find a job


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Hello ,

Je suis francais et je serais interesse par un emploi en Dominique Republicaine ds la region de Puerto Plata , Sosua ou Cabarete.
J'ai de multiples experiences professionels , j'ai travaille 5 ans en milieu financier ( Bourse de Paris sur le Matif ). J'ai egalement vecu et travaille aux Etats-Unis durant 4 annees , je suis rentre depuis peu en France.
Pour plus ample informations , je reste a disposition.

Dans l'attente d'informations , je vous remercie par avance.
Laurent Feron

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
Mon Francais ecris est miserable... alors je continu en English:
Language is a must, this is a hispanic country so before you seek a job I hope you realize you will have to have good command of at least the Spanish language.
I just came back (to Europe) from a exploratory trip to the DR (I'll be back!). and I have been offered jobs, but all comission jobs in sales. Languages skills and a good clean appearance are well received.
The hotel industry is another sector you may want to look at.
Al over wages are very low, when compared to Europe. Only comission jobs tend to promeise big bucks... again, I can promeise you the world, in the end it is what you'll get that counts.

I know this is not much help but Ihope it will at least steer you into the right direction.


New member
Mar 25, 2005
well , thanks a lot for your opinion , it is not helpful to not speak spanish or just a few , but I am an french bilingual english .
I will check directly with the resorts complex and hotels that might need someone like me , and I am full of differents professionals experiences .

Financial ( frenchstockmarket ) , Training dogs , obedience , decoy jobs . Construction in USA ( Baseball backstop , outfields ) , fencing , custom fences etc ....

If somebody else can give more details will be very appreciated ,
Thanks .
Laurent .


May 12, 2002
choosingone said:
Hello ,

Je suis francais et je serais interesse par un emploi en Dominique Republicaine ds la region de Puerto Plata , Sosua ou Cabarete.
J'ai de multiples experiences professionels , j'ai travaille 5 ans en milieu financier ( Bourse de Paris sur le Matif ). J'ai egalement vecu et travaille aux Etats-Unis durant 4 annees , je suis rentre depuis peu en France.
Pour plus ample informations , je reste a disposition.

Dans l'attente d'informations , je vous remercie par avance.
Laurent Feron
Avez tu contacter le embassade Francais?
On probablement peuvent te donner quelqu'un liste de travail.
Ou peut-etre trouver travail avec le embassade Francais si tu avoir de la chance.

Bonne chance!


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Mr_DR said:
Avez tu contacter le embassade Francais?
On probablement peuvent te donner quelqu'un liste de travail.
Ou peut-etre trouver travail avec le embassade Francais si tu avoir de la chance.

Bonne chance!

Merci pour le renseignements , je vais prendre contact avec l'Ambassade francaise et voir avec eux .

merci encore .


Mar 18, 2004
Air France, le groupe Accor et Carrefour hypermarch? sont pr?sents ? Santo Domingo et probablement beaucoup plus.
Beaucoup de francophones (fran?ais et suisse) se sont install?s sur le presqu'?le de Samana dans le nord-est.


Mar 13, 2005
Hi, first of all you would need to be here. The world here is bery much face-to-face and today... Very few chances to find a job by being on the internet.
Most companies will not even reply to your emails.

The tourism field is almost impossible for you to work in, unless you accept commission based salary ( there are no fixed salaries ) and these works are in sale. Meaning selling excursions etc to tourists. Most companies, like Coco for example, hire only if you have a residency if you are a foreigner.
Same goes with vacation-clubs.

You also need Spanish.

Other positions at hotels are held by Dominicans, and salaries are local as well. No where, exept for a few kids-club positions, are held by foreigners.

The chances are very few, the island has many foreigners working and coming year after year, or who stays and hang around during the lowseason, waiting for the heat to start again.
Among the locals, there is a huge unemployment, and only Playa Dorada get over 40.000 applications each year...


Mar 4, 2004
Mais maintenant il y a beaucoup de Dominicaines qui parlent anglais, francais, espangnol et autres langues et ne pouvaient pas trouver de travaille. Ce n'est pas trop facile. Possiblement vous pouvez parler avec les proprietaires francais des hoteles en Samana? Bonne chance.


New member
Nov 14, 2004
Salut Laurent,

Tu peux m email ton CV? Je vis a Sosua et peut etre que je peux t aider.
Qu as tu fait aux USA, toujours dans la finance? NB. Si tu veux travailler a Carrefour Santo Domingo, demande a rencontrer l equipe dirigeante a la Martinique car c est un martiniquais qui a ce centre commercial...


choosingone said:
Hello ,

Je suis francais et je serais interesse par un emploi en Dominique Republicaine ds la region de Puerto Plata , Sosua ou Cabarete.
J'ai de multiples experiences professionels , j'ai travaille 5 ans en milieu financier ( Bourse de Paris sur le Matif ). J'ai egalement vecu et travaille aux Etats-Unis durant 4 annees , je suis rentre depuis peu en France.
Pour plus ample informations , je reste a disposition.

Dans l'attente d'informations , je vous remercie par avance.
Laurent Feron


New member
Mar 25, 2005
gsupa said:
Salut Laurent,

Tu peux m email ton CV? Je vis a Sosua et peut etre que je peux t aider.
Qu as tu fait aux USA, toujours dans la finance? NB. Si tu veux travailler a Carrefour Santo Domingo, demande a rencontrer l equipe dirigeante a la Martinique car c est un martiniquais qui a ce centre commercial...


Premierement , je tiens a remercier vous tous pour vos messages et informations .
Oui , je peux t'envoyer mon CV par email si tu le souhaites , je te remercie pour l'interet que tu portes a ma recherche d'emploi .
Aux Etats-Unis , je n'ai pas travaille dans la finance du tout , c'est la bas que j'ai pu travaille installant les backstop et outfields fences pour les terrains de Baseball ds des complex sportif ou lycee Boone School a Orlando plus fencing job and landscaping tout ceci en Floride a St-Augustine ( a cote de Jacksonville ).
J'ai egalement demarre un petit buisness de concrete bowls pour les eleveurs , kennels feedstore etc ..... qu'en je suis alle vivre en Caroline du nord , ci-joint le lien :

Je reste a ton entiere disposition si tu as besoin de plus amples details , merci encore .
Laurent .


May 12, 2002
choosingone said:
Merci pour le renseignements , je vais prendre contact avec l'Ambassade francaise et voir avec eux .

merci encore .
Bonjour Laurent,

Dites-moi combien de temps ayez-vous pensant ? se d?placer au DR et
pour combien de temps ayez-vous visitant ?

Que vous a incit? ? d?cider de venir de phase dans un tel pays et
qu'?tait-elle votre impression quand vous ?tes arriv? la premi?re
fois ?


New member
Mar 1, 2004
carina said:
Most companies will not even reply to your emails.

I know, and this is extremely frustrating in this day and age, when "everything" is done by internet and e-mail.

I did a little test last year. I sent the same application to a company in Sweden, one in the UK and one in DR. The one on Sweden replied to me the same day, the one in the UK replied after a couple of days, the one in DR never replied...

I just can't understand this? If DR companies expect applicants to show up in person, they will miss out on a lot of skilled people available from a global workforce.

But I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles...


PS. Interesting this, how the grass is always greener somewhere else. I have applied for many jobs in France, whereas our friend here wants to work overseas...


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Mr_DR said:
Bonjour Laurent,

Dites-moi combien de temps ayez-vous pensant ? se d?placer au DR et
pour combien de temps ayez-vous visitant ?

Que vous a incit? ? d?cider de venir de phase dans un tel pays et
qu'?tait-elle votre impression quand vous ?tes arriv? la premi?re
fois ?

Bonjour ,

Cela fait deja , plus d'un an que j'y ai pense , c'est grace a des amis Dominicains que j'ai pu porter un interet a ce pays .Mes amis sont des Dominicans-York et vivent toujours aux Etats-Unis .
Je suis alle a Santo Domingo , ma premiere impression fut de me rappeler un peu la Guadeloupe , il y a comme partout des choses qui plaisent et deplaisent mais il y a un grand potentiel financier dans ce pays et j'aimerais en faire parti . Les gens sont souriant et agreables pour ce que j'ai pu constater lors de mes 15 jours de visite .
C'est pour cela que j'espere trouver un emploi la-bas car malgre que je ne parles pas beaucoup l'espagnol , mais uniquement le francais et anglais , je suis toujours interesse d'apprendre .

Merci encore pour ton interet .


Jan 2, 2002
Voyager said:
I just can't understand this? If DR companies expect applicants to show up in person, they will miss out on a lot of skilled people available from a global workforce.

But I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles...


I will tell you why. Many people go on a week's vacation and decide they want to "LIVE" in the DR without really knowing a thing about the country. I'm sure from experience many DR companies have put in the time and effect to select someone and have that someone change their mind due to having to sell the house, the funiture, the wife and kids don't want to move ect ect. So how desparate are thse companies to wait for someone overseas to make this huge step and sit around and wait?

The way things are right now, not very.


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Anna Coniglio said:
I will tell you why. Many people go on a week's vacation and decide they want to "LIVE" in the DR without really knowing a thing about the country. I'm sure from experience many DR companies have put in the time and effect to select someone and have that someone change their mind due to having to sell the house, the funiture, the wife and kids don't want to move ect ect. So how desparate are thse companies to wait for someone overseas to make this huge step and sit around and wait?

The way things are right now, not very.
Well , I don't have to sell anything , I just need to take a ticket plane if I do have a job in D-R , that's it .I just came back in FRANCE after been 4 years in USA .


Mar 13, 2005
It is good that you dont need to sell anything etc, but the fact remain, you will not get replies at all on emails. There are many foreigners already here knocking on doors every day wanting a job. IF they need a foreigner to work, those are the ones getting the jobs..
So still, if you really want to be here, you need to have some savings, you need to accept a commission based work in sales, you need to have your living arrangements fixed.
And you need to risk coming without having a job, and search for one while here. Not going to be easy, but it is the only way.


New member
Mar 25, 2005
carina said:
It is good that you dont need to sell anything etc, but the fact remain, you will not get replies at all on emails. There are many foreigners already here knocking on doors every day wanting a job. IF they need a foreigner to work, those are the ones getting the jobs..
So still, if you really want to be here, you need to have some savings, you need to accept a commission based work in sales, you need to have your living arrangements fixed.
And you need to risk coming without having a job, and search for one while here. Not going to be easy, but it is the only way.

I did this when I left France to move in United States and I stayed 4 years in USA . I'am prepared mentaly and even if I am not successful getting a job right away it is not a big deal , I will create a company , I been in Santo Domingo , I do know what can be done , just need a little bit more time . I do not quit until I try , do , succeed or failed .


Mar 13, 2005
Then just follow your plans and go for it!
If you are in no rush to get a job you have a completely other situation.
Deside where you want to live, fix your residency, cedula, company and start to build your own future!
There are many possibilites in this country, allthough getting a job is not one of them. If you, on the other hand, can create a job for you, then the situation is another.

Good Luck! ;)