7 years ago prices were a lot different and resort had a lot more specials to attract more Euro tourist, now days we are becoming a high end destination and attracting more North American tourist.
The Germans that were coming to the North Coast in large numbers were "working class" people. Secretaries, policemen, factory workers, lower level white-collar workers. The professional/managerial class went to Bavaro, etc, on the east coast.
The Germans on the north coast were here because it was about the cheapest place to go at that time. They bought an all inclusive package in Germany and did almost nothing for the businesses off the hotel grounds. Many brought almost no money with them, having bought their all inclusive plan before they left home.
The Germans on the north coast were seen by the Dominicans as being cheap. When they spoke of Germans, they knocked their elbow with their fist, if you know what that means.
I am not saying all Germans on the North Coast were that way, but the large majority were.
Resorts that wanted Germans had to give the tour operators who brought them such low prices that it required almost 100% occupancy to just break even.
If those Germans aren't coming to the DR these days, it is because it has become more expensive. Now that more North Americans are coming, there is no need to offer prices below cost to fill the hotels.
If the hotels still have high occupancy rates, and if they are charging higher prices than when the Germans were coming in large numbers, I say this is a change for the better. Now, hopefully, resort properties will be better maintained, businesses off the hotel property will see more clients, and the general economic climate of the area will improve.