DR rules for new folks

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Jul 27, 2011
I have to make this quick because the BULLS are about the play the L.A. Lakers.

First of all let me state I am 38 yrs old and my ex wife is 33. Also let me add my ex wife has ONE CHILD!!!! her sister has ZERO!!!! I have been away from my wife for sometime now and she still has ONE CHILD!!!! My wife is NOT some of these women in the world with kids 3 to 4 different men.
You think I can't date a nice looking African American girl in college here in the states???? Women pull on the side of me all the time shouting at me when they see my DePaul alumni plates on my truck. A couple of months back a beautiful African American sister pulled up while I was pumping gas and spoke with me because she was in her last year at DePaul. If you are an alumni to a certain school you will attract women from that school past and present students.

Now here is the BEST part. Did you know my ex wife and my daughter life in the Dominican Republic will soon come to an end????? Did you know my daughter in SD will be sitting in a grade school in Wilmette IL in Sept???????

Its funny how life works isn't it???? My ex wife will go from being a low class ghetto lady as you put it to a MIDDLE CLASS woman in one of the richest countries in the world. Its funny how a plane ride can totally change how people see you. When my ex, myself and daughter are shopping in Whole Foods do you think any of the people in Wilmette will "say hey there goes a low class ghetto Dominican????

Also did you know I talk with my ex almost 5 times a week????

Now when we moved into our 2bed 2 bath apartment in Wilmette come join us for a walk and you tell me if you feel like you BELONG!!! or if you feel you need to head back to DR.

Please don?t act like I don't know your story. Is this like a "show for the guys" or something. Once again it?s not my fault that you married a ghetto woman and had a time with her and her family. You, and YOU GUYS, are the ones who trash these people, not me.

You put her on the floor and now you want to lift her up, so you can look better in front of the new guys!If you have none of the issues I described previously here, which I thought you didn?t but of course you do at least have one, why did you have to jump in?

Why do you have to insult me? I am not responsable for your actions and getting toghether with low class people who used you.
What are you talking about taking a walk with you guys and seeing if I look like I belong? If a guy like you, from the ghetto, looks like he belongs, and a poor girl from Los Mina looks like she belongs, then ANYONE can look like they belong. Stop kidding me man!!!


Jul 27, 2011
One more thing why are none of these professional foreign men wining and dining you???? Why are you not being flown off to NYC, Paris, Madrid, Las Vegas, Rome for weekends??? Why are none of these men with HAIR and close to your age treating you to a romantic getaway to Fiji??????

I will tell you why????? The guagua does not go to Fiji

The guagua doesn?t go to Fiji?LMAO I guess you just learned that.......from your ex-wife!

How can you trash your wife, and then when someone agrees regarding people like her, you point the finger at them and accuse them of trashing her:ninja: LMAO. You are a piece of work and now you want to pick on me?
Whatever I say about me is not going to change what locals think about you guys. BEAR WITH IT! If you guys don?t want to hear the truth, which your "loved ones" won?t say to your face, you guys should close this thread to Dominicans. That way you guys can talk about how amazing you all are without interruptions!


Jul 27, 2011
Originally Posted by santiagodude ......Have you ever dated a foreign man?

That was very generous of you, kudos!..........Do tell, what defects or social issues did the foreign men you dated have?
Seriously?? You are actually editing things that I have said separately, pasted them together to make it look like I have said something that I did not. Is this even legal?
EEEE, And you claim to be one of those with no issues! Poor thing that you have to resort to this.


Oct 4, 2013
I have to make this quick because the BULLS are about the play the L.A. Lakers.

You think I can't date a nice looking African American girl in college here in the states???? Women pull on the side of me all the time shouting at me when they see my DePaul alumni plates on my truck. A couple of months back a beautiful African American sister pulled up while I was pumping gas and spoke with me because she was in her last year at DePaul. If you are an alumni to a certain school you will attract women from that school past and present students.

Now here is the BEST part. Did you know my ex wife and my daughter life in the Dominican Republic will soon come to an end????? Did you know my daughter in SD will be sitting in a grade school in Wilmette IL in Sept???????

Its funny how life works isn't it???? My ex wife will go from being a low class ghetto lady as you put it to a MIDDLE CLASS woman in one of the richest countries in the world. Its funny how a plane ride can totally change how people see you. When my ex, myself and daughter are shopping in Whole Foods do you think any of the people in Wilmette will "say hey there goes a low class ghetto Dominican????

Also did you know I talk with my ex almost 5 times a week????

Now when we moved into our 2bed 2 bath apartment in Wilmette come join us for a walk and you tell me if you feel like you BELONG!!! or if you feel you need to head back to DR.

First of all, I believe that you just made Aguaita29's point in that your wife and daughter will be joining you soon for a new life in the states.. I hope that all works out for your families transformation into life in the USA. On the other hand, You just became known as a "Green Card Gringo" and let me tell you that all of her friends will be envious. She's "Chica Rica ahora, and you are the gringo tourist that came down to the DR and saved her. If I'm not mistaken, you talk down about W/U boyfriends, but aren't you sending money to your family and saving the receipts for your cita so you can prove that you are involved in a real relationship?? As well as your phone receipts, and has she been paying all of the fees for her visa, or have you?? There is a web site about expats marrying and bringing their Dominican spouses to the USA. Full of all kinds of good information and many horror stories about what can and does happen sometimes after a gringo/gringa's S/O receives that 10 year green card and conditions of her visa are lifted. You might want to check it out and feel free to message me for the link if you would like. By the way, I hope you don't get to find out about "window 11".


Oct 4, 2013
And this is why gringos never learn!

Some do. Especially the ones that have lived here for some time. Some actually get out from under their "gringo stigma" and are even partially accepted into their DR neighborhood to the point where not every single person they meet is asking them for pesos, and the chicas stop trying to get you to spend company with them simply for the pesos and most of all, to rub it into the face of your S/O. Some even have a few birthday presents bought or made for them by Dominican neighbors or maybe a small fiesta out front of the Colmado where a large caldera of sancocho is bubbling away.. Yes my lady.. Some gringos learn after a lot of time..

I would like to ask your opinion regarding something of a personal nature and would like to message you if that would be acceptable?


Jun 19, 2009
First of all, I believe that you just made Aguaita29's point in that your wife and daughter will be joining you soon for a new life in the states.. I hope that all works out for your families transformation into life in the USA. On the other hand, You just became known as a "Green Card Gringo" and let me tell you that all of her friends will be envious. She's "Chica Rica ahora, and you are the gringo tourist that came down to the DR and saved her. If I'm not mistaken, you talk down about W/U boyfriends, but aren't you sending money to your family and saving the receipts for your cita so you can prove that you are involved in a real relationship?? As well as your phone receipts, and has she been paying all of the fees for her visa, or have you?? There is a web site about expats marrying and bringing their Dominican spouses to the USA. Full of all kinds of good information and many horror stories about what can and does happen sometimes after a gringo/gringa's S/O receives that 10 year green card and conditions of her visa are lifted. You might want to check it out and feel free to message me for the link if you would like. By the way, I hope you don't get to find out about "window 11".

It may be true, but you have to give him credit for trying to provide a better life for his daughter.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Some do. Especially the ones that have lived here for some time. Some actually get out from under their "gringo stigma" and are even partially accepted into their DR neighborhood to the point where not every single person they meet is asking them for pesos, and the chicas stop trying to get you to spend company with them simply for the pesos and most of all, to rub it into the face of your S/O. Some even have a few birthday presents bought or made for them by Dominican neighbors or maybe a small fiesta out front of the Colmado where a large caldera of sancocho is bubbling away.. Yes my lady.. Some gringos learn after a lot of time..

I would like to ask your opinion regarding something of a personal nature and would like to message you if that would be acceptable?

The same beggars that ask me for money, which I rarely give, , also beg from their fellow Dominicans although there are some to approach my MIL's patio when I'm sitting there having coffee with her. She quickly deals with them.
I know I'll always be a gringo but I'm pretty accepted as half the town knows me, and the other half know who I am. As far as being attractive, I find certain Dominican women very attractive, but some are extremely hairy ( a turn off for me) and have asses that require a permit to park, and thighs that are larger than palm trees. Some guys love that, not me. Doesn't make them necessary unattractive.
Each culture has it's idiosyncrasies, learning them is key to accepting and being accepted.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
The same beggars that ask me for money, which I rarely give, , also beg from their fellow Dominicans although there are some to approach my MIL's patio when I'm sitting there having coffee with her.

I wish I had a peso for every time a Dominican asks Mr. AE for 'a loan'. There are a few that he'll pass some pesos too, older women without husbands to support them, some are pitiful. Two days ago a guy came limping in on crutches, someone we don't even know except by sight, asking to 'borrow' $1500 pesos to go to SD to get the cast off his leg. Ah...no....., sorry Charlie.


Sep 27, 2006
it's hard to find twat hair balance. women tend to either be barbie bald or be piliferous like jungle gorilla.


Nov 25, 2012
Seriously?? You are actually editing things that I have said separately, pasted them together to make it look like I have said something that I did not. Is this even legal?
EEEE, And you claim to be one of those with no issues! Poor thing that you have to resort to this.

Just showing the hypocrisy/ inconsistency in your statements from this thread.
Unfortunately I am not am expert using the quotation system here, but you said what you said regarding men.
.......Seems the only "normal" Foreign men in the DR date you (with hair, attractive, and around your age) so congratulations!.....All the rest?.....You have opined to death....

PS. Never claimed I am perfect but I do believe in telling the truth.
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