Good point about being done with the stupid insurance. But according to the migracion the website, renewal of permanent residency requires yet another medical exam. That's even more expensive than the insurance. And it seems unnecessary, particularly if it has only been a year since submitting to the last medical exam. I have the good fortune of being healthy and I have no concerns about passing any medical exam, but I don't like the inconvenience and the cost. The application fee for 1 year of permanant residency is also far more expensive than simply renewing temporary residency - 16,800 pesos versus 7,000 pesos.
One more question. Some have suggested that a person needs to have a Dominican 'guarantor' to qualify for permanent residency. I am assuming that a copy of the deed for my condo will be sufficient to guarantee financial stability. I do not have a Dominican bank account nor will I ever have one. I will not ask anybody to be a guarantor for me nor will I use a lawyer. According to the migracion website, a copy of the deed to my property should be sufficient to prove financial stability. But then again, the migracion website also says that the first permanent residency is for 2 years, so apparently none of the information on their website can be relied on. Will proof of ownership of property in this country suffice for financial stability?