End of Temporary Protected Status could send 50,000 back to Haiti


Feb 20, 2016
Not a good think to even suggest. But of course the Clintons lined their pockets off the Haitian suffering.

.....as Bill Clinton has said.. its only a few hundred million US$.....and he has promised when the time is right he will start sending the money to Haiti......
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
This thread is about repatriation of Haitians.  Guess I needed to add Clintons into the mix with Trump. 

Please stay on topic. 
Jan 9, 2004
Haiti is still suffering from French colonial influence just like Quebec, the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Niger and Syria - to name a few. Had Haiti been colonized by the Brits it would be clean, organized and affluent like the Bahamas.

Yes and No.

On the one hand it seems the British influence was far more successful organizationaly speaking than than the French, and I think as an Island territory, Bermuda comes to mind as the poster example...not the Bahamas. Of course leaving out the US for the moment

But, on the other hand, you also have Belize (formerly British Honduras) and Jamaica as contra examples of clean organized and affluent.

Haiti was and continues to be the poorest country in the western hemisphere and it is little wonder why those who are in the US........want to remain. It will become another component of the Immigration problem.......as many who came here have children born here.....and thus US citizens.

TPS granted to the Haitians is part of the no good deed goes unpunished syndrome..............just ask many of the European countries who are finding out the same thing....but with much more tragic consequences.



Nov 3, 2010
The Haitian government should have expected such a thing to occur. They knew it was temporary. I am all for assisting the less fortunate but, temporary is temporary and the Haitian government should be blamed for this. I am not a great fan of our last 4 presidents starting with the current one but, an agreement is an agreement. How can a government keep failing it's citizens on a daily basis and keep functioning? Until the Haitian government starts being responsible, then they will always be what they are..never ready instead of ever ready.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
The Haitian government should have expected such a thing to occur. They knew it was temporary. I am all for assisting the less fortunate but, temporary is temporary and the Haitian government should be blamed for this. I am not a great fan of our last 4 presidents starting with the current one but, an agreement is an agreement. How can a government keep failing it's citizens on a daily basis and keep functioning? Until the Haitian government starts being responsible, then they will always be what they are..never ready instead of ever ready.

i agree with you ,completely.

as i have always said, Haiti reminds me of parents who feast heartily on all the trappings of a hedonistic culinary delight, yet send their children over to the neighbors house , to beg for scraps. as long as the neighbors are accommodating, and provide relief, the parents will never live up to their responsibility to feed their kids.


Apr 29, 2014
With the politicians choosing between corruption / their own self interests and the interests of the country and its citizens, it's pretty clear what choice has been made for as long as I can remember. Haiti can't even pull off an election without the process becoming mired in controversy and procedural obstacles.

The Haitian politicians have deliberately chosen not to advance their society in a measured and progressive fashion. It is not up to the rest of the world to counter the choices made in Haiti. Sweeping revolution by the people is the answer and the time is before a military is reestablished.

After the creation of the new military, it is only a matter of time before there is another coup and the cycle of ineffective government will continue.

If the govt has even discussed the repatriation of its citizen from countries offering these people temporary refuge after the earthquake they did so only long enough to dismiss those ramifications as being unimportant. I have no sympathy for the country of sheep who allow themselves to be poorly served by their own government time and time again.

Maybe those who are sent home with only the money they have saved from 10 years abroad, will be sufficiently motivated to bring abut the change that is so desperately needed; Change that will allow Haitians to live and prosper in their own country. The "world" is not going to do this for Haiti, Haitians must decide to help themselves - the sooner the better.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Canada is big. Their prime minister is a very accommodating guy.

Despite the year long exodus of Haitians from the US to Canada seeking refugee status, only 29 have been approved to date. Most want to reside in Montreal where there is a large established Haitian community.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2016
Despite the year long exodus of Haitians from the US to Canada seeking refugee status, only 29 have been approved to date. Most want to reside in Montreal where there is a large established Haitian community.

Those 29 amount to 10% of the claims that have been processed at this stage.


Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
Would be interesting to see if they get deported from Canada and where they are sent.

well if they deport to the country they entered from then sent back to the us. much cheaper as they can use a truck, let the us deport them to Haiti and pay the freight. the us is dumb enough to go along with it! Plus in all likelihood they have kids who are us citizens. so back they come to the us border


New member
May 17, 2004
well if they deport to the country they entered from then sent back to the us. much cheaper as they can use a truck, let the us deport them to Haiti and pay the freight. the us is dumb enough to go along with it! Plus in all likelihood they have kids who are us citizens. so back they come to the us border
Trump said no backsies


Jan 21, 2006
They will not go back to Haiti.
A person can live better in the US as an illegal than they ever could in Haiti or the DR for that matter.
It is the reason there are so few visitor visas given to the US.
Virtually no one goes back once they have a taste of life in the US.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
They will not go back to Haiti.
A person can live better in the US as an illegal than they ever could in Haiti or the DR for that matter.
It is the reason there are so few visitor visas given to the US.
Virtually no one goes back once they have a taste of life in the US.

I know numerous Dominicans that have either residency or 10 year Visas that hate living in the USA and chose to live in the DR. The only thing they like is the money or the education for their children.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
Canada is big. Their prime minister is a very accommodating guy.

Yes, Canada is big but not every province is a potential desirable venue for diverse reasons. Canada has a few major cities that are hubs for jobs and meet people’s cultural needs. Otherwise most foreigners will not consider living in those areas. The major attractive cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. 

Montreal has the third largest Haitian diaspora after Miami and New York City (and surrounding areas). 

No, Justin Trudeau is not an accommodating guy. He is naive and has no experience in office. He had to retract his statement of welcoming any illegal who has to leave the US. ‘Canada welcomes you’. They have to go through the same immigration process and you know with his open arms policy and invitar a todo el mundo will backfire. The only problem is we ‘los canadienses’ will pay the price.


chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Yes, Canada is big but not every province is a potential desirable venue for diverse reasons. Canada has a few major cities that are hubs for jobs and meet people’s cultural needs. Otherwise most foreigners will not consider living in those areas. The major attractive cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. 

Montreal has the third largest Haitian diaspora after Miami and New York City (and surrounding areas). 

No, Justin Trudeau is not an accommodating guy. He is naive and has no experience in office. He had to retract his statement of welcoming any illegal who has to leave the US. ‘Canada welcomes you’. They have to go through the same immigration process and you know with his open arms policy and invitar a todo el mundo will backfire. The only problem is we ‘los canadienses’ will pay the price.


Trudeau is one of those people whose a*s can't cash the checks his mouth writes.
But he is going to look foolish sending any refugees out after he threw open the doors, so he won't - just add them to the social welfare system.

So the Haitians will stay, most speak French and may actually help improve Quebec - it's lacking color anyway - Canada is only 2.5% black - so it is definitely too white a country - time to open those refugee doors wider Oh Canada.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Trudeau is one of those people whose a*s can't cash the checks his mouth writes.
But he is going to look foolish sending any refugees out after he threw open the doors, so he won't - just add them to the social welfare system.

So the Haitians will stay, most speak French and may actually help improve Quebec - it's lacking color anyway - Canada is only 2.5% black - so it is definitely too white a country - time to open those refugee doors wider Oh Canada.

There are a large percentage of people in Canada that are neither black or white. There is no such thing as too white a country or too black a country either.