EDENORTE Problems - I WILL Sue Them! Anyone Interested in Joining Me?


Dec 15, 2003
A few days ago Edenorte cut my power for the fifth time in the last month because of errors in THEIR system in Santo Domingo, NOT that any person can "hitch" into my power ( I have a protected digital metre, with a secure lock and an underground wiring system. so no one can do that)

Every time I go to their office I am told that I have 3 accounts registered and it is an error and they will put it right, DUH, NEVER done, and a tech comes with me to my house to reconnect me and the office tells me this will be corrected within the system in SD.

Never happens!

I simply followed the Manager's advice, ( 1 point which I already knew, which will not be disclosed, but is ENTIRELY HONEST and NOT to STEAL Electricity), but the other is to separate my house into 2 accounts, so one does not go over the 700 limit, when your rate goes higher! My house is already separated physically into upstairs and downstairs. So I paid the deposit for the second meter, in April and waited.

My problem started when I wanted to start another account for the other half of the house and I applied in April for the new account. Easy you think? DUH! NO

The great brains of SD for Edenorte within the system, started charging me from April for 3 accounts!

My new meter was finally installed on 5th October, (I have never received a bill for that, in fact no bills since April, since I applied for the new meter, even though I had received them for years before that).

I have merely started this thread to give others hope, ex pat and Dominicans alike.
So I do hope all you sarcastic idiots that normally post your facetious remarks in reply to this, stand down, because I trust the good Mods on here to do deal with that ( LONG LIVE AnnaC)

Apparently in the whole legal history< ( which I checked before posting this), no one has ever sued Edenorte before. But in legal terms, even in this country, Reps from Edenorte and YOU, as the client signed a contract with them, which is legally binding in law. I know, I have won other cases here, even though it took time, one was against Codetel. ( I do not have the time, and am not normally inclined to go through the Civil Lawsuit procedure as has become normal in the U.S.A), unless it is without good cause.

Yesterday I had enough of them.

A contract is a contract, and when one party breaks it, they default. I repeat,,even here in the Dominican Republic.

Years ago the expats, when they started a physical demonstration in SD about the power problems won,,,,,,,, for many years, all was great. Or maybe it is much easier for some of you to simply post on here and moan,,,, or spend hours on the phone calling EdenHell, who rarely answer, or going to their office.

By the way, I expect many of you don't know that the staff have been changed in some Edenortes' offices within the region. The very good honest ones have been terminated,,, why??? = Replaced by less and cheaper staff to hire,, again WHY? -

Edenorte are in serious trouble, because for months, Puerto Plata office has been transferring all the collection and YOUR payments of your bills to Santiago to pay the Government for the power consumption, GUESS WHAT? Only 27% of our money was actually paid to SD from Santiago... hence all the cuts, including the 24 hour emergency help line.

Such is life and human nature,,, Verdad? Isnt the old saying true... power corrupts, no matter which country you live in....

I was called today by a person from SD that asked me to delay my legal action until after their meeting to resolve my problems.

Not only money talks eh?,,, I will update you

Please just post in here if you are fed up with the service and want to join me.


Jul 10, 2004
You cannot ask people to join you while at the same time refusing to discuss significant points of your case against Edenorte.

Good luck with that. I do wish you and anyone else suing Edenorte the best.


Oct 9, 2009
The only thing that can be awarded in a lawsuit is compensation for your damages. What proof of monetary injury do you have. I don't think being in the dark is conpensable. Maybe you can collect for the spoilage in your freezer.


Sep 10, 2008
actually service has been pretty good , they come out and mend when required, turn up before alloted time etc not a problem


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
the only thing that can be awarded in a lawsuit is compensation for your damages. What proof of monetary injury do you have. I don't think being in the dark is conpensable. Maybe you can collect for the spoilage in your freezer.



Dec 22, 2005
Puerto Plata
I am a sarcastic idiot who normally posts only facetious remarks but I do sincerely wish you luck. Edenorte are crooks, but they are philanthropists compared to Claro/Codetel.


Jan 21, 2006
Good luck. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Who knows maybe you will be the first!


Dec 15, 2003
You cannot ask people to join you while at the same time refusing to discuss significant points of your case against Edenorte.

Good luck with that. I do wish you and anyone else suing Edenorte the best.

Well dear I thought I had posted the points that are/will affect us all, they need to make BIG cuts, in things like staff, to be able to recover from the incident of all our money that was taken and not paid by Santiago when Puerto Plata office had transferred all our payments to them to pay SD.

They have terminated the excellent manager and good English speaking efficient staff that got things done in Sosua office so far, and hired other new staff, that obviously maybe work for less money, and are not competent.

5 times in one month they disconnected my supply in error, because I was suddenly registered for 3 accounts for my house, after years with the same singular account. I went to their office at once and was always promised this would be put right by the new staff,,,,and never was. The last time I had had enough and got angry, which I normally never do as that does not work, a tech followed me to my home and put it right immediately. Many of the techs know me as I have lived here for many years. But I advised those in the office that this was being reported to SD and I did that.


Dec 15, 2003
Good luck. I look forward to hearing about your progress. Who knows maybe you will be the first!

Well I am pleased to say that after my comment in my original post;

I was called today by a person from SD that asked me to delay my legal action until after their meeting to resolve my problems.

That whoosh,,,,, everything was put right on the new "ficticious accounts" that were registered in my name.

A manager from SD spoke with me and apologised and not only that, I was issued with a credit for "my inconvenience". This was the same manager from the same office that Leonel set up in SD to help customers, who have complaints about their supplier of electricity. I had reported this latest fiasco to him and one before when my electricity cable was stolen and Edenorte said I had to pay for the replacement cable which was 300 feet! He advised at that time that this was NOT correct and he started a reclamation for me to get my money for the new cable back. This is in progress.

I will not give up, the evidence and history is all there on both complaints. The law here is very clear, as in most countries, a contract is a contract and we as customers, and they, have signed a legal binding contract with them.

I have already won two court cases against folk that broke contracts with me on business matters, although this is lengthy procedure, it is worth it and I have an honest, good shark lawyer that has not lost a case yet, even on the appeals procedure.

If any of you need him please pm me, he speaks perfect English and is based in Puerto Plata

So guys dont be despondent, there is hope out there, and the newest court that was set up in Puerto Plata to handle civil cases is proceding well. I know a few ex pats that have won their cases there and the Judges are good and not corrupt.


Jul 12, 2004
ya will join

Yes I will join in any suit, but first for the love of god and country,

PLEASE finish the story about the Super Giant Boat that drafts 5.5 METERS that we discussed back in 2005 you never told us and left us all hanging!!!!!!!

What kind of boat was it?

How big was it really?

How long?


please do tell
May 5, 2007
Yes I will join in any suit, but first for the love of god and country,

PLEASE finish the story about the Super Giant Boat that drafts 5.5 METERS that we discussed back in 2005 you never told us and left us all hanging!!!!!!!

What kind of boat was it?

How big was it really?

How long?


please do tell

You would think being former Navy I would know this, but spent very little time on ships, especially those under sail

Wouldn't a "decent' (65 foot or so) sailing vessel have a larger draft consisting of the keel? This is pure speculation on my part but have seen 40-50' sail boats on low bed trailers that seem to have at least 10 foot keels plus the hull itself

One ship I did spend a short time on as an air Officer, USS Arleigh Burke was about 500 feet drawing 32+ feet loaded (9,000 tons) You are required to learn certain functions and specifications when posted aboard USN ships even if you have a .00009% chance of conning her and you are a URL Officer

Again, no real idea, just guessing and with person involved I realize a solid answer is unlikely :-(


New member
Oct 19, 2011
Formal legal action is not really a course with a satisfactory outcome. What does work -sometimes- is community action. I live in Costambar which is notorious for its daily extensive power outages. In August we had a major outage, 2 days. Finally the residents, Dominicans and expats alike, conducted a peaceful protest against lack of service by Edenorte and Coraplata at the main entrance to the community, stopping traffic for 2 hours. A representative of Edenorte attended and miraculously, a couple of hours later water and electricity reappeared, for more than 24 hours straight. If necessary we will do it again, the police don't seem to mind, I asked the police officer in charge of security at the protest what he thought. He said we had every right to protest as long as we kept it civil, which we did. The politicians don't want large eggs on their faces and public protests can work particularly when you know all they have to do is throw a switch and the protest will dissolve. The advice is obvious,get your community involved.


On Vacation!
Mar 6, 2003
Formal legal action is not really a course with a satisfactory outcome. What does work -sometimes- is community action. I live in Costambar which is notorious for its daily extensive power outages. In August we had a major outage, 2 days. Finally the residents, Dominicans and expats alike, conducted a peaceful protest against lack of service by Edenorte and Coraplata at the main entrance to the community, stopping traffic for 2 hours. A representative of Edenorte attended and miraculously, a couple of hours later water and electricity reappeared, for more than 24 hours straight. If necessary we will do it again, the police don't seem to mind, I asked the police officer in charge of security at the protest what he thought. He said we had every right to protest as long as we kept it civil, which we did. The politicians don't want large eggs on their faces and public protests can work particularly when you know all they have to do is throw a switch and the protest will dissolve. The advice is obvious,get your community involved.

CORAPLATA. Now I'll join legal action against them. I've already solved my electrical but Coraplata is just a nasty group.


Sep 10, 2008
coraaplata used to know about their employees illegal activities and allow them to do it for some reason , I think they have recently got slightly better , I havent seen the man that rides round and threatens to cut your pipes because of illegal connections for ages.

He connected houses while working for coraaplata, but did it freelance then said it was illegal and took bribes not to cut it off