German tourism has fallen more than 50%


New member
Oct 21, 2004
The change is indeed noticeable. Few years ago some AI resorts were completely dominated by German tourists, nowadays it is more mixed. Perhaps a new wave of Italian, American and others simply took the place of the reduced German tourists.


Dec 1, 2006
Has the DR changed that much in 7 years? Have people suddenly decided to become rude and throw garbage out the window in the last 7 years?

Cocaine/crack was big in the 80/90s. Is the correlation perhaps that the Dominicans from New York are getting out of prison and in the last 7 years they have been deported and are the cause???? I'm not seeing it.

I'm not seeing how a country has become ruder in 7 years. Maybe over 30 years but not 7.

There has to be other reasons why Germans aren't coming. Maybe the economy is not doing that well in Germany and they aren't travelling as much???? I don't know that much about Germany.

Maybe the putas aren't as cheap and "naive" as they used to be???


On Vacation!
Dec 8, 2003
Sign of Wealth

...Have people suddenly decided to become rude and throw garbage out the window in the last 7 years?
Well, isn't that a sign of progress and a better economy?
More consumption - more rubbish.

And mind you, a few years back, many didn't even have car windows to throw their garbage out.... ;)

Pa'lante que vamos!



On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
7 years ago prices were a lot different and resort had a lot more specials to attract more Euro tourist, now days we are becoming a high end destination and attracting more North American tourist.
May 5, 2007
There has to be other reasons why Germans aren't coming. Maybe the economy is not doing that well in Germany and they aren't travelling as much???? I don't know that much about Germany.

Left feet

The German economy is doing quite well, in fact their currency (Euro) is at historic highs against the USD and they are traveling in great numbers to the USA

I think the Peso is pretty much "dollar based" so I would think the Euro would receive a very favorable exchange and make it cheap for German tourists to visit the DR?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2004
It may be that there have been an increase of higher spending short time visitors that makes the DR less attractive for the longer stay budget minded traveler. A few years ago, many of my coworkers didn't anything about the country now several have visited multiple times. If this has led to resorts catering to these kind of tourist then that may have led to longer stay more budget minded tourist to go elsewhere or to go to destinations closer but equally priced.

Has the DR changed that much in 7 years? Have people suddenly decided to become rude and throw garbage out the window in the last 7 years? ....

....There has to be other reasons why Germans aren't coming. Maybe the economy is not doing that well in Germany and they aren't travelling as much???? I don't know that much about Germany.


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
7 years ago prices were a lot different and resort had a lot more specials to attract more Euro tourist, now days we are becoming a high end destination and attracting more North American tourist.

The Germans that were coming to the North Coast in large numbers were "working class" people. Secretaries, policemen, factory workers, lower level white-collar workers. The professional/managerial class went to Bavaro, etc, on the east coast.

The Germans on the north coast were here because it was about the cheapest place to go at that time. They bought an all inclusive package in Germany and did almost nothing for the businesses off the hotel grounds. Many brought almost no money with them, having bought their all inclusive plan before they left home.

The Germans on the north coast were seen by the Dominicans as being cheap. When they spoke of Germans, they knocked their elbow with their fist, if you know what that means.

I am not saying all Germans on the North Coast were that way, but the large majority were.

Resorts that wanted Germans had to give the tour operators who brought them such low prices that it required almost 100% occupancy to just break even.

If those Germans aren't coming to the DR these days, it is because it has become more expensive. Now that more North Americans are coming, there is no need to offer prices below cost to fill the hotels.

If the hotels still have high occupancy rates, and if they are charging higher prices than when the Germans were coming in large numbers, I say this is a change for the better. Now, hopefully, resort properties will be better maintained, businesses off the hotel property will see more clients, and the general economic climate of the area will improve.

Don Juan

Living Brain Donor
Dec 5, 2003
Let's not speculate on why Germans stopped coming. The real reason is obvious: There are rampant murders and those that do the killings, when prosecuted, walk out of prison after serving little time, to kill some more.

There are mountains of garbage everywhere and the government won't allocated money to clean up our cities!

Until the gov jackasses admit the obvious and do something, (wishful thinking), we'll always be another back-water, third-world, crime ridden, dirty little pig sty of a country!

Lack of order, cleanliness and security= another Haiti. And who wants to go there?


Aug 29, 2005
Increased crime, garbage, and political corruption??? No way... You think these factors have gotten worse since Hipolito left office??? German tourism on the North Coast has decreased because prices have gone up. Period. Just look at Jardin Deportivo, just east of Cabarete... it was an almost 100% german enclave with VERY low priced hotels. Owned by Germans...for Germans. The average price for all-inclusive was less than $25 per night. As soon as the Hoteliers raised their prices to try to just BREAK EVEN, the Germans stopped coming. The entire area is now depressed with almost all hotels empty, closed and for sale...its like a ghost town...A few exceptions, of course, Like Casa Blanca, Costa Verde, and the "new hotel" with the rainbow flags... but these were properties bought or built after the collapse by people trying to re-vitalize the area. The crime increased after the Germans stopped coming.

calling the DR "another Haiti" is stupid...c'mon... who pee'd in your cornflakes this morning?

and DonJuan, to answer your question, "who wants to go there"?

Answer: More people than ever before, and more people than anywhere else in the Caribbean...except maybe... GERMANS!


The Germans that were coming to the North Coast in large numbers were "working class" people. Secretaries, policemen, factory workers, lower level white-collar workers. The professional/managerial class went to Bavaro, etc, on the east coast.

The Germans on the north coast were here because it was about the cheapest place to go at that time. They bought an all inclusive package in Germany and did almost nothing for the businesses off the hotel grounds. Many brought almost no money with them, having bought their all inclusive plan before they left home.

The Germans on the north coast were seen by the Dominicans as being cheap. When they spoke of Germans, they knocked their elbow with their fist, if you know what that means.

I am not saying all Germans on the North Coast were that way, but the large majority were.

Resorts that wanted Germans had to give the tour operators who brought them such low prices that it required almost 100% occupancy to just break even.

If those Germans aren't coming to the DR these days, it is because it has become more expensive. Now that more North Americans are coming, there is no need to offer prices below cost to fill the hotels.

If the hotels still have high occupancy rates, and if they are charging higher prices than when the Germans were coming in large numbers, I say this is a change for the better. Now, hopefully, resort properties will be better maintained, businesses off the hotel property will see more clients, and the general economic climate of the area will improve.

I cannot disagree. For business owners american crowd that stupidly overpays for everything for sure is a very good thing.
But the end result very soon will be another Costa Rica or Puerto Rico with astronomical prices and spoiled local population.

On the other hand, Germans or other sophysticated people can be wisely present in native areas for decades without damaging markets and spoiling paradises. Americans cannot. Not trained to think independently and critically.


New member
Aug 28, 2004
Ambassador Kohler's comments were heartfelt

Ambassador Kohler's comments were heartfelt and require honest reflection by his Dominican counterparts, not the kind of "So's yer old man!" weenie response by the ministers that responded.

I can't recall hearing ambassadors giving such scoldings to their host countries anywhere.

His comments follow those the ambassadors of Spain, France and the United States. These are sober, reflective diplomats representing serious major world powers. To stand on a garbage heap and yammer "So's yer old man!" isn't playing the game as a player worthy of respect.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2004
So only German tourists care about these things? So all the American tourists that I travelled with (full planes) during high season are not concerned about crime. Yeah OK.

Let's not speculate on why Germans stopped coming. The real reason is obvious: There are rampant murders and those that do the killings, when prosecuted, walk out of prison after serving little time, to kill some more.

There are mountains of garbage everywhere and the government won't allocated money to clean up our cities!

Until the gov jackasses admit the obvious and do something, (wishful thinking), we'll always be another back-water, third-world, crime ridden, dirty little pig sty of a country!

Lack of order, cleanliness and security= another Haiti. And who wants to go there?


So only German tourists care about these things? So all the American tourists that I travelled with (full planes) during high season are not concerned about crime. Yeah OK.

For most of those american tourists going to DR is the only opportunity to have sex.

Germans are allowed to have plenty of sex in their country so they can look beyond this basic instinct.


New member
Jul 13, 2005
For most of those american tourists going to DR is the only opportunity to have sex.

Germans are allowed to have plenty of sex in their country so they can look beyond this basic instinct.

Are you serious..........I think you better get some data to back up that stupid assumption.
BTW is see enough fat German slobs in Sosua with little girls to know different.


Dec 1, 2006
I think that Ken hit the nail on the head. You shouldn't generalize but..... Germans aren't going to stop coming to a place because of trash and attitude. My heritage is German and we are a very frugal people!!!

It's all about cost to them. Of course not everyone.

I go with Ken's post!!!!I'm sure the Germans aren't happy about the trash and the not so "friendly" ????? people but it's the $$$$$$$

Putas cost more these days. God forbid you should have to pay top peso for sex-- what a concept!


Jan 1, 2002
For most of those american tourists going to DR is the only opportunity to have sex.

Germans are allowed to have plenty of sex in their country so they can look beyond this basic instinct.

Anyone who was here a few years ago knows that the influx of prostitutes coincides with the arrival of German tourists. "At least on the North Coast". The Americans are just taking over where the Germans left off. Both of them have spoiled the hookers. The rates whent from 150 pesos to 1000+ overnight for a UBH. "Brings tears to ones eyes. LOL."