LoboTropical - the return ticket has been a "must" for many years. But, many airlines ignored it.
What airline asked? I am guessing JetBlue?
American seems to still ignore the requirement.
Is it in fact a DR requirement?
NEVER have seen a DR official caring about it, but I do not know what gob.do DR regulation is.
Just that in many years of travel, DR migration has never questioned or cared.
Many airlines impose their own rules.
This is from gob.do website.
The receiving country should be the only determining factor for ingress, not foreign airlines or governments.
"No, the airline does not need or ask for the QR code. When the person goes through Migration, Migration with the passport number verifies that the person filled out the form. That is why it is very important to fill out the passport number properly, and make sure you finish the entire filling process until you receive the QR code."
English – E-TICKET República Dominicana