting those clips, Picardo.

I am really amazed that the place was actually built so quickly since nothing in Haiti has ever proceeded very quickly

When I heard this project was completed already I was really floored- there had been about zero discussion of this on the Haiti lists

and now I see why
In Haiti, a Gleaming Campus, but No People ? Repeating Islands

Sadly, I think the border market crossing at Jimini is going to be the same sort of botch up... First because the two lakes are overflowing from underground springs and there is nothing that will stop that.. Second because the border needs more opening .. not more closing.. in that . Well what is traded from Haiti? used clothing and us rice = which under Cafta should be coming in here at about the same price as it goes into Haiti.

Now.. if instead of the border market, the DR would build a road on the HIGH side of Lago Azuei..

and get some good banking relations going with banks in Haiti so that all customs and such can be cleared electronically to get the trucks off the road

then both countries declare that area an eco park.. or something.. and start Tilapia farming projects?

I am convinced that Dominicans are the only ones who are going to be capable of rebuilding Haiti in the long run.. Every one else is just being blocked by politics and policies.. But Dominicans can just get on the ground and get it built.