Geez SantiagoDR, is this really necessary? We are in the DR you know. Perhaps you can grow a little thicker skin?
hahahah, just learned a new word or acronym
..many people on this site are FUBAR.
Nice story. I am happy things worked out for you.
Question to all who downplay degrees: Would you encourage young people to go to University? I certainly would. On average, people with degrees make more than those who don't have degrees and they have more opportunity. Not all but most. This is why we all complain about the lack of education in the DR. It limits opportunity.
We are all aware that Bill Gates was a college dropout etc. But he is one in a million.
A formal education does not guarantee success or even intelligence. But these days you need to be as competitive as possible.
Professor Scandall
Geez SantiagoDR, is this really necessary? We are in the DR you know. Perhaps you can grow a little thicker skin?
Pero no! Tuve oportunidades de llegar a la cumbre pero mi estupidez me enga?o diciendo que un diploma es nada mas que un pedazo de papel!! Si yo supiera ayer lo que se hoy, jamas dejaria mi escuela. hoy sufro las consequencias de la falta de una buena educacion! Cooooo?ooooo!!
Maldita suerte!
" Unless I Have To Buy Something!!!!"
"Unemployed" and never been happier!!!!
I am turning down better jobs than I quit!
I am turning into a "Democrat"!!! I love their "Free Money For Not Working" Policies!!
Wonder when I start turning ..."Black"???? .. or even "Hispanic"?????:rambo:
Don't worry about the PC police Scandall, just refer them to Chris's post:
"We are in the DR you know. Perhaps you can grow a little thicker skin?"
After all, this thread is about education levels, and thanks to this thread mine just went up a notch. I just "learned" about the Urban Dictionary and the definition of "Limey .......".
I think there should be an option in the poll for Self education (Edumacation) which has been implemented in many areas of America by disfranchised/dissed group.
Chirimoya - now there are 3 of us 'cuz i just voted
Is "dissed" in the Urban Dictionary too?
SantiagoDR, your edumaction is showing lol